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Temat: Aktualne oferty taniego latania w Europie na DZIś


AirAsia ląduje we Francji: 3 loty tygodniowo ;) Do Kuala Lumpur...

Już w poniedziałek 22 listopada rusza sprzedaż biletów na trasie Paryż Orly - Kuala Lumpur w tanich liniach lotniczych Air Asia. Jak informuje przewoźnik, loty będą się odbywać cztery razy w tygodniu (poniedziałki, środy, czwartki i niedziele). Ceny za przelot w jedną stronę (prawdopodobnie chodzi o kierunek Malezja - Francja) mają się zaczynać od około 390 PLN! Liczymy na tylko niewiele wyższe ceny z Paryża do Malezji :)Adam C. edytował(a) ten post dnia 18.11.10 o godzinie 16:40

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Temat: Aktualne oferty taniego latania w Europie na DZIś

Newark za 1400 PLN z Polski

Proponujemy loty z liniami Iceland Express.
Z Londynu Gatwick do Newark polecimy już od 1285 PLN w obie strony z krótką przesiadką w Rejkiawiku. Doliczając dolot z Ryanairem z Polski do Londynu, w sumie na przelot do Nowego Jorku wydamy około 1400 PLN brutto.

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Temat: Aktualne oferty taniego latania w Europie na DZIś

Tanio do Mediolanu

Do Mediolanu dolecimy zarówno tanimi liniami lotniczymi Wizz Air oraz Ryanair na lotnisko Bergamo, jak i tradycyjnymi - LOT oraz Lufthansa Italia na lotnisko Malpensa.

Linią Wizz Air dolecimy z Gdańska, Katowic oraz Warszawy do Bergamo. Przykładowe terminy oraz ceny:

* Gdańsk - Mediolan Bergamo 1.12.2010-5.12.2010 170 PLN
* Katowice - Mediolan Bergamo 26.01.2011-28.01.2011 100 PLN
* Warszawa - Mediolan Bergamo 1.02.2011-3.02.2011 160 PLN

Powyższe ceny dotyczą przelotów w dwie strony, zawierają podatki oraz opłatę manipulacyjną za przelew. Podróżujemy tylko z bagażem podręcznym (10 kg).

Ryanair oferuje nam loty z Łodzi, Poznania, Krakowa oraz Wrocławia także na lotnisko Bergamo:

* Wrocław - Mediolan Bergamo 24.01.2011-31.01.2011 96 PLN
* Łódź - Mediolan Bergamo 27.01.2011-30.01.2011 89,50 PLN
* Poznań - Mediolan Bergamo 18.01.2011-20.01.2011 56 PLN
* Kraków - Mediolan Bergamo 19.01.2011-24.01.2011 96 PLN

Ceny biletów w dwie strony, zawierają podatki oraz opłaty. Cena taka obowiązuje tylko przy płatności kartą MasterCard PrePaid. W podróż udajemy się też tylko z bagażem podręcznym (10 kg), bagaż rejestrowany jest dodatkowo płatny.

Nieco droższe ceny biletów oferują z Warszawy LOT oraz Lufthansa Italia:

* LOT: Warszawa - Mediolan Malpensa 20.01.2011 - 24.01.2011 308 PLN
* Lufthansa Italia: Warszawa - Mediolan Malpensa 26.01.2011 - 29.01.2011 359 PLN

Cena przelotu w dwie strony, zawiera podatki oraz opłaty. Podróżując liniami tradycyjnymi otrzymamy podczas lotu drobną przekąskę oraz napoje, zabierzemy także bagaż rejestrowany (20 kg).

By pasazer.com

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Temat: Aktualne oferty taniego latania w Europie na DZIś

Szalona Środa w LOT

Cena biletu w obie strony
Wylot: 09.02.2011 - 22:30
Powrót: 15.02.2011 - 04:00
491,73 PLN(Dla wszystkich pasażerów, włącznie z podatkami)

Amsterdam 549 PLN teraz 330 PLN
Berlin 535 PLN teraz 320 PLN
Bruksela 399 PLN teraz 329 PLN
Dusseldorf 454 PLN teraz 453 PLN ??
Kair 1050 PLN teraz 491 PLN !!!
Lwów 360 PLN teraz 332 PLN
Nicea 533 PLN teraz 533 PLN ??
Sofia 496 PLN teraz 329 PLNAdam C. edytował(a) ten post dnia 17.11.10 o godzinie 18:13

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Temat: Aktualne oferty taniego latania w Europie na DZIś

Oferta na 19/11/2010

Wizz Air: wybrane loty od PLN 30
Vueling: wybrane loty od €9!!

