konto usunięte

Temat: What is your goal for 2010?

Hi guys,
As the year 2009 comes to an end, I am wondering
how was it for you and your business english skills?

I have 3 simple questions for you:
1. Is there anything that you are proud of for this year?
2. Are there areas needing improval? What are they?
3. Where would you imagine yourself (with your business english skills) in 2010?

Put your thinking hats on and lets rock into 2010!

Krzysztof DargiewiczKrzysztof Dargiewcz edytował(a) ten post dnia 28.12.09 o godzinie 23:16
Jay Sivyer

Jay Sivyer English Teacher,

Temat: What is your goal for 2010?

1. Is there anything that you are proud of for this year?

Having joined a Polish rock band (and being a native English speaker makes it kind of amusing) as their singer has been fantastic.

2. Are there areas needing improvement? What are they?

Spend more time doing things that make me happy, working towards my goals.

3. Where would you imagine yourself (with your business english skills) in 2010?

Well, as I said, I'm a native English speaker AND an English teacher, so as far as business English skills are concerned, I hope to be able to help others improve their business English, starting with the newsletter which we will soon have out. Looking forward to make some friends on this site and answering their questions about business English, etc. Should be good.

konto usunięte

Temat: What is your goal for 2010?

1. Of course, there is! I am proud of my study :) II year :)

2. More sport for my fit :P But I'll do it!

3. hihi I will be studing Business English and I'm going to finish II year in my school.Aleksandra Chmiel edytował(a) ten post dnia 05.01.10 o godzinie 11:08
Małgorzata Siwek

Małgorzata Siwek prawnik, tłumacz,
Arspoland -doradztwo
prawne i tłumaczenia

Temat: What is your goal for 2010?

1. I am proud of my professional development as a lawyer, translator or a teacher. I have been working for 3 years as a teacher of legal English. Now I am an expert in this field. I am an expert as a lawyer particular in family law as well as civil law.
2. I would like to begin my doctorate in law and this is my ambition in the next years.
3. I will be a lawyer in the international company.Małgorzata Siwek edytował(a) ten post dnia 31.12.09 o godzinie 22:39
Izabela Woźniak

Izabela Woźniak Aby coś wynaleźć,
wystarczy odrobina
wyobraźni i sterta

Temat: What is your goal for 2010?

I am proud of having started driving a car after 8 years' brake and having joined swimming classes despite being afraid of water.

Like always... Loosing weight, giving up smoking, saving money...

In a new job where I could improve my English skills constantly.

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What matters now? The best ...

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