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Temat: TED yet again :)

Hi everyone,
Whether you are into or not, TED (Technology Education Design)
is by far the coolest, most known conference in the World,
held every year in California, USA and lately in Oxford, UK.

The value for anyone, especially "business-english" wise
is to listen to the speakers, take out the best knowledge and innovations.
Also, the TED online video player has an option of subtitles
check it out, it runs English and Russian
and its a brilliant way to pickup new vocab or idioms.

I have been, again, mesmerised by Sir Ken Robinson talk,
he is an International speaker on revolutionising education,
checkout his ideas, he does not bullshit about it.



You can apply everything he is saying to your business/job.

He also got a book out, called "The Element",
might be good getting your hands on it.

Happy watching and learning!

Krzysztof Dargiewicz

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Temat: TED yet again :)

Ken is absolutely brilliant! I have already shared this video with my friends! ;)Justyna Ł. edytował(a) ten post dnia 21.06.10 o godzinie 08:13

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Temat: TED yet again :)

It would be my dream to get him over for a conference in Poland... We'll see!

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Temat: TED yet again :)

If you get him here you'll be my hero!! ;)

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