Szczegóły oferty:
Vienna from 5 airports with Vueling (multiple options)

Brussels from 6 airports with Vueling (multiple options)

Czech Republic
Prague from 5 airports with Vueling (multiple options)

Paris from 5 airports with Wizz Air or Vueling (multiple options)

Athens from 5 airports with Vueling (multiple options)

Bologna from Warsaw with Wizz Air, from PLN 80, book until tomorrow
Milan from 6 airports with Vueling (multiple options)
Naples from 5 airports with Vueling (multiple options)
Padova from 6 airports with Vueling (multiple options)
Palermo from 5 airports with Vueling (multiple options)
Pisa from 5 airports with Vueling (multiple options)
Rome from 7 airports with Vueling (multiple options)
Venice from 6 airports with Vueling (multiple options)

Amsterdam from 6 airports with Vueling (multiple options)
Eindhoven from Warsaw or Wroclaw with Wizz Air (multiple options)

Lisbon from 4 airports with Vueling (multiple options)

Bucharest from 4 airports with Vueling (multiple options)

Moscow from 5 airports with Vueling (multiple options)

Alicante from 5 airports with Vueling (multiple options)
Asturias from 5 airports with Vueling (multiple options)
Barcelona from 5 airports with Vueling (multiple options)
Bilbao from 5 airports with Vueling (multiple options)
Ciudad Real from Ibiza, Barcelona (BCN) or Palma with Vueling (multiple options)
Granada from 4 airports with Vueling (multiple options)
Ibiza from Lisbon or Barcelona (BCN) with Vueling (multiple options)
Jerez from Barcelona (BCN) with Vueling, from 40 EUR, book until Nov 25
La Coruna from 5 airports with Vueling (multiple options)
Las Palmas from 5 airports with Vueling (multiple options)
Lleida from 4 airports with Vueling (multiple options)
Madrid from Barcelona (BCN) with Vueling, from 34 EUR, book until Nov 25
Malaga from 4 airports with Vueling (multiple options)
Menorca from Lisbon, Barcelona (BCN) or Seville (SVQ) with Vueling (multiple options)
Palma from Lisbon, Barcelona (BCN) or Seville (SVQ) with Vueling (multiple options)
Santiago de Compostela from 5 airports with Vueling (multiple options)
Seville from Lisbon, Barcelona (BCN) or Palma with Vueling (multiple options)
Tenerife from Barcelona (BCN) or Seville (SVQ) with Vueling (multiple options)
Vigo from 4 airports with Vueling (multiple options)

United Kingdom
Liverpool from Warsaw with Wizz Air, from PLN 140, book until tomorrow
London from Seville (SVQ) with Vueling, from 34 EUR, book until Nov 25

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Temat: Aktualne oferty taniego latania w Europie na DZIś

Lecimy z Paryża do Kuala Lumpur w Malezji w dwie strony za mniej niż 900 PLN (promocja startuje o północy!)

Równo o północy w noc z 21 na 22 listopada startuje sprzedaż biletów na nowej trasie AirAsia X (długodystansowy oddział AirAsia) z Paryża Orly do Kuala Lumpur. Ceny na tej trasie zapowiadają się całkiem ciekawie. Pamiętajcie – promocja startuje dzisiaj o północy czasu polskiego i potrwa do 24 listopada, rezerwacji dokonujemy na stronie przewoźnika.

Adam C. edytował(a) ten post dnia 21.11.10 o godzinie 21:49

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Temat: Aktualne oferty taniego latania w Europie na DZIś

Ciekawą promocję zaserwowała nam Lufthansa Italia – bilety grupowe. Kupując bilety w tej promocji zapłacimy mniej niż gdybyśmy kupowali bilety dla każdej osoby osobno. Ceny dotyczą przelotów w dwie strony (all inclusive, można zabrać np. parę nart) na trasie Warszawa-Mediolan. I tak: dwie osoby polecą za 627.36 PLN (313,68 PLN/os) , trzy osoby za 992.04 PLN (330.68 PLN/os), cztery za 1242.72 PLN (310.68 PLN/os), a pięć osób za 1478.40 PLN (295.68 PLN/os). Dostępność terminów jest naprawdę duża. Promocja trwa do 21 listopada, a termin lotów jest bardzo długi – aż do końca października 2011 roku!
Bilety kupujemy na stronie Lufthansy.

