Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Khamsa fi'il Ja'ma'a (Five for Friday) 30.10.2008


Thanks to Elżbieta Czoch (great surname) for these questions! All the way from Warszawa and she likes getting onto the back of a motorbike to get her out of that city fast I'm sure!

1. Why did join this group?
2. Do you have a pet?
3. What would you do if you won 10 MLN Euro?
4. Choose someone and justify your choice:
a) for men: Julia Roberts, Kate Blanchet, Doda
b) for women: Robert De Niro, John Malkovich, George Clooney
5. Do you like trekking?

And a bonus question from me, Steve:

6) Doing anything for Halloween?

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Temat: Khamsa fi'il Ja'ma'a (Five for Friday) 30.10.2008

Steve Jones:

Thanks to Elżbieta Czoch (great surname) for these questions! All the way from Warszawa and she likes getting onto the back of a motorbike to get her out of that city fast I'm sure!

1. Why did join this group?

Out of curiosity? I've stayed because I liked it .
2. Do you have a pet?
3. What would you do if you won 10 MLN Euro?
Firstly, I would pay my depts, then... I don't know.
4. Choose someone and justify your choice:
a) for men: Julia Roberts, Kate Blanchet, Doda
b) for women: Robert De Niro, John Malkovich, George Clooney
Clooney- I like him.
5. Do you like trekking?

And a bonus question from me, Steve:

6) Doing anything for Halloween?
For now, no.

P.S. How many languages do You speak/write, Steve???

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Temat: Khamsa fi'il Ja'ma'a (Five for Friday) 30.10.2008

Steve Jones:

Thanks to Elżbieta Czoch (great surname) for these questions! All the way from Warszawa and she likes getting onto the back of a motorbike to get her out of that city fast I'm sure!

1. Why did join this group?

I was made to join it. Warren is to blame.
2. Do you have a pet?

Yeah, a five-year-old. Right, a pet, not a pest. A cat owns me.
3. What would you do if you won 10 MLN Euro?

Invest some, and but that country cottage. I need to get away from it all. The first thing I'd do would be get presents for my nearest and dearest.
4. Choose someone and justify your choice:
a) for men: Julia Roberts, Kate Blanchet, Doda
b) for women: Robert De Niro, John Malkovich, George Clooney

I don't understand the question; but if I was to choose someone I'd like to go out with, I'd go for Julia Roberts, if she had a smaller mouth.

5. Do you like trekking?

Sure. I've done extreme trekking too, carrying a kid on my shoulders up and down a few hills and mountains.

And a bonus question from me, Steve:

6) Doing anything for Halloween?

The Jack O' is sitting on the balcony, we've drawn a few scary pictures, and are going to have a small party. If the party is fun, we might end up beheading the cat and sprinkling her blood all over my next door neighbor. Do watch the news tonight.
Anna S.

Anna S. IT recruitment and
Business Development
Consultant at

Temat: Khamsa fi'il Ja'ma'a (Five for Friday) 30.10.2008

six for sixday

1. Why did join this group?

Because I am a snob

2. Do you have a pet?

no, once had a fish it died soon

3. What would you do if you won 10 MLN Euro?

spend it?
invest it somewhere smartly (employ somebody to do it) and move to Goa

4. Choose someone and justify your choice:

Malkovich...but, can I have Jeremy Irons please....
btw, I could go with Gary Oldman too

5. Do you like trekking?

no, but I like watching photos from trekking in Nepal. Nepal would be fine tough if someone carried me so i could just enjoy my tea (bhang) on whatever peak it might be

And a bonus question from me, Steve:

6) Doing anything for Halloween?

Todays lesson for adults was horror movie (youtube) quiz. I was totally dissapointed because they didn't guess PSYCHO...I mean common...the shower scene? WTF is wrong with people
Malgorzata F.

Malgorzata F. Project Manager

Temat: Khamsa fi'il Ja'ma'a (Five for Friday) 30.10.2008

Steve Jones:
1. Why did join this group?

I like English and wanted to be able to communicate in it not only on a professional ground. But then I grew to love it as it is so witty, or rather people seem to be quite intelligent and wickedly witty and it's a great fun.

My star tip from this group so far is ''never eat a yellow snow'' which got me litterally rolling on the floor laughing. And basically you all pretty much make me laugh everyday. Keep on with a good work guys, please, it is so much appreciated :))

Love ya!
2. Do you have a pet?

Yep, two of them lovely creatures
3. What would you do if you won 10 MLN Euro?

