Temat: Napisze ktoś co tutaj mówią??
hhhmmmm właśnie zauważyłem... dobra więc żeby nie było że jestem leniem oto co zrozumiałem z tego no i oczywiście PROSZĘ o pomoc w korekcie ;)
before my grandfathers, grandfather was born this was our land these are good places our gods live here in the trees and in the rivers they watch over uss we are happy we hunt we love we have families homes good life but sometimes we must fight the romans disturbed the gods they burn the forests they take what is ours wifes childrens lands and the romans talk (...) helpless and protect us they (...) with gold and promises when we wake all we had is gone stolen they take ours sons and turn them intro little romans so we fight to keep what is ours what must stay ours. they can be no peace no peace with romans means steal and (...) and lies. there can be only war
we bruti at the only true romans we saved rome we (...) the kings we made the republic the family deserve respect, respect and (...) we know what is best for rome new lands living space territories slaves I know what must be done. The Greeks they dumb (...) at all romans and they hate us I'm going to give them reason for hate when I crush them. Roman steel thats the answer. ROman steel in a briti best. (...) great roman families a scypio crush . THey have no respect for proper roman (...) for us. THe July prostituted themselves (...) We briti must lead rome.
Last night the crying children kept me awake and I had the terrible vision I sow the fall of our city(...) Carthage gone. Why Baal send such of a vision he is not cruel (...) sail to all corners of the world and now I fear I can not help it we are in envy lesser people the tell the terrible lies about us they do not understand the lie but the romans they are the masters (...) war will come
I am sure of it so I will have no more false vision and I think the children will be quiet tonight
THe desert is ours it is my home invaders come here but they do not leave they do not understand the desert they do not understand how it gives life or how it kills so they die and we grow stronger(..) so invaders keep comeing. Keep trying to take our lands and our wealth (...) and the far people have one thing (...) it is sweeter than water it is more powerfull than any sword for any sword can be turn by the side with a gold coin. Gold will buy a thousand warriors. and the thousand warriors (...) start of an empire
(...) it is my task to write down all (...) my father did this before me and his father before him (...)
faraon is our lord and master (...) all egipt lives and die by his divine wish and this is (...) we are
his children faraon loves us all we would conquer the world (...) his enemies will be struck down
night and darkness will take them the suns will be (...) red. All this will come to pass (...) so it is ready so shall it be
The Greeks can rule the world alexander did he took a greek army to the far east there was nothing left to conquer the world was his but alexander is dead his empire is gone. So living in evil days . (...) of Greeks has turn of each other instead (...) proper enemies (...) greeks have done alexander must (...) i will (...) his place but I will also hope the world turns what was make come again the fate still (...) of mans lives. So now perhaps the gods wish greeks to be (...) again perhaps a new alexander will take up the sword. Bring order (...) remake the world of man to a better plan... perhaps.....
Gods i hate gauls my grand father hate them too even before they put out his eyes. Did you think I be (...) on frontier without good reason yes rome needs a strong frontier. Now ROme doesn't need unwash barbarian (..) gates so thats why I need the leader of a July to bring roman orders to stinking gauls. Revenge the might be good too. THis war against gauls (...) and when its done I've gots plans. THis is all about power , power in rome. Going that down road (...) my rivals. The senat the greeks those carthaginian elephant riders the scypio and bruti families too. After all the man who controls rome rules the world and one day I will be empiretor
My family the house of scypio are be loved of the gods a proud (...) in return (...) armies to glory
it has cost us(...) our dead by many graves (...) by carthaginian swords (...) that we do not forget or forgive so now ours time has come the spirits of the dead crying for blood i will lead our family (..)
Marcin Kubik edytował(a) ten post dnia 03.01.13 o godzinie 20:57