By http://mlecznepodroze.pl/Adam C. edytował(a) ten post dnia 23.11.10 o godzinie 18:41

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Temat: Aktualne oferty taniego latania w Europie na DZIś

Tym razem już chyba naprawdę ostatnie szansa na tanie Maroko w tym roku. Oferta szczególnie ciekawa dla mieszkańców Górnego Śląska, gdyż najciekawsze połącznie (najtańsze i bez nocowania na lotnisku!) znajdziemy z Katowic i Krakowa. I to wszystko za jedyne 120 PLN. Karty w dłoń i kupować bilety :)

Podróż zaczynamy w Katowicach, do wyboru mamy dwa terminy: 7 i 9 grudnia.
Katowice (KTW) – Paryż Beauvais (BVA) 06.00 – 08.15, 50.00 PLN (Wizzair)
Paryż Beauvais (BVA) – Tangier (TNG) 11.35 – 13.15, 6.00 EUR (Ryanair)

Powrót mamy po 5 bądź 7 dniach:
14.12.2010 Tangier (TNG) – Paryż Beauvais (BVA) 07.30 – 11.10, 6.00 EUR (Ryanair)
14.12.2010 Paryż Beauvais (BVA) – Kraków (KRK) 13.50 – 16.10, 6.00 EUR (Ryanair)

Możemy tez przemierzyć całe Maroko i wracać do Polski z Agadiru (bez nocki!)
11.12.2010 Agadir (AGA) – Frankfurt Hahn (HHN) 10:35 – 15:35, 12.00 EUR (Ryanair)
11.12.2010 Frankfurt Hahn (HHN) – Gdańsk (GDN) 16:25 – 18:10, 6.00 EUR (Ryanair)

By http://mlecznepodroze.pl/Adam C. edytował(a) ten post dnia 23.11.10 o godzinie 18:41
Paweł O.

Paweł O. Fascynat podróży
dalekich i bliskich.

Temat: Aktualne oferty taniego latania w Europie na DZIś

Uprzejmie proszę w wypadku cytowania informacji pochodzących z serwisu Mleczne Podróże o umieszczeniu źródła informacji w formie podania linku, bądź do strony głównej (http://mlecznepodroze.pl) bądź linku do cytowanego artykułu. Nie mamy nic przeciwko cytowaniu-prosimy jedynie o podanie źródła. Z podrowieniami - serwis Mleczne Podróże.

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Temat: Aktualne oferty taniego latania w Europie na DZIś

Oferty na dzień 23/11/2010

Swiss International Air Lines: ceny zimą od £79/PLN 310
Baboo: loty od CHF 119 rtn
Lauda Air: w listopadzie od €79
Ryanair: ceny od €6!
Air Berlin: przecena na wybrane loty 30%

Szczegóły oferty:

Vienna from Warsaw or Funchal with Swiss International Air Lines or Lauda Air (multiple options)

Brussels from 6 airports with Ryanair (multiple options)

Czech Republic
Prague from Warsaw with Swiss International Air Lines, from PLN 634, roundtrip, book until Thursday

Copenhagen from Warsaw with Swiss International Air Lines, from PLN 668, roundtrip, book until Thursday

Basel from Warsaw with Swiss International Air Lines, from PLN 310, roundtrip, book until Thursday
Bordeaux from Porto with Ryanair, from €6, book until Thursday
Freiburg from Warsaw with Swiss International Air Lines, from PLN 310, roundtrip, book until Thursday
Lille from Barcelona / Girona (GRO) or Porto with Ryanair (multiple options)
Lyon from Warsaw with Swiss International Air Lines, from PLN 646, roundtrip, book until Thursday
Marseille from 4 airports with Ryanair (multiple options)
Mulhouse from Warsaw with Swiss International Air Lines, from PLN 310, roundtrip, book until Thursday
Nice from Warsaw with Swiss International Air Lines, from PLN 649, roundtrip, book until Thursday
Paris from 7 airports with Swiss International Air Lines or Ryanair (multiple options)
Rodez from Porto with Ryanair, from €6, book until Thursday
Tours from Porto with Ryanair, from €6, book until Thursday

