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Temat: Video CV- a gimmick or necessity?- Czy i jak promować...


"Economic collapse", "worst crisis since the Great Depression", "the most unstable job market ever"... with these and more expressions & opinions of today's world business one can't get too optimistic about his prospects for a career progression or a new job.
Despite all the doom and gloom around us, now more than ever using modern technologies to promote your skills & personality comes in as a powerful advantage over other success-hungry professionals and recent graduates.
Wait, so you are saying that if I can send text messages and make a few friends on Facebook I am in a better position? Well not quite...

What I meant is that by harnessing the use of social media & other modern web tools (such as SlideShare for presentations or YouTube for uploading your videos) you have a chance to present yourself to the world. Today, for the first time in the last decade, with no or minimal costs you have a chance to present your skill set and personality to potential customers & employers not only in your local city, community or a bunch of Facebook friends, but to the entire planet.
Sounds exciting but why would I want to do that and how if I have never done it?

Let's start from scratch.
1. I presume you have an internet connection & a computer or laptop and a fair knowledge on how to use it, correct? (since you are reading this post I will take it as a "yes")
2. You have a mobile phone or smartphone with a video camera, correct? (if not then your laptop should have one)?
3. You have a skill set?
4. You have a personality?
5. I hope 4&5 were rhetorical questions :)

Ok, then let's begin!

First take a piece of paper and a pen - the most modern pieces of technology ever invented, and write down what you think of as your skill set.
What are you good at (i.e. numbers/analytical thinking, solving issues or creative problems, presentations, negotiations, sales etc.).
When you make a satisfactory list write down your weaknesses, yes its hard to admit we have them but don't fool yourself into thinking you don't have them :)
(I know for me it's time management & getting a project from start to finish).

Once you have your list in front of you, think what is true and special about your personality- are you a morning person or enjoy working late at night, do you easily make new friends and speak to customers, or prefer to take the administrative work instead?
These traits will help you later decide on the medium of your online identity.

If you think of yourself as a more "to yourself" type of a person (what's called an "introvert"), meaning you would much rather go through paperwork than speak to customers or do a presentation on the latest product range you might want to stick to a standard Word or .pdf CV, or create a simple PowerPoint on your skills, achievements & experience and upload it for free to SlideShare: http://www.slideshare.net - like a YouTube for presentations.
Here is mine as an example:

If on the other hand you are an "extravert" - all over the place, need to be around people, love sales & presentations, you definitely belong in a YouTube video.
Here are a few useful links to get you started on the process:

Remember to KISS- Keep it Short & Simple(or Sweet) - 3mins max!

Once you have your video created use simple "YouTube tutorials" on how to upload it with the highest quality and then how to share it with your potential viewers (videos are usually shared by copying an "embed url", which you can get to your clip under the "share" button).

It is then important to spread the word about your video to as many people as you can, so that it gets viral increasing your chances of being spotted and selected for a work opportunity.
There is a range of interesting books on this subject but I personally can recommend these:

1. "The Start-up of You: Adapt to the Future, Invest in Yourself, and Transform Your Career" by Reid Hoffman (co-founder of the "International GoldenLine equivalent"- LinkedIn)



2. "Me 2.0: 4 Steps to Building Your Future" by Dan Schawbel



3. "Career Distinction: Stand Out by Building Your Brand" by William Aruda:



Here is my Video CV:

Let me know what you think about it and if you have your Video CV please share it below.

If you are in a HR department do you think Video CV's are the useful way forward or just a trend that will fade away? Please share your thoughts as a comment below.

Wish you all a great career progression or a new job and all the future successes!

Krzysztof "Chris" Dargiewicz


1. Prospect - perspektywa, potencjalny klient
2. Doom and gloom - złe wiadomości, nieszczęścia
3. Modern - nowoczesny
4. Graduate - absolwent studiów
5. To harness - wykorzystać coś, zrobić z czegoś użytek
6. Skill set - zestaw umiejętności
7. To start from scratch - zaczynać od "0", początku
8. To presume - przypuszczać
9. Rhetorical - retoryczny, mówiący sam za siebie
10. Satisfactory - satysfakcjonujący
11. Weakness - słabość, nieumiejętność
12. Trait - cecha (np. charakteru)
13. Medium - średni (rozmiar) lub medium
14. Product range - linia produktów
15. To stick to - trzymać się czegoś, trwać w czymś
16. Upload - udostępnić, antonim od "download" (pobrać)
17. To spread the word - rozpowszechnić, rozprzestrzenić, wypromować
18. Viral - wirusowy
19. To spot/to be spotted - zauważyć, dostrzec/ zostać zauważonym, dostrzeżonym
20. Equivalent - odpowiednik
22. To fade away - wyblaknąć, odejść w niepamięć
Krzysztof Dargiewicz
http://web.me.com/chrisinukKrzysztof Dargiewicz edytował(a) ten post dnia 11.04.12 o godzinie 12:33
Mirek S.

Mirek S. Dum spiro, spero...

Temat: Video CV- a gimmick or necessity?- Czy i jak promować...

very intresting idea, I sent this link to my friens... :)

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Temat: Video CV- a gimmick or necessity?- Czy i jak promować...

great :)

konto usunięte

Temat: Video CV- a gimmick or necessity?- Czy i jak promować...

thanks! :)

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