Giuseppe Ruffo

Giuseppe Ruffo Senior HR Specialist
| Data Analyst |
Master Data

Temat: Hi! I'm Italian and I've a question for you

Hi my name is Giuseppe, I'm Italian and I'm looking for an opportunity in your country.
I've also a question for you: which kind of CV do you use when you apply for a company? (example: Normal, European, Europass etc).

Thank you for the answer
Tomasz M.

Tomasz M. Dyrektor, Bulk
Trading Polska Sp. z

Temat: Hi! I'm Italian and I've a question for you

Hi Giuseppe; it depends probably on the type of the company but if they decide to employ a foreigner, they shall accept European type of CV...good luck then:)!
Giuseppe Ruffo

Giuseppe Ruffo Senior HR Specialist
| Data Analyst |
Master Data

Temat: Hi! I'm Italian and I've a question for you

Thank you for the answer! I've already prepared a "normal" cv, now I will write European/europass one :s.
Tomasz M.

Tomasz M. Dyrektor, Bulk
Trading Polska Sp. z

Temat: Hi! I'm Italian and I've a question for you

So again, I wish you a good luck and let us know, if you succedded to be employed in Poland:)
Giuseppe Ruffo

Giuseppe Ruffo Senior HR Specialist
| Data Analyst |
Master Data

Temat: Hi! I'm Italian and I've a question for you

Thank you again for your kindness and I wish you good luck too :)
Giuseppe Ruffo

Giuseppe Ruffo Senior HR Specialist
| Data Analyst |
Master Data

Temat: Hi! I'm Italian and I've a question for you

Other questions:
1) in your opinion what is the cheaper and more expensivie town among lodz, wroclav and warsav?
2) what is the brutto minumum wage to live in these towns?

Anna S.

Anna S. Doradca zawodowy /
specjalista ds.
szkoleń , rozwoju

Temat: Hi! I'm Italian and I've a question for you

Europass isn't so popular in Poland. Some public institutions prefer this kind of CV but very rarely.
Apart from this, I think you can also send the Europass to many companies. There isn't any imposed template of CV The most important thing is to include a clause:

Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych zawartych w mojej ofercie pracy dla potrzeb niezbędnych do realizacji procesu rekrutacji (zgodnie z Ustawą z dnia 29.08.1997 roku o Ochronie Danych Osobowych; tekst jednolity: Dz. U. z 2002r. Nr 101, poz. 926 ze zm.).

or in English
I hereby give consent for my personal data included in my application to be processed for the purposes of the recruitment process under the Personal Data Protection Act as of 29 August 1997, consolidated text: Journal of Laws 2002, No. 101, item 926 as amended.Ten post został edytowany przez Autora dnia 18.04.15 o godzinie 12:32
Giuseppe Ruffo

Giuseppe Ruffo Senior HR Specialist
| Data Analyst |
Master Data

Temat: Hi! I'm Italian and I've a question for you

Probably you won't believe it but I have been searching this clause :)
ty for your answer, so europass could be good for a multinational company?

konto usunięte

Temat: Hi! I'm Italian and I've a question for you

Giuseppe R.:
Other questions:
1) in your opinion what is the cheaper and more expensivie town among lodz, wroclav and warsav?

In my opinion much expensive city is Warsaw, next is Wrocław and on third place I put Łódź

Warsaw is capitol so price are big, normal thing

This is only opinion, nothing more
2) what is the brutto minumum wage to live in these towns?

I don't know other, my nearest city in Poland is Wrocław...

So if you want rent some apartment I think cheapest not special first class, maybe little far away from centrum you can get for I think from 1.200 Polish Złoty,

Middle class is more like a this 1200 something 1500-1800 going to 2400 per month

Better place cost more like this 2400 ZŁ
Giuseppe Ruffo

Giuseppe Ruffo Senior HR Specialist
| Data Analyst |
Master Data

Temat: Hi! I'm Italian and I've a question for you

Thank you for the answer, very kind. Currently I'm looking for a job opportunity in these towns, I hope to find something that allow me to grow and to survive in town ;)

konto usunięte

Temat: Hi! I'm Italian and I've a question for you

Giuseppe R.:
Thank you for the answer, very kind. Currently I'm looking for a job opportunity in these towns, I hope to find something that allow me to grow and to survive in town ;)

Good luck...

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