Weronika Lutostańska

Weronika Lutostańska lubię pomagać
ludziom osiągać ich

Temat: meeting? what do u think guys?

hi everyone!

maybe we could arrange a meeting to talk and practise your skills?

i'm a teacher and i want to know your needs to improve your and my students' knowledge

i could prepare some materials for team work or we could just go for a beer :)

any comments would be useful

what do you say?


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Temat: meeting? what do u think guys?

Weronika thanks for coming up with the idea!
Interestingly there is a very good conference around the subject of business english
in Warsaw in May and I will be there too.

Those interested in attending please drop me an email:

It would be great to get together as a group after the conference
and meet each other in person.

Before that we can organise an informal online meeting too.

Krzysztof DargiewiczKrzysztof Dargiewcz edytował(a) ten post dnia 10.02.10 o godzinie 00:19
Agata  Rakfalska-Vallic elli

Strategiczny, Coach,

Temat: meeting? what do u think guys?

I would like to suggest you the website

Maybe some english group in Warsaw just exist - if not, you can create it.

I live in Italy but I still want to improve my english so I have found the group


You can create the same group but in Warsaw.

It's so funny!

Temat: meeting? what do u think guys?

When it comes to an online meeting I'm totally in but in real I'm not able to join you in Warsaw. I live in "malopolska" :(

Unless you meet at the very beginning of July, cos I'm planning to be in the capital for a few days then :) Best of luck :)

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Temat: meeting? what do u think guys?

As 4 me, the idea of meeting is gr8. no matter whether it would b a conference, business meeting or simply a group trip 4 a beer, I think it's worth giving a try :)

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