Baden-Baden from Barcelona / Girona (GRO) or Palma with Ryanair or Air Berlin (multiple options)
Berlin from Warsaw or Palma with Swiss International Air Lines or Air Berlin (multiple options)
Bonn from Palma with Air Berlin, up to 30% off, book until Thursday
Bremen from Palma with Air Berlin, up to 30% off, book until Thursday
Cologne from Palma with Air Berlin, up to 30% off, book until Thursday
Dortmund from Palma with Air Berlin, up to 30% off, book until Thursday
Dresden from Palma with Air Berlin, up to 30% off, book until Thursday
Dusseldorf from 5 airports with Ryanair or Air Berlin (multiple options)
Erfurt from Palma with Air Berlin, up to 30% off, book until Thursday
Frankfurt from Wroclaw, Madrid (MAD) or Palma with Ryanair or Air Berlin (multiple options)
Halle from Palma with Air Berlin, up to 30% off, book until Thursday
Hamburg from Palma with Air Berlin, up to 30% off, book until Thursday
Hannover from Warsaw or Palma with Swiss International Air Lines or Air Berlin (multiple options)
Karlsruhe from Barcelona / Girona (GRO) or Palma with Ryanair or Air Berlin (multiple options)
Leipzig from Palma with Air Berlin, up to 30% off, book until Thursday
Memmingen from Valencia, Barcelona / Girona (GRO) or Porto with Ryanair (multiple options)
Munich from Palma with Air Berlin, up to 30% off, book until Thursday
Munster from Palma with Air Berlin, up to 30% off, book until Thursday
Nuremberg from Warsaw or Palma with Swiss International Air Lines or Air Berlin (multiple options)
Osnabrück from Palma with Air Berlin, up to 30% off, book until Thursday
Paderborn from Palma with Air Berlin, up to 30% off, book until Thursday
Saarbruecken from Palma with Air Berlin, up to 30% off, book until Thursday
Stuttgart from Palma with Air Berlin, up to 30% off, book until Thursday
Weeze from 5 airports with Ryanair or Air Berlin (multiple options)
Westerland from Palma with Air Berlin, up to 30% off, book until Thursday

Athens from Warsaw with Swiss International Air Lines, from PLN 702, roundtrip, book until Thursday
Thessaloniki from Warsaw with Swiss International Air Lines, from PLN 618, roundtrip, book until Thursday

Limerick from Wroclaw with Ryanair, from PLN 24, book until Thursday
Shannon from Wroclaw with Ryanair, from PLN 24, book until Thursday

Alghero from Madrid (MAD) or Barcelona / Girona (GRO) with Ryanair (multiple options)
Ancona from Madrid (MAD) with Ryanair, from €6, book until Thursday
Bari from Seville (SVQ) or Madrid (MAD) with Ryanair (multiple options)
Bologna from Krakow or Barcelona / Girona (GRO) with Ryanair (multiple options)
Brindisi from Barcelona / Girona (GRO) with Ryanair, from €6, book until Thursday
Cagliari from Madrid (MAD) with Ryanair, from €6, book until Thursday
Milan from 12 airports with Swiss International Air Lines or Ryanair (multiple options)
Padova from Warsaw with Swiss International Air Lines, from PLN 636, roundtrip, book until Thursday
Pescara from Barcelona / Girona (GRO) with Ryanair, from €6, book until Thursday
Pisa from Seville (SVQ), Madrid (MAD) or Barcelona / Girona (GRO) with Ryanair (multiple options)
Rome from 4 airports with Swiss International Air Lines or Ryanair (multiple options)
Torino from Madrid (MAD) or Barcelona / Girona (GRO) with Ryanair (multiple options)
Trapani from Madrid (MAD) or Barcelona / Girona (GRO) with Ryanair (multiple options)
Trieste from Valencia with Ryanair, from €6, book until Thursday
Venice from Warsaw or Barcelona / Girona (GRO) with Swiss International Air Lines or Ryanair (multiple options)
Verona from Madrid (MAD) with Ryanair, from €6, book until Thursday

