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Temat: Pani Ola's latest article: "It cracks me up":

Pani Ola's latest article on stereotyping, "It cracks me up."

I'd be interested to know to what extent her article in the Guardian newspaper differs from her blog article on the same subject:



Can anyone please, in the name of God, tell me why the Guardian employ this ridiculous woman as a columnist. Is this really the best Poland has to offer to English readers?warren whitmore edytował(a) ten post dnia 12.04.08 o godzinie 23:20

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Temat: Pani Ola's latest article: "It cracks me up":

What cracks me up is the fact that with each article she keeps exposing the size of the box that she's been raised in. Unreal, to not notice the resentment that Poles have for the Russians... I mean, she must have been raised in some sort of a suspended animation and fed information through sesame street.Rafal Wolk edytował(a) ten post dnia 12.04.08 o godzinie 23:46

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Temat: Pani Ola's latest article: "It cracks me up":

Rafal, I'd be interested if you could comment on how what she wrote in the Guardian differs from the comments on her blog.

I 'kind of' understand Polish, but not 100%.

Temat: Pani Ola's latest article: "It cracks me up":

To stir things up I must tell you that one of her "British articles" was publised in our local newspaper in Poznań. She's becoming popular. :)

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Temat: Pani Ola's latest article: "It cracks me up":

Alicja Efejska:
To stir things up I must tell you that one of her "British articles" was publised in our local newspaper in Poznań. She's becoming popular. :)

Which one?

Temat: Pani Ola's latest article: "It cracks me up":

warren whitmore:
Alicja Efejska:
To stir things up I must tell you that one of her "British articles" was publised in our local newspaper in Poznań. She's becoming popular. :)

Which one?

The one saying that more and more British men marry Polish women and she was explaining why. ???

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Temat: Pani Ola's latest article: "It cracks me up":

She can do no wrong as far as I'm concerned.Joj Y. edytował(a) ten post dnia 13.04.08 o godzinie 00:07

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Temat: Pani Ola's latest article: "It cracks me up":

Alicja Efejska:
warren whitmore:
Alicja Efejska:
To stir things up I must tell you that one of her "British articles" was publised in our local newspaper in Poznań. She's becoming popular. :)

Which one?

The one saying that more and more British men marry Polish women and she was explaining why. ???

Could you link to it .....

It might be worth discussing.

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Temat: Pani Ola's latest article: "It cracks me up":

Can anyone please, in the name of God, tell me why the Guardian employ this ridiculous woman as a columnist. Is this really the best Poland has to offer to English readers?warren whitmore edytował(a) ten post dnia 12.04.08 o godzinie 23:20

A very good question, Warren. Actually, the basic question one should ask oneself before wasting any more time on pani Ola's "writing" (equally rubbish, empty and tragically error-infested in the Polish language).
I think I know the reason why they publish her, but I can't make your life easier... Just check facts on GL and draw conclusions.
It didn't take me long.

Temat: Pani Ola's latest article: "It cracks me up":

warren whitmore:
Alicja Efejska:
warren whitmore:
Alicja Efejska:
To stir things up I must tell you that one of her "British articles" was publised in our local newspaper in Poznań. She's becoming popular. :)

Which one?

The one saying that more and more British men marry Polish women and she was explaining why. ???

Could you link to it .....

It might be worth discussing.

I'm afraid I can't because it was in the newspaper. I realy had a laugh when I found it. It was written that it was one of her articles she wrote in GB, then there were a lot of praizing her achievements comments from the editor.

Temat: Pani Ola's latest article: "It cracks me up":

Wendy Tweed:
Can anyone please, in the name of God, tell me why the Guardian employ this ridiculous woman as a columnist. Is this really the best Poland has to offer to English readers?warren whitmore edytował(a) ten post dnia 12.04.08 o godzinie 23:20

A very good question, Warren. Actually, the basic question one should ask oneself before wasting any more time on pani Ola's "writing" (equally rubbish, empty and tragically error-infested in the Polish language).
I think I know the reason why they publish her, but I can't make your life easier... Just check facts on GL and draw conclusions.
It didn't take me long.

I didn't get it. Why do they publish her, sister? I think I don't know...

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Temat: Pani Ola's latest article: "It cracks me up":

Some of the comments on pani Ola's blog appear quite nasty.


