Inwestycyjny, Makler
Temat: Wymogi formalne do wpisu na listę CFA
Myślę o zdawaniu na CFA, ale trapi mnie kwestia wymogu posiadania cn. 4 lat doświadczenia zawodowego w zarządzaniu aktywami - czy jest to wymóg bezwzględny, tj. czy wpisanym na listę CFA może być tylko asset manager albo DI zarządzający funduszem? Przypuszczam, że w Polsce osób z tytułem CFA jest więcej niż DI (licząc proporcjonalnie do liczby CFA na świecie). Może wystarczy być analitykiem sporządzającym rekomendacje albo po prostu mieć odpowiedni staż pracy w instytucji finansowej? Poniżej zamieszczam odpowiedź CFA Institute na moje zapytanie, ale chodzi mi o praktykę a nie suche przepisy:Dear Marcin Bielicki,
Thank you for your interest in CFA Institute. Because of the large number of applicants and candidates in the CFA Program, CFA Institute is unable to provide pre-determinations or advice regarding work experience prior to the membership application process. Acceptable work experience for regular membership in CFA Institute and award of the CFA charter involves spending 50% or more of your time evaluating or applying financial, economic and/or statistical data as part of the investment decision-making process involving securities or similar investments, which includes, publicly traded and privately placed stocks, bonds and mortgages and their derivatives; commodity-based derivatives and mutual funds; and other investment assets, such as real estate and commodities, if these other investment assets are held as part of a diversified, securities-oriented investment portfolio; supervising persons who conduct such activities; or teaching such activities.
To determine whether your specific background meets the definition of acceptable work experience, and to view sample job titles, please carefully review the work experience guidelines.
The best way for an applicant to learn whether or not he/she qualifies for Regular membership based on work experience is to submit a membership application online. There is no obligation to activate the membership.
More details about CFA Institute membership are available online.
We hope the above information is helpful to you.
Best regards,
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