Become a vet
4. Choose someone and justify your choice:
a) for men: Julia Roberts, Kate Blanchet, Doda
b) for women: Robert De Niro, John Malkovich, George Clooney

depends on what I was to choose them for...
5. Do you like trekking?

Not really, I think I would rather ride a bike, unless if it was going to be up a steep hill - then I would definitely prefer trekking :)
And a bonus question from me, Steve:

6) Doing anything for Halloween?

I would love to. But I probably won't...

That was my best Halloween ever - I'm second to none, but here I'm second to the left :)

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Temat: Khamsa fi'il Ja'ma'a (Five for Friday) 30.10.2008

Steve Jones:

Thanks to Elżbieta Czoch (great surname) for these questions! All the way from Warszawa and she likes getting onto the back of a motorbike to get her out of that city fast I'm sure!

1. Why did join this group?

Mainly 'cause it sucks to learn at least the basics of a given language and not use it everyday. Plus, after reading throughout the group posts, I've found most of them to be pretty interesting and/or clever.
2. Do you have a pet?

Yup, a wirehaired fox terrier, a gecko, a lobster and a shitload of fish. I'd say that the fish are the most intelligent of the whole bunch. Also, I'd consider eating the lobster, but I'm kinda afraid after feeding him with all the prepared food in pelleted form, God only knows what's in it. Still, after a few months, he's effin big!
3. What would you do if you won 10 MLN Euro?

Move myself to Santa Monica and live a life full of luxury... For a couple of months. Then I'd start preparing for inevitable death. You can't exactly win 10 MLN Euro without the criminal groups taking a sudden interest in your person.
4. Choose someone and justify your choice:
a) for men: Julia Roberts, Kate Blanchet, Doda
b) for women: Robert De Niro, John Malkovich, George Clooney

Kate Blanchett, for the cute smile. Also, this questions sucks some major balls for two reasons:
a) no Zooey Deschanel, she's instant win in my book <3
b) no Sean Connery, and as we all know - you're a fag, if you aren't gay for Sean!
5. Do you like trekking?

Love it.
And a bonus question from me, Steve:

6) Doing anything for Halloween?

Nope. I like neither the US happy-time-now, nor the Polish national form of it. I absolutely loathe trips to the cemetery.

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Temat: Khamsa fi'il Ja'ma'a (Five for Friday) 30.10.2008

Szukran, Elzbieta.

1. Why did join this group?
I came for Warren but I STAYED for Ilter. :)
2. Do you have a pet?
No, but I once had a long-time girlfriend (about 2 weeks) who was a Playboy "Bunny," and in that thing. She used to laugh and call me Joey and slap me on the chest when she giggled at something funny, such as a fly. She wanted to be a "plastic surgeon." To "fix burned kids." ;)
3. What would you do if you won 10 MLN Euro?
Pay Steven H. 1,000,000 to let me ask him what to do with it.
4. Choose someone and justify your choice:
a) for men: Julia Roberts, Kate Blanchet, Doda
b) for women: Robert De Niro, John Malkovich, George Clooney
I want to go off the beaten track and choose in the B section. Sue me. John malevich 'cause he creeps me out.
5. Do you like trekking?
I love it.

And a bonus question from me, Steve:

6) Doing anything for Halloween?

I'm packing for leaving again for Sunday. Someone is coming here to help hand out candy and have a talk.
EDIT: Just now I had a call, and it's tacos, and a bonfire.Joj Y. edytował(a) ten post dnia 31.10.08 o godzinie 00:49
Arvind Juneja

Arvind Juneja Współtwórca @ | Blogger

Temat: Khamsa fi'il Ja'ma'a (Five for Friday) 30.10.2008

1. Why did join this group?
<singing>Because of youuuu....</singing> :D
2. Do you have a pet?
sure, 2 or 3...
3. What would you do if you won 10 MLN Euro?
I would thing ;)
4. Choose someone and justify your choice:
a) for men: Julia Roberts, Kate Blanchet, Doda
Elisha Cuthbert, Jessica Alba :)
b) for women: Robert De Niro, John Malkovich, George Clooney
5. Do you like trekking?
depends, who with?

And a bonus question from me, Steve:

6) Doing anything for Halloween?
yes, working ;)

Temat: Khamsa fi'il Ja'ma'a (Five for Friday) 30.10.2008

1. Why did join this group?

my goal was to improve my english....
2. Do you have a pet?

I don't have any right now...but would like to have a dog in the future. ...

3. What would you do if you won 10 MLN Euro?

There are so many options .....
4. Choose someone and justify your choice:
a) for men: Julia Roberts, Kate Blanchet, Doda
b) for women: Robert De Niro, John Malkovich, George Clooney

hmmmm...Can I have other choices ... like Ian Watkins for example
5. Do you like trekking?

