Denisa Kolarczyková

Denisa Kolarczyková Aniball - project

Temat: Czeska firma szuka osoby do wspólpracy

Dear madams, sirs,

My name is Richard Zich and together with my wife Renata Zichova we are founders of company RR Medical s.r.o. which was established in Czech republic two years ago to promote a medical device „Aniball“ intended for exercising and preparing pregnant women for easier and natural birth. During last year we have promtoted this device on the markets of Czech republic and Slovakia, with great succes and practically 100% positive feedback from the clients. It is now proven by several thousands of satisifed women that this product really brings very positive difference when it comes to duration of second stage of birth labor, reduced necessity for medication and overall improved approach to the birth process by pregnant women. Please refer to usefull information and client´s comments on our web site for Poland .
We have recently started to promote this unique device on the market of Poland through several marketing channels among which I can name advertising in printed and electronic magazines, meetings with professional assitants at „szkoly rodzenia“ in several cities close to Czech border, and other active promotinos through possible selling points and eshops. Because the market of Poland is really huge we are at this moment looking for experienced professionals or company who is working in this field and would be interested to participate on this project in Poland. There is a great potential in this device, so we prefer only skilled individuals who have variety of contacts and means of „spreading the word“ to the right people and places through all available marketing chanells – media, internet,“szkoly rodzenia“ maternity centers, hospitals, gynaecologies etc.. to make this item a success in Poland as well. This is an unique opportunity to become part of a distribution chain of a product which has a great future, because it has proven to be very helpful to pregnant women, bringing them easier and more positive experience from giving birth to a child.
If you are interested in this project, please introduce yourself briefly by email and summarize your capabilities and advantages that you may offer to promote and distribute this product on the market of Poland. We are looking forward to hear from you soon.
Thank you for your time.

S pozdravem / best regards

Richard Zich
jednatel / general manager

Jihlavská 7, 664 41 Troubsko
IČ:27710157 DIČ:CZ27710157
tel.: +420 736 759 227