Luxembourg from Warsaw with Swiss International Air Lines, from PLN 2040, roundtrip, book until Thursday

La Valletta from 4 airports with Ryanair (multiple options)
Malta from 4 airports with Ryanair (multiple options)

Aachen from Barcelona / Girona (GRO) or Porto with Ryanair (multiple options)
Eindhoven from Madrid (MAD) or Barcelona / Girona (GRO) with Ryanair (multiple options)
Maastricht from Barcelona / Girona (GRO) or Porto with Ryanair (multiple options)

Oslo from 5 airports with Swiss International Air Lines or Ryanair (multiple options)
Rygge from Wroclaw, Madrid (MAD) or Barcelona (BCN) with Ryanair (multiple options)
Sandefjord from Barcelona / Girona (GRO) with Ryanair, from €6, book until Thursday

Gdansk from Barcelona / Girona (GRO) with Ryanair, from €6, book until Thursday
Krakow from Madrid (MAD) with Ryanair, from €6, book until Thursday

Faro from Porto or Palma with Ryanair or Air Berlin (multiple options)
Lisbon from Warsaw or Palma with Swiss International Air Lines or Air Berlin (multiple options)
Porto from 4 airports with Ryanair or Air Berlin (multiple options)

Moscow from Warsaw with Swiss International Air Lines, from PLN 852, roundtrip, book until Thursday

Alicante from Seville (SVQ), Madrid (MAD) or Palma with Ryanair or Air Berlin (multiple options)
Almeria from Madrid (MAD) with Ryanair, from €6, book until Thursday
Asturias from Palma with Air Berlin, up to 30% off, book until Thursday
Barcelona from 7 airports with Swiss International Air Lines, Ryanair or Air Berlin (multiple options)
Bilbao from Palma with Air Berlin, up to 30% off, book until Thursday
Girona from 5 airports with Ryanair (multiple options)
Ibiza from 4 airports with Ryanair or Air Berlin (multiple options)
Jerez from Madrid (MAD) or Palma with Ryanair or Air Berlin (multiple options)
Lanzarote from Madrid (MAD) or Barcelona (BCN) with Ryanair (multiple options)
Las Palmas from Madrid (MAD), Barcelona (BCN) or Porto with Ryanair (multiple options)
Madrid from 7 airports with Swiss International Air Lines or Ryanair (multiple options)
Malaga from 4 airports with Swiss International Air Lines, Ryanair or Air Berlin (multiple options)
Menorca from Palma with Air Berlin, up to 30% off, book until Thursday
Murcia from Palma with Air Berlin, up to 30% off, book until Thursday
Palma from 6 airports with Swiss International Air Lines or Ryanair (multiple options)
Puerto del Rosario from Valencia, Madrid (MAD) or Barcelona (BCN) with Ryanair (multiple options)
Reus from Seville (SVQ) or Palma with Ryanair (multiple options)
Santander from Madrid (MAD) or Barcelona (BCN) with Ryanair (multiple options)
Santiago de Compostela from Seville (SVQ), Madrid (MAD) or Barcelona (BCN) with Ryanair (multiple options)
Seville from 4 airports with Ryanair or Air Berlin (multiple options)
Tarragona from Seville (SVQ) or Palma with Ryanair (multiple options)
Tenerife from Madrid (MAD), Barcelona (BCN) or Porto with Ryanair (multiple options)
Valencia from 7 airports with Swiss International Air Lines, Ryanair or Air Berlin (multiple options)
Zaragoza from Seville (SVQ) with Ryanair, from €6, book until Thursday

Nykoping from Krakow with Ryanair, from PLN 24, book until Thursday
Stockholm from Krakow with Ryanair, from PLN 24, book until Thursday

Geneva from Warsaw or Valencia with Swiss International Air Lines or Baboo (multiple options)

Istanbul from Warsaw with Swiss International Air Lines, from PLN 644, roundtrip, book until Thursday

United Kingdom
Birmingham from Barcelona / Girona (GRO) with Ryanair, from €6, book until Thursday
Bristol from Barcelona / Girona (GRO) with Ryanair, from €6, book until Thursday
Edinburgh from Poznan with Ryanair, from PLN 24, book until Thursday
Liverpool from 4 airports with Ryanair (multiple options)
London from 7 airports with Swiss International Air Lines or Ryanair (multiple options)
Manchester from Warsaw with Swiss International Air Lines, from PLN 784,
roundtrip, book until Thursday
Nottingham from Wroclaw or Lodz with Ryanair (multiple options)