And a bonus question from me, Steve:

6) Doing anything for Halloween?

meeting my friends , relaxing and watching tv ......

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Temat: Khamsa fi'il Ja'ma'a (Five for Friday) 30.10.2008

1. Curiosity - good enough?? :)
2. Nope- I am not cruel enough - keep being out of my flat
3. Trip around the word
4. De Niro - not too original - I know and I am fine with that :) 5.Love it!!!
6. Yes - traveling in Cuba
:))) A

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Temat: Khamsa fi'il Ja'ma'a (Five for Friday) 30.10.2008

Steve Jones:

1. Why did join this group?

Because I feel more comfortable expressing myself in English.
2. Do you have a pet?

A black cat named Guinness.
3. What would you do if you won 10 MLN Euro?

Travel, travel, travel...
4. Choose someone and justify your choice:
a) for men: Julia Roberts, Kate Blanchet, Doda

I'm sorry two of these people I can not stand and who is Kate Blanchet?

ok.. nevermind, looked her up... ehm... can I just go solo here?
b) for women: Robert De Niro, John Malkovich, George Clooney
5. Do you like trekking?

I love it... if I could live on the road... I would.

And a bonus question from me, Steve:

6) Doing anything for Halloween?

Well... last year my friends and I did this awesome thing for the NYC Halloween parade ... and... well we got permanently banned from the NYC Halloween parade... we were too crazy for the craziest parade in the US. To quote a letter from the NYC parade approval commission "Every mother on 6th Ave. called and complained"... so ... I'm staying home.



here is my friend Kin... heh.. freaked some people out


yep... too fukn crazy for NYC...

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Temat: Khamsa fi'il Ja'ma'a (Five for Friday) 30.10.2008

Steve Jones:

1. Why did join this group?
To answer pet questions every week and thus develop my environmental conscience.
2. Do you have a pet?
No, but I've owned a C-64.


3. What would you do if you won 10 MLN Euro?
Nothing much different; buy a flat in Monaco perhaps.
4. Choose someone and justify your choice:
a) for men: Julia Roberts, Kate Blanchet, Doda
b) for women: Robert De Niro, John Malkovich, George Clooney
I would team up with Robert and Joj... ooops, I meant George... just to gangbang Doda. Then I would commence a romantic liaison with Kate Blanchet, but I'm sure it wouldn't be reciprocated.

That was an easy question. Events in my life usually follow this pattern.
5. Do you like trekking?
And a bonus question from me, Steve:

6) Doing anything for Halloween?
Clubbing, getting drunk, getting drunk again. Reading a book and watching all the films I haven't had time to watch.

People will surely leave Warsaw, so it's going to be a bit desolate. Many Varsavians are actually villagers from the remotest of shithole locations, so I don't expect Halloween to be socially attractive.Adam L. edytował(a) ten post dnia 31.10.08 o godzinie 07:00
Ewa Z.

Ewa Z. marketing

Temat: Khamsa fi'il Ja'ma'a (Five for Friday) 30.10.2008

1. Why did join this group?

liked the discussions you guys have here, this is the first time i'm actually joining in ;)
2. Do you have a pet?

nope. never have. probably never will.
3. What would you do if you won 10 MLN Euro?

go nuts
4. Choose someone and justify your choice:
a) for men: Julia Roberts, Kate Blanchet, Doda
b) for women: Robert De Niro, John Malkovich, George Clooney

what about bruce willis?! or billy bob thornton??! where’d they go, huh? (i just loved the sleepover bandits, that’s all ;) and while i’m at it, cate blanchett of course!!
5. Do you like trekking?

dunno what that is ;p
has to do with sports...? then i hate it ;)
6) Doing anything for Halloween?

nope, i’m not much of a halloween fan
Ania S.

Ania S. Fotografia i

Temat: Khamsa fi'il Ja'ma'a (Five for Friday) 30.10.2008

1. Why did join this group?

I was invited :-)))) so when I finally have more time ( at work;P ) I can improve my English:)
2. Do you have a pet?
there's a cat that somebody gave me but it's no longer mine
3. What would you do if you won 10 MLN Euro?

this qestion makes me dream from the early morning:)
- I'd travel a lot
- buy a house in Spain
- and try to make my and my beloved people's dreams come true :)

4. Choose someone and justify your choice:
a) for men: Julia Roberts, Kate Blanchet, Doda
b) for women: Robert De Niro, John Malkovich, George Clooney

