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Temat: Witam wszystkich zainteresowanych marketingiem sieciowym.


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Temat: Witam wszystkich zainteresowanych marketingiem sieciowym.


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Temat: Witam wszystkich zainteresowanych marketingiem sieciowym.

Piotr Ślusarczyk:
Amway received a huge fine for tax fraud in Canada, the largest ever levied at that time.

CBS 60 Minutes and NBC Dateline have done devastating exposés of Amway-related deception in recruitment and income promises.
One state in India has brought criminal fraud charges against Amway.

Prosecutors in England came within a hair of driving Amway out of the UK. A judge decided to allow it to continue to operate, but he imposed two fatal restrictions on it: lowered prices and no more "tools" business. Price gouging and foisting phony "motivation" CDs and seminars on new recruits to fund the "Top Guns" are pillars of Amway's model.

In the USA, Amway was prosecuted by the state of Wisconsin that found that 99% of all distributors were losing money. This is exactly the same loss rate the UK officials calculated that English consumers suffered every year for 30 years!

In North America today Amway is the target of large class action cases brought by distributors in the US, charging that Amway is a fraud. A second similar case has been brought in Canada.

Despite threats and lawsuits, consumers have published multiple websites detailing deception, false income claims, bogus testimonials, and massive consumer losses.
Amway's extensive political lobbying and influence-buying, especially its close ties to the Bush Administration, and the conflicts of interest with FTC officials have been exposed.

Amway is in multiple litigations to stop its distributors from moving to other MLMs. The MLM scheme, Monavie, has pulled away thousands of former Amway distributors, including a number of top gun recruiters.
Some of Amway's former "top gun" distributors have gone public and admitted in court cases that Amway is an illegal pyramid scheme, with a near 100% dropout rate, and that less than 5% of its products are ever retailed. This means that Amway's profits come directly and almost totally from the lost investments of the salespeople, not from sales to the public. They also admit that the high incomes and lavish lifestyles of the upline that are paraded in front of new recruits to demonstrate that Amway "works" are in fact a fraud. The money actually comes from selling the recruits "motivation and training" tools, not from earning commissions on Amway sales.

Amway's multi-tiered business model has now been banned in China, closing off its last geographic market to continue the pyramid expansion
Leszek Niewiński

Leszek Niewiński Właściciel
Finanse i

Temat: Witam wszystkich zainteresowanych marketingiem sieciowym.

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Michał Pośpiech

Michał Pośpiech Partner, SKY'S

Temat: Witam wszystkich zainteresowanych marketingiem sieciowym.

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