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Temat: 10 Things Managers Should Never Ask Employees to Do

10 Things Managers Should Never Ask Employees to Do

In the United States, unless you have an employment contract, a manager can require an employee to do just about anything that's legal.

Anything You Wouldn't Do

Cancel a Vacation

Work Off the Clock

Falsify Records
Again, an obvious no-no, but it happens all of the time. It's rarely big things, like falsifying documents to embezzle millions of dollars (although that does happen).
It's usually the little things—like the date received on a document, or sending a vendor an email saying that the check is in the mail when it's not. You and your employees should strive for 100 percent honesty. Don't ask them to lie for you.

Take the Fall for You

You tell your employee to do X, and it's a failure. When your boss calls you on it, do you say, “I'll speak to Jane about that and make sure that it never happens again.” Or, do you say the right thing, which is, “It was my idea.



I take full responsibility.”
So many bosses do the former. It's understandable—it's a self-preservation reflex—but it's wrong. Your mistake, your consequence. And, that goes for a lot of things you didn't specifically authorize or request either. Your department is your responsibility. It is never okay to throw employees under the bus—even if they made the error.

Work Crazy Hours

Put Up With an Abusive Customer ...
