Maciej T.

Maciej T. Bajkopisarz //

Temat: Joke - WW2 w realiach WOW :)

Prosto z mojej gildii :)

[1. General] [Poland]: WTF I just got ganked!
[1. General] [Poland]: Germany is camping me, can some1 help?
[1. General] [England]: what lvl
[1. General] [Poland]: ?? to me
You whisper to France: hey, can you help me out with that germany guy
France whispers: screw that, im not pvp spec. I'm just gonna /laydown if I see him
[1. General] [England]: Can anyone else help
[1. General] [Switzerland]: Screw that
[1. General] [Spain]: Got problems of my own
[1. General] [England]: US can you tank for me
[1. General] [Unitedstates]: Checking my AH and bank. maybe later
[1. General] [Russia]: I'll tank
[1. General] [Unitedstates]: I'll send you some food or pots or something
Unitedstates whispers: dude, don't trust him. ninja
you have invited Russia to your group
You whisper to Unitedstates: cant help it, I need a tank
Russia has joined your group
[Party] [Russia]: Where is he?
[Party] [England]: Central Europe
[Party] [Russia]: k, omw
[Party] [Russia]: need healz!
[Party] [England]: k, calm down! you have plenty of HP
[1. Genera l] [England]: Italy's healin for Germany, we need more help
[1. General] [England]: US?
[1. General] [Unitedstates]: Dude, you can handle it
[1. General] [China]: Rogue stealthed near you guys
Unitedstates whispers: wtf japan just sapped me!
Unitedstates whispers: oh its on now. inv pls
you have invited Unitedstates to your group
Unitedstates has joined your group
[Party] [Unitedstates]: watch out for the rogue
[Party] [Russia]: I've got em, just dps them down
[Party] [England]: Italy down, germany's dead without a healer
[Party] [England]: OK, germany down. where's that rogue
[Party] [Unitedstates]: I've got him. I've been meaning to test out this new trinket
[Party] [England]: Whoah! OP!
[Party] [Russia]: where'd you get that?
[Party] [Unitedstates]: lol, two shotted japan
[Party] [Russia]: loot?
[Party] [England]: Germany dropped. All pass and roll?
England has passed on [Germany].
Russia has rolled Need on [Germany].
[Party] [Unitedstates]: wtf dude
[Party] [Russia]: lol meant to hit pass
[Party] [Unitedstates]: @@@* that
Unitedstates has rolled Need on [Germany].
Russia rolls 100 (1-100) on [Germany].
Unitedstates rolls 100 (1-100) on [Germany].
Russia recieves loot: [East Germany].
Unitedstates recieves loot: [West Germany].
[Party] [Russia]: gay
[Party] [Unitedstates]: pinko ninja bastard
Unitedstates has left the group.
Unitedstates whispers: wanna join my guild?
You whisper to Unitedstates: sure
Unitedstates has invited you to their guild.
You are now a member of United Nations.
[Guild] [Unitedstates]: that Russia guy is a !#@!. oh did you see the on use for [West Germany]?
[Guild] [England]: combine with East Germany to end the Cold War? wtf?

konto usunięte

Temat: Joke - WW2 w realiach WOW :)

zajebiste :)

konto usunięte

Temat: Joke - WW2 w realiach WOW :)

love it :D
Paweł C.

Paweł C. międzynarodowe

Temat: Joke - WW2 w realiach WOW :)

powiedziałbym nawet ze Epic:)

konto usunięte

Temat: Joke - WW2 w realiach WOW :)

Co tam epic, legendary!
Dymitr G.

Dymitr G. Internet

Temat: Joke - WW2 w realiach WOW :)

Legen... wait for it... DARY!!!

Temat: Joke - WW2 w realiach WOW :)

hahahhaha :D dobre dobre ;] nieźle się uśmiałem ;]
Krzysztof Nowicki

Krzysztof Nowicki IT Global Technology
Leader - O-I

Temat: Joke - WW2 w realiach WOW :)

Mega dobre :)
Maciej T.

Maciej T. Bajkopisarz //

Temat: Joke - WW2 w realiach WOW :)


nie w klimacie WWII ale nadal WoWMaciej T. edytował(a) ten post dnia 14.04.09 o godzinie 14:40

Temat: Joke - WW2 w realiach WOW :)

hahahaha dobre :D
Skubany pewnie ma dużo HP ;p a gość nieźle spamuje :]
Agata S.

Agata S. Kierownik ds.
Marketingu i Reklamy

Temat: Joke - WW2 w realiach WOW :)

lol :D

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Wrath of the Lich King, WoW...

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