Marcin Nowak Handel B2B
Temat: Jak zamówić bezpłatne próbki towarów poprzez
Jak zamówić bezpłatne próbki towarów poprzez Alibaba.com
How it works
Search, Contact and Send
Now you can request free samples from suppliers to gain the trust you need in the quality of the product
and the legitimacy of the manufacturer.
Here's how requesting free samples works:
Browse our free samples section or do a search using the searchbox at the top of the page to find products you'd like to request a free sample for.
Use the CONTACT NOW button on the product description or search results pages to send a free samples request.
Compose and send your request. Products in our free samples section are already preapproved as free or discounted samples.
Tip: Clarify the shipping payee and the cost (or lack thereof) of the sample in your message. Terms are often negotiable.
Frequently Ask Questions
Do all suppliers offer sample orders?
Answer: All the samples shown in our free section are either free or available at a discounted rate. Many suppliers are also open to providing samples for products found outside of our free samples promotion, or may adjust their minimum purchase quantities if they are not able to offer sample orders.
Is there a general template I can reference when composing my samples request to a supplier?
Dear Sir or Madam;
My name is ______________ and I am interested in placing a sample order for _____(insert product number and name)_____. Please provide the information below at your earliest convenience.
1. Cost of Sample, if any
2. Minimum order quantity for a sample order
3. Type of packaging
4. Acceptable shipping methods
5. Shipping costs
6. Delivery Time
Please feel free to contact me if you'd like me to provide you with any additional information.
In general, which party pays for the shipping costs?
Answer: Most sample products are shipped FOB. This means the recipient is responsible for shipping method and shipping charges.
In general, how many units are included within a sample order?
Answer: Most sample orders contain within one to five units. However, this amount varies for different products and different suppliers.
How do I know whether or not my requested sample is approved for shipping to my location?
Answer: You may consider asking the supplier if they can provide documented proof that they are an authorized supplier for your particular region of the world. This may include asking the supplier to provide you with certificates of authorization from original copyright holders, as well as asking them for business telephone references in your part of the world.
What if I need to return my sample order?
Answer: Most sample orders are of such a small size that there are usually no provisions for returning the product. However, if you would like an option to return the sample order, the arrangement should be documented within agreements between you and supplier first.
Can I expect the supplier to add custom labeling or art work to my sample order?
Answer: Generally speaking, this type of request is not unusual. However, be prepared to pay a premium fee for any value-added work performed on a small sample order.
What type of packaging can I expect with my sample order?
Answer: Unless otherwise specified, most sample orders are shipped in bulk type packing material, and are not individually packaged for resale. If you expect individual packaging suitable for resale, the arrangement should be documented between you and the supplier first.
Have a question but don't see it in the FAQ?Let us know by email and we'll answer it for you!
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