Shouldn't some of the commentators seriously consider returning from whence they came if they don't happen to like it 'here'?

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Temat: Pani Ola's latest article: "It cracks me up":

warren whitmore:
Some of the comments on pani Ola's blog appear quite nasty.


Shouldn't some of the commentators seriously consider returning from whence they came if they don't happen to like it 'here'?

I just can't believe how a social anthropologist can be so arrogant, ignorant and prejudiced. She does not accept any criticism and is convinced of her rightness. Here's a fragment of the text published on her blog commenting on her articles and raeders' comments on the Guardian:

... "English for dummies", kiedy zostalam zlinczowana przez brytyjskich wybranych nieuków (i niektorych polskich). Potem poczytalam Paxmana, doznalam olsnienia i zaczeło mi sie w glowie układac pare rzeczy, choc nadal za malo. Najbardziej fascynuje mnie to, ze trafilam w dziesiątkę, jesi sie czytelnicy tego bloga przyjrzą niektórym komentarzom bardziej wnikliwie.Patrycja P. edytował(a) ten post dnia 13.04.08 o godzinie 14:43

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Temat: Pani Ola's latest article: "It cracks me up":

It would be nice were you to translate.

I get the drift, but not necessarily the exact meaning.

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Temat: Pani Ola's latest article: "It cracks me up":

If I can summarise her views:

An English journalist tells her 'instrumentalisation' is not a recognised English word.

Rather than take the man's word for it, pani Ola writes an article in the Guardian about how badly English people speak English.

About 700 people reply telling her 'instrumentalisation' is not a word in English.

Rather than taking their word for it, she somehow gets it into her head that the English do not use the word 'instrumentalisation' because of inverse snobbery, and not for the simple and obvious reason that 'instrumentalisation' is not a word in English.

(Why write 'instrumentalisation' when 'use' does the job just as efficiently?).

Wouldn't it have been simpler for her just to accept that she got it wrong.

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Temat: Pani Ola's latest article: "It cracks me up":

warren whitmore:
It would be nice were you to translate.

I get the drift, but not necessarily the exact meaning.

It goes more or less like this:

After publishing "English for dummies" I was lynched by some British (and Polish) dunces. Then I read Paxman, got illuminated and some things started to be clear, but still it wasn't enough.
The most fascinating thing is that I struck home - if you take a closer look at some of the comments.Patrycja P. edytował(a) ten post dnia 13.04.08 o godzinie 14:44

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Temat: Pani Ola's latest article: "It cracks me up":

In a sense, pani Ola's articles are representing the views of Polish people to a British audience.

Are Polish members happy to be represented in such a way?

Couldn't a letter be sent to the Guardian distancing goldenline members from pani Ola's opinions?

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Temat: Pani Ola's latest article: "It cracks me up":

warren whitmore:
In a sense, pani Ola's articles are representing the views of Polish people to a British audience.

Are Polish members happy to be represented in such a way?

Couldn't a letter be sent to the Guardian distancing goldenline members from pani Ola's opinions?

Well, we can try, but aren't the editors of the Guardian aware of the fact that she writes bullocks? I guess they are pretty much capable of drawing their own conclusions after reading her articles and all the comments. I believe they do not care whether she's right or wrong, whether she represents Polish people's opinions or not, whether she's ignorant, arrogant or not. They must be aware of all those things and I presume they are perfectly happy with that. Her writing is controversial, shows that Polish educated immigrants are dumb and snobbish and it keeps people reading it. Do you think they care about anything else? I doubt it.

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Temat: Pani Ola's latest article: "It cracks me up":

Most likely whoever is in charge of the Guardian would have little idea as to whether her opinions are representative of Polish people generally. Quite possibly it would be assumed that they are. And the Guardian readership may assume much the same.

That is, unless they are informed otherwise.

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Temat: Pani Ola's latest article: "It cracks me up":

You really hate Pani Ola, guys, eh?

I wonder what you will say about her other blog:


(btw I don't feel she represents me in any way...)

Norman Davis writes about Polish history with enthusiasm and fascination - does it mean that his attitude is representative of all the British people? IMHO very few British people share his knowledge of Poland, her history and culture.... I may be wrong, of course:)

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