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Temat: Aktualne oferty taniego latania w Europie na DZIś

Portal http://mlecznepodroze.pl ujawnia tajemnice kolejnej szalonej środy w LOT:

Kolejny raz dzień przed startem promocji ujawniamy trasy, na które będziemy mogli nabyć bilety w najbliższej promocji LOT. Tym razem Szalona Środa umożliwi nam zakup biletów do następujących miast: Belgradu (BEG), Helsinek (HEL), Stambułu (IST), Bukaresztu (OTP), Budapeszt (BUD), Madrytu (MAD) i Londynu (LHR). Dostaniemy też możliwość wylot z miast regionalnych: Bydgoszczy (BZG), Gdańska (GDN), Katowic (KTW), Krakowa (KRK), Poznania (POZ), Rzeszowa (RZE), Szczecina (SZZ) i Wrocławia (WRO).

By http://mlecznepodroze.pl/Adam C. edytował(a) ten post dnia 23.11.10 o godzinie 19:41

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Temat: Aktualne oferty taniego latania w Europie na DZIś

Mateusz Wyrębski:
gdzie jest cieplej? maroko czy gran canaria?

Nie ten temat.

konto usunięte

Temat: Aktualne oferty taniego latania w Europie na DZIś

dwudniowa promocja Lufthansy:

* Addis Abeba od 1999 PLN*
* Bahrain od 1489 PLN*
* Bogotá od 2349 PLN*
* Boston od 1549 PLN*
* Calgary od 1949 PLN*
* Caracas od 1999 PLN*
* Chicago od 1749 PLN*
* Dubaj od 1349 PLN*
* Johannesburg od 2149 PLN*
* Cairo od 1179 PLN*
* Kapsztad od 2349 PLN*
* Lagos od 2349 PLN*
* Las Vegas od 2149 PLN*
* Montreal od 1749 PLN*
* Nanjing od 1999 PLN*
* Nowy Jork od 1469 PLN*
* Pekin od 2149 PLN*
* San Diego od 2149 PLN*
* San Francisco od 2149 PLN*
* Toronto od 1749 PLN*
* Waszyngton od 1749 PLN*

Warunki tej oferty

* Sprzedaż do: 25.11.2010
* Wylot: 01.12.2010-31.03.2011
* Powrót: 05.12.2010-30.04.2011
* Przedsprzedaż : 7 dni
* Minimum pobytu: niedziela
* Maksimum pobytu: 1 miesiąc
* Podana cena może ulec zmianie.
* Podana cena jest dostępna tylko w sprzedaży internetowej przy zakupie biletu elektronicznego.
* Oferta obowiązuje wyłącznie na rejsy wykonywane przez Lufthansę.
* Liczba miejsc ograniczona.

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Temat: Aktualne oferty taniego latania w Europie na DZIś

oferta na 24/11/2010

LOT Polish Airlines: Szalona środa;)
bmibaby: loty od £14.04!
Spanair: wyprzedaż do €25!

Szczegóły oferty:

Vienna from Warsaw or Krakow with LOT Polish Airlines (multiple options)

Brussels from Warsaw or Krakow with LOT Polish Airlines (multiple options)

Sofia from Warsaw with LOT Polish Airlines, up to 50 % off, book until today

Tallinn from Warsaw with LOT Polish Airlines, up to 50 % off, book until today

Helsinki from Warsaw with LOT Polish Airlines, up to 50 % off, book until today

Nice from Warsaw with LOT Polish Airlines, up to 50 % off, book until today
Paris from Krakow, Warsaw or Poznan with LOT Polish Airlines (multiple options)

Berlin from Warsaw with LOT Polish Airlines, up to 50 % off, book until today
Dusseldorf from Warsaw with LOT Polish Airlines, up to 50 % off, book until today
Frankfurt from 4 airports with LOT Polish Airlines (multiple options)
Hamburg from Warsaw with LOT Polish Airlines, up to 50 % off, book until today
Munich from 4 airports with LOT Polish Airlines (multiple options)

