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Temat: Anglosphere meeting 15th August:

Myself, Tatiana, Keith and Steven J will be in Warsaw on Friday, August 15th.

We would like to meet other members of Anglosphere.

Any idea from the Varsovians present where to meet. (evening)

If you're coming, please sign up in the 'spotkanie'.warren whitmore edytował(a) ten post dnia 28.07.08 o godzinie 12:08

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Temat: Anglosphere meeting 15th August:

I will actually be in PL in the 2nd and 3rd week of August, but I'm afraid I'll be stuck in 3City.


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Temat: Anglosphere meeting 15th August:

Jarek A.:
I will actually be in PL in the 2nd and 3rd week of August, but I'm afraid I'll be stuck in 3City.


I'd love to meet you if you could suggest how this might be possible.

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Temat: Anglosphere meeting 15th August:

My bro lives in Szczecin, but he'll come meet me in 3City or Slupsk.

Anyway I'll try to work something out.
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Anglosphere meeting 15th August:

My mid August is not clear yet, but I may appear and hang around for at least 2 hours.

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Temat: Anglosphere meeting 15th August:

I'll be there in spirit, guided by the almighty Aardvark.

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Temat: Anglosphere meeting 15th August:

I'll be in Wisla (the South of Poland).

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Temat: Anglosphere meeting 15th August:

I`ll join you with pleasure.
Marcin G.

Marcin G. Specjalista ds.
Projektów Bankowości

Temat: Anglosphere meeting 15th August:

I'll do my best to be there with you

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Temat: Anglosphere meeting 15th August:

Count me in.

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Temat: Anglosphere meeting 15th August:

Oh nooo.... I can't be in Warsaw then... I'd like very much to be on the meeting. To meet Warren, Ilter, Tatiana and many more personally... Arrrrgghhhh....!!!

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Temat: Anglosphere meeting 15th August:

Hey, thanks Tomasz ;) I feel special now.

And, just for the record, I am not dragging any drunk Irishmen home, but shall leave them to rot in the gutter. A-men.Tatiana S. edytował(a) ten post dnia 28.07.08 o godzinie 12:14
Keith Byrne

Keith Byrne Director, Select
Training Solutions

Temat: Anglosphere meeting 15th August:

Do I still have to sign in here? Oh what the hell,

I, Keith Byrne, being of reasonably sound mind and dodgy body, do hereby solemnly avow to attend the Anglosphere meeting in Warsaw on Friday, August 15th, or at least go to a place with a lot of English speakers. I undertake to get my round in, as long as nobody acts the goat and orders a Johnny Walker Black, or a ocktail with about four different spirits in it. I uphold to be present at any place the meeting will be, unless I feel too old, or there are too many teenage girls there, as Mrs. Byrne won't be too happy when the photos go online. I understand my rights are not affected by this statement, and I am under no obligation whatsoever to enjoy myself. I also declare that, if I have a bit to drink, I might try it on with that Tatiana, as she's a bit fit!

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Temat: Anglosphere meeting 15th August:

I am afraid I ll be in UK @ on the 15th. Sossry, I cant help u:-(

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Temat: Anglosphere meeting 15th August:

I'll be in Warsaw on the 20th at Sigur Ros concert, yet, as for the 15th it seems impossible for me to come and have a pint with you all. Sorry, lads and lasses :(

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Temat: Anglosphere meeting 15th August:

Magda B.:
I'll be in Warsaw on the 20th at Sigur Ros concert, yet, as for the 15th it seems impossible for me to come and have a pint with you all. Sorry, lads and lasses :(

Magda, if you don't come we'll all talk about you behind your back.

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Temat: Anglosphere meeting 15th August:

warren whitmore:
Magda, if you don't come we'll all talk about you behind your back.

Oh, go on, enjoy it!

Temat: Anglosphere meeting 15th August:

I will be on my way to the North, seeking water, or something like that. Depending on the route my party will be following I may, or may not, be in Warsaw during this glorious event.

I will try, thou.
Lidia Kozieł

Lidia Kozieł Study Associate

Temat: Anglosphere meeting 15th August:

:( i m on holidays:(

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Temat: Anglosphere meeting 15th August:

Sign me up. Let's see what the other half of me says to that.Andrzej Dobrucki edytował(a) ten post dnia 28.07.08 o godzinie 13:09

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