Temat: Polish mining consultant role

We are urgently seeking a mining and geology consultant for a current project and future collaboration. You should have in-depth knowledge of the Polish mining industry (open cast, deep mining, offshore), technology, legal regulations and the relevant international terminology. You will be responsible for English and Polish terminology management, glossaries, TMs, consults, etc. Please direct your emails to mateusz@exen.pl.
Mariusz Stępień

Mariusz Stępień

Temat: Polish mining consultant role

A zostało to napisane po angielsku, bo...?

konto usunięte

Temat: Polish mining consultant role

You should have in-depth knowledge of the Polish mining industry (a background with solidarność, protests, tire-burning skills, has to be a proficient vuvuzela user, shouting and a steady brick/egg/bolt hand will also be your asset).

sry, couldn't help myself :P.

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I'm looking for Polish nati...

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