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Temat: Warren Buffett: nie zatrudniaj osoby które nie mają cechę...
Warren Buffett Says If You Hire People on Intelligence but They Lack This Other Trait, Don't BotherHiring people on this trait will make leaders sleep well at night. Warren Buffett gave some great advice a few years ago on key attributes to look for when considering job candidates. He narrowed it down to three, but one is purely non-negotiable. Buffet said:
You're looking for three things, generally, in a person: intelligence, energy, and integrity. And if they don't have the last one, don't even bother with the first two.
Osoby do zatrudnienia powinni być: inteligentni, energetycznie i UCZCIWI - jeśli nie mają tej trzeciej cechy nie zatrudniaj ich!