Marcin Nowak

Marcin Nowak Handel B2B

Temat: Szkolenie w Japonii

Szkolenie w Japonii
Krajowa Izba Gospodarcza informuje, że Centrum Współpracy Przemysłowej Unia Europejska-Japonia w Brukseli organizuje miesięczne szkolenie w Japonii, które rozpocznie się 16 maja 2011r.

4-week long programme from 16 May to 10 June 2011 or 17 June 2011 (5th week is optional) provides lectures on the current Japanese market, economy, legal aspects of doing business in Japan, cross - cultural issues, company visits, negotiation simulation session together with Japanese managers and regional trip in order to give a foothold for EU companies who are interested in entering into the Japanese market or for companies who want to strengthen their relationship with Japanese partners.

Application deadline on 17 February 2011

To help to cover the living expenses in Japan - the European Commission (Directorate General for Enterprise) grants EUR 3.000 scholarships to participants from SMEs ("Small and Medium-sized Enterprises").

Conditions in brief: maximum 250 employees and maximum turnover € 50 million (or a balance sheet no greater than € 43 million) and minimum 75% financial independence.

Participant's company is expected to cover:
- SMEs: tuition free (Non-SMEs: 2000 EUR including tuition fee, conferences, seminars, transportation during the course, etc.)
- Air fare to/from Japan
- Accommodation (we usually make a group reservation for all participants)
- Living expenses such as food and other cost not directly covered by the EU-Japan Centre.

Application form and further information available on website: