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Temat: "The Social Network" - how FaceBook reinvented the Internet.


Dear "Angielski w Biznesie" members,
Last night I saw "The Social Network" movie, a story of how a 20-some year old
Harvard student noticed a need of people to communicate, share stories, connect,
exchange pics etc.

And here we are 6 years later with dozens of Twitters, LinkedIns and of course
GoldenLine :)

Implications of social networks for modern business:
1. It's not just teenage hype or fad that will fade away.

Well, think about it, just 3 years ago we had no idea of what recession even means,
Well. lets just say we heard it here and there :)

Just a few years ago GoldenLine was only in the heads of people who came up with it,
(which we are greateful for!)

So the speed curve of innovation is way to asymmetrical
for us to predict what's next.


2. White collar jobs become obsolete and
innovative ones keep coming in.

3. Don't look over your shoulder, look and act forward.
As the technology, culture, World changes, adapt
or you might find your product/service unusable in the modern customer environment.
Being a fan of old Polish cinema, I would like to reference one of the scences
of "Czterdziestolatek"


Here, the "working woman"
introduces the main character Stefan Karwowski to changing his house window isolation system,
when asked said: "We havent' made up our mind on it yet..."
She replies:
"Did people made up their mind not to ride horses anymore or use the telephone?"

So you better make your mind up about those new "social media" teenage toys
as there is more coming in that show...


1. hype- szum wokół czegoś
2. speed curve- krzywa wzrostu
3. obsolete- zdezaktualizowany
4. adapt - adaptować się, przystosować sięKrzysztof Dargiewicz edytował(a) ten post dnia 21.10.10 o godzinie 22:39