Athens from Krakow or Warsaw with LOT Polish Airlines (multiple options)

Budapest from Warsaw with LOT Polish Airlines, up to 50 % off, book until today

Gdansk from Warsaw with LOT Polish Airlines, up to 50 % off, book until today
Katowice from Warsaw with LOT Polish Airlines, up to 50 % off, book until today
Krakow from Warsaw with LOT Polish Airlines, up to 50 % off, book until today
Poznan from Warsaw with LOT Polish Airlines, up to 50 % off, book until today
Rzeszow from Warsaw with LOT Polish Airlines, up to 50 % off, book until today
Szczecin from Warsaw with LOT Polish Airlines, up to 50 % off, book until today
Warsaw from 6 airports with LOT Polish Airlines (multiple options)
Wroclaw from Warsaw with LOT Polish Airlines, up to 50 % off, book until today

Bucharest from Warsaw with LOT Polish Airlines, up to 50 % off, book until today

Belgrade from Warsaw with LOT Polish Airlines, up to 50 % off, book until today

Bratislava from Warsaw with LOT Polish Airlines, up to 50 % off, book until today

Alicante from 4 airports with Spanair (multiple options)
Asturias from Ibiza or Barcelona (BCN) with Spanair (multiple options)
Barcelona from 8 airports with LOT Polish Airlines or Spanair (multiple options)
Bilbao from 5 airports with Spanair (multiple options)
Ibiza from Madrid (MAD) or Barcelona (BCN) with Spanair (multiple options)
Jerez from Ibiza, Palma or Barcelona (BCN) with Spanair (multiple options)
La Coruna from 5 airports with Spanair (multiple options)
Madrid from 7 airports with LOT Polish Airlines or Spanair (multiple options)
Malaga from 4 airports with Spanair (multiple options)
Menorca from Seville (SVQ), Madrid (MAD) or Barcelona (BCN) with Spanair (multiple options)
Palma from 5 airports with Spanair (multiple options)
Santiago de Compostela from 6 airports with Spanair (multiple options)
Seville from 4 airports with Spanair (multiple options)
Tenerife from Katowice with LOT Polish Airlines, up to 50 % off, book until today
Valencia from Barcelona (BCN) or Madrid (MAD) with Spanair (multiple options)
Vigo from Palma or Barcelona (BCN) with Spanair (multiple options)

Istanbul from Warsaw with LOT Polish Airlines, up to 50 % off, book until today

United Kingdom
Cardiff from Ibiza with bmibaby, from £41.04, book until Nov 30
London from Warsaw with LOT Polish Airlines, up to 50 % off, book until today
Manchester from Palma with bmibaby, from £21.04, book until Nov 30
Nottingham from Ibiza with bmibaby, from £42.04, book until Nov 30

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Temat: Aktualne oferty taniego latania w Europie na DZIś

Oferta na 25/11/2010

Meridiana: ceny od €22
TAP Portugal: ceny od €51
Austrian Airlines: z Polski za PLN 474
Transavia: wybrane loty od €36!

Szczegóły oferty:

Vienna from Warsaw or Krakow with Austrian Airlines (multiple options)

Czech Republic
Prague from Lisbon with TAP Portugal, from € 105, book until Saturday

Nantes from Porto with Transavia, from € 41, book until Nov 30
Paris from Funchal, Seville (SVQ) or Porto with Transavia (multiple options)

Budapest from Lisbon with TAP Portugal, from € 105, book until Saturday

Florence from Madrid (MAD) or Barcelona (BCN) with Meridiana (multiple options)
Rome from Warsaw with Austrian Airlines, from 643 PLN, roundtrip, book until Nov 30

Luxembourg from Porto with TAP Portugal, from € 96, book until Saturday

Amsterdam from Valencia, Barcelona (BCN) or Barcelona / Girona (GRO) with Transavia (multiple options)

Funchal from Lisbon, Madrid (MAD) or Porto with TAP Portugal or Transavia (multiple options)

Lisbon from Madrid (MAD) with TAP Portugal, from € 51, roundtrip, book until Saturday

Barcelona from Warsaw with Austrian Airlines, from 714 PLN, roundtrip, book until Nov 30

konto usunięte

Temat: Aktualne oferty taniego latania w Europie na DZIś

Oferta na 26/11/2010

Lufthansa: powrotne bilety z Hiszpanii od €99
Iberia: wybrane loty od €27
Vueling: w grudniu lecimy od €9!
Ryanair: Tylko 2 dni - ceny od €6