Clooney :-)and Jude Law ;)
5. Do you like trekking

6. I'm visiting my hometown and may go out with some old friends

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Temat: Khamsa fi'il Ja'ma'a (Five for Friday) 30.10.2008

1. Why did join this group?
to improve english

2. Do you have a pet?
yes, black cat with sharp claws - i have many scars on my hands

3. What would you do if you won 10 MLN Euro?

i think i could start new life

4. Choose someone and justify your choice:

i don`t like Doda, Julia is not my favourite - so only Kate left

5. Do you like trekking?
yes, recently i have no time for that, but i hope it will change soon

And a bonus question from me, Steve:

6) Doing anything for Halloween?

yes, meeting with friends

Temat: Khamsa fi'il Ja'ma'a (Five for Friday) 30.10.2008

Steve Jones:

Thanks to Elżbieta Czoch (great surname) for these questions! All the way from Warszawa and she likes getting onto the back of a motorbike to get her out of that city fast I'm sure!

1. Why did join this group?

Hello, my name is Marta and I'm an Angloholic.
2. Do you have a pet?

A cat. We called her Shane but are still considering a legal change to Shame...
3. What would you do if you won 10 MLN Euro?

Buy 4000 pairs of Blahnik's and a pair of Choo's :D

Seriously? Start my own business without worrying to go down after two years. I still hope I'll do it, even without this cash. Wait for the word on the streets :-).
4. Choose someone and justify your choice:
a) for men: Julia Roberts, Kate Blanchet, Doda
b) for women: Robert De Niro, John Malkovich, George Clooney

Hate being categorised like this... I'd choose Cate Blanchett for 'Sleepover Bandits' and 'Notes on a Scandal.
5. Do you like trekking?

Yup. And climbing. And sliding down ropes off buildings and rocks.
And a bonus question from me, Steve:

6) Doing anything for Halloween?

Just the usual - light as a feather stiff as a board and then sacrificing a virgin on my way out.

konto usunięte

Temat: Khamsa fi'il Ja'ma'a (Five for Friday) 30.10.2008

Steve Jones:

Thanks to Elżbieta Czoch (great surname) for these questions! All the way from Warszawa and she likes getting onto the back of a motorbike to get her out of that city fast I'm sure!

1. Why did join this group?
Hello, my name is Jarek and I'm Marta's Angloholic sponsor.
2. Do you have a pet?
Don't have. Do do.
3. What would you do if you won 10 MLN Euro?
10 mil would not be enough to let do what I've always wanted to do - that is NOTHING, for the rest of my life. Make it 100 mil and you'll have made this lil' boy a happy puppy.
4. Choose someone and justify your choice:
a) for men: Julia Roberts, Kate Blanchet, Doda
Kate - for her Garbo-like voice in the Lord of the Rings.
5. Do you like trekking?
I do. We have nice mountains around Genoa. Reaaalllly niiiice.
And a bonus question from me, Steve:

6) Doing anything for Halloween?
Curing my broken back (no reference to the Oscar winning flick WHATSOEVER!!!).

Temat: Khamsa fi'il Ja'ma'a (Five for Friday) 30.10.2008

Jarek A.:
1. Why did join this group?
Hello, my name is Jarek and I'm Marta's Angloholic sponsor.

And much appreciated geekiness provider :*

Temat: Khamsa fi'il Ja'ma'a (Five for Friday) 30.10.2008

1. Why did join this group?
I was kidnapped and forced to join.
2. Do you have a pet?
I’ve seen few ants, a ladybird and a spider in my house recently. Is it counts?
3. What would you do if you won 10 MLN Euro?
It’s not your f** business
4. Choose someone and justify your choice:
a) for men: Julia Roberts, Kate Blanchet, Doda
I’ll choose Doda for my new pet’s name. Maybe it’ll be a pink frog.
5. Do you like trekking?
And a bonus question from me, Steve:
6) Doing anything for Halloween?
hope so

konto usunięte

Temat: Khamsa fi'il Ja'ma'a (Five for Friday) 30.10.2008

1. Why did join this group?

to see what level of English is present here.

2. Do you have a pet?

yes, a dog and few fish in two tanks.

3. What would you do if you won 10 MLN Euro?

today? i'd buy me a new brain and common sense.

4. Choose someone and justify your choice:
b) for women: Robert De Niro, John Malkovich, George Clooney

what if i prefered women? disriminatory question.

5. Do you like trekking?

yes, on a bike.

And a bonus question from me, Steve:

6) Doing anything for Halloween?

rock da house. frankly, we'll see what comes.

Następna dyskusja:

Five for Friday (19.12.2008)

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