Dariusz Prokopowicz

Dariusz Prokopowicz PhD of economy. MBA.
MoR. Head of
Department o...

Temat: Analyzes by Business Intelligence in enterprises

Analyzes by Business Intelligence in enterprises

Does any of you conduct research in the field of Big Data technology applications in Business Intelligence or integrated risk management processes?


I warmly welcome
Recently I conduct research in the field of Big Data technology applications in Business Intelligence type analyzes as well as in integrated credit risk management processes and the risk of data transfer security in the Internet? Does any of you conduct similar research? and if so, please let me know what results of the research have been obtained? I am asking for links to publications in which I will find the results of this research. I am particularly interested in these research results, which point to various common aspects, synergies, correlations of development of these technologies and areas of knowledge, analytics and their possible applications. I am happy to quote your publications in my works, which I am writing on this subject now. Regards

I invite you to my profile with scientific publications:

I invite You to the discussion

Dariusz Prokopowicz

Chairman of the Program Board, Head of the Innovation Department
Editor-in-Chief of the scientific journal:
"International Journal of Innovation in Social Sciences and Engineering" (ISSN 2543-7089)
The International Institute for Innovation "Science - Education - Development" in Warsaw
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