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Temat: totally ignored


The proponents of a theory called into question by contrary results, have always the possibility of imagining an explanation consistent with their doctrine or rejecting these results as outside the scope of their theory.

This is what happened with the discovery of missing mass. Galaxies neither rotate in accordance with general relativity, nor even in accordance with Newton's law. The gazes and stars in galaxies rotate at constant speed. Even worse, their speed exceeds the one derived from the visible mass of galaxies. Relativists have therefore invented the invisible dark matter also called missing mass. This dark matter shall be evenly distributed in galaxies. This phenomenon had already been discovered in fact for the relative motion of pairs of galaxies. At no time, the relativists have accepted to see this phenomenon as questioning their doctrine.

Unfortunately, in 1977, astronomers discovered that the visible mass of galaxies varies with the fourth power of the speed of rotation of the stars. This link between the speed of stars and the mass of galaxy involves a connection of the visible mass with the black mass. It has been given the name of the astronomer who revealed the most numerous and significant cases. Thi is the law of Stacy McGaugh, already noticed in fact by Tully and Fisher in 1977. This link between dark matter and visible mass is entirely contrary to the theory of general relativity. The tragedy is that many experiments designed to highlight this famous black mass since the middle of last century have all failed.

In 1917, Harress then Sagnac showed that the tangential velocity of rotation of a disk is added to and subtracted from the speed of light in the direction of light propagation along the perimeter of the disc. To address this paradox, the relativists have invented the concept of inertial frame of reference. In this reference frame, located there on the surface of the Earth, you can go from a fixed reference coordinate system related to the disk, tangent at time t, without applying the transformation of Lorenz. Yet this explanation should not be so obvious, as there are regularly in the Internet new interpretations of this phenomenon. Relativists do not feel even the wind of the doubt.

The results of statistical analyses of Professor Allais on the measurements of Miller with a Michelson and Morley interferometer are rejected by the relativists. Measurements of optical sight anomalies discovered by Esclangon are totally ignored.

The four major categories of velocity measurements exceeding the speed of light have all found dedicated explanations, that is to say specific to each case. Why not? Unfortunately, these problems just now resolved it appears that neutrinos are travelling beyond the speed of light. Neutrinos emitted by the considerable energy of the accelerator at CERN, near Geneva, the VLHC, which does not find the Higgs boson, reached the photomultipliers of the Gran Sasso laboratory, south of Rome, quicker than expected. They exceeded the absolute speed of light. The mainstream explanation is based upon a tectonic anomaly of a mountain near the Gran Sasso. So that this exceeding speed of neutrino is a wrong problem exactly like all problems of pure science!

After years triturating the results of the Gravity Probe B experiment, it seems to show the ripple effect of the terrestrial gravitational field resulting from general relativity. In fact, the period chosen corresponds to a time of year when the Earth approaches the Sun. There is a deep ambiguity. In addition, the results show a periodic phenomenon that coincides with the tide times. This remains unexplained.
