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Temat: Opening franchising in Malopolska

Dear all,

Sorry for the topic in english but I dont speak polish so well. I live in Krakow and would like to be a franchisee. I dont have the money on my hands, does anyone here knows wich banks provide credit for franchising here in Poland without a big burocracy?

Also is there any problem to be a franchisee being a person or I would need to open a company for franchising administration?

Any help would be great!

Many thanks in advance,
Radoslaw R.

Radoslaw R. Senior Mechanical
Design Engineer ☞
Project Manager ☞

Temat: Opening franchising in Malopolska

As far as I am aware there is only one bank that is offering such finance - Deutsche Bank. I did not contacted them yet so I don't know any details, requirements etc.

To have your own franchise you need to open a company.

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