Joanna Pęgier

Joanna Pęgier Marketing Manager,
Szkoła Biznesu PW

Temat: WUT BS Open Lecture - The Global Economic Crisis and...

Looking for MBA studies?
The lecture is free, open to all, especially to our IMBA and EMBA candidates, who would like to have a sneak peek at the programme offered by WUT BS.
WUT BS Open Lecture covers two major, up-to-date topics:
The Global Economic Crisis and Leadership.

The topic of the lecture:
"The reasons of the crisis and the ways out" -prof. Witold Orłowski, An International authority and a charismatic lecturer of Economy, popular commentator of socio- economic issues. The Director of WUT Business School, Member of the Prime Minister’s Economic Council, PwC Chief Economic Adviser.

"Towards leadership competences – interactive workshops"- prof. Olaf Żylicz, Recognized business psychologist, coach with international experience, accredited trainer, mentor and examiner of Noble Manhattan Coaching. Deputy Director for Academic Affairs at WUT Business School, associated also with Warsaw School of Social Sciences and Humanities.

The classes will be held in English.

You will also have a chance to talk to the School’s Directors, the staff and alumni and ask questions regarding the curriculum itself and the admissions process.
Admission only for registered participants, number of places is limited.

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