Marcin Nowak

Marcin Nowak Handel B2B

Temat: Top 15 Biggest Chinese Websites

Top 15 Biggest Chinese Websites

Google recently released the Top1000 of the most popular websites through Google Ad Planner. Among these numerous websites, the Chinese one have been selected for this ranking that takes into account the number of unique visitors per month, the percentage of attendance and the number of unique pages viewed per month.
In this TOP 1000 we found quite a few Chinese-ranked site, in fact the number of Chinese Internet users (about 400 million today) has much to do.

Here is the list of the largest Chinese websites:

1. 8th – Baidu, the Chinese search engine that could save even positions with the departure of Google China
2. 9th – QQ, a sort of social network offering instant messaging, blogs, micro-blogging, online games …
3. 11th – Sina, information portal
4. 15th –, information portal and other services
5. 16th – Taobao, the Chinese eBay who has, unlike eBay, its turnover exploding. Impressive Platform by the diversity of its products.
6. 17th – Soso, search engine used less than Baidu
7. 19th – Youku, online video streaming where you can watch full movies (even the recent one)!
8. 21st – Sohu, information portal
9. 28th – Tudou, another online video streaming
10. 33rd – Tianya, information portal and largest Chinese Forum
11. 36th – Hao123, search engine
12. 38th – Xunlei, website of the popular download software of the same name. We find a multitude of movies, albums, books …
13. 46th – Sogou, search engine and information portal
14. 47th – 56, video streaming
15. 52nd – ku6, video streaming

ChiniTech – source Marketing-Chine

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Temat: Top 15 Biggest Chinese Websites

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