Szczegóły oferty:

Vienna from 7 airports with Lufthansa or Vueling (multiple options)

Brussels from 9 airports with Lufthansa, Vueling or Ryanair (multiple options)

Sofia from 4 airports with Lufthansa (multiple options)

Zagreb from 4 airports with Lufthansa (multiple options)

Czech Republic
Prague from 7 airports with Lufthansa or Vueling (multiple options)

Copenhagen from Barcelona (BCN), Madrid (MAD) or Valencia with Lufthansa (multiple options)

Helsinki from Barcelona (BCN), Madrid (MAD) or Valencia with Lufthansa (multiple options)

Bordeaux from Porto with Ryanair, from €6, book until Sunday
Lille from Barcelona / Girona (GRO) or Porto with Ryanair (multiple options)
Paris from 5 airports with Iberia, Vueling or Ryanair (multiple options)
Rodez from Porto with Ryanair, from €6, book until Sunday
Tours from Porto with Ryanair, from €6, book until Sunday

Berlin from 4 airports with Lufthansa (multiple options)
Dusseldorf from 7 airports with Lufthansa or Ryanair (multiple options)
Frankfurt from 5 airports with Lufthansa or Ryanair (multiple options)
Hamburg from 4 airports with Lufthansa (multiple options)
Munich from 4 airports with Lufthansa (multiple options)
Weeze from Wroclaw, Krakow or Porto with Ryanair (multiple options)

Athens from 7 airports with Lufthansa, Iberia or Vueling (multiple options)

Budapest from 4 airports with Lufthansa (multiple options)

Dublin from 4 airports with Ryanair (multiple options)

Alghero from Barcelona / Girona (GRO) with Ryanair, from €6, book until Sunday
Bologna from Krakow, Barcelona / Girona (GRO) or Porto with Ryanair (multiple options)
Brindisi from Barcelona / Girona (GRO) with Ryanair, from €6, book until Sunday
Milan from 12 airports with Lufthansa, Vueling or Ryanair (multiple options)
Naples from 5 airports with Vueling (multiple options)
Padova from 6 airports with Vueling (multiple options)
Palermo from 5 airports with Vueling (multiple options)
Pescara from Barcelona / Girona (GRO) with Ryanair, from €6, book until Sunday
Pisa from 6 airports with Vueling or Ryanair (multiple options)
Rome from 8 airports with Lufthansa, Vueling or Ryanair (multiple options)
Torino from Barcelona / Girona (GRO) with Ryanair, from €6, book until Sunday
Trapani from Barcelona / Girona (GRO) with Ryanair, from €6, book until Sunday
Venice from 7 airports with Vueling or Ryanair (multiple options)

La Valletta from Barcelona / Girona (GRO) with Ryanair, from €6, book until Sunday
Malta from Barcelona / Girona (GRO) with Ryanair, from €6, book until Sunday

Aachen from Barcelona / Girona (GRO) with Ryanair, from €6, book until Sunday
Amsterdam from 6 airports with Vueling (multiple options)
Eindhoven from Barcelona / Girona (GRO) or Porto with Ryanair (multiple options)
Maastricht from Barcelona / Girona (GRO) with Ryanair, from €6, book until Sunday

Oslo from 6 airports with Lufthansa or Ryanair (multiple options)
Rygge from Krakow with Ryanair, from PLN 66, book until Sunday
Sandefjord from Barcelona / Girona (GRO) with Ryanair, from €6, book until Sunday

Gdansk from Barcelona / Girona (GRO) with Ryanair, from €6, book until Sunday
Katowice from Barcelona (BCN) with Lufthansa, from 179 €, roundtrip, book until Dec 3
Krakow from 4 airports with Lufthansa (multiple options)
Warsaw from 4 airports with Lufthansa (multiple options)

Faro from Porto with Ryanair, from €6, book until Sunday
Lisbon from 4 airports with Vueling (multiple options)
Porto from Barcelona (BCN) with Ryanair, from €6, book until Sunday

Bucharest from 6 airports with Lufthansa or Vueling (multiple options)

Moscow from 5 airports with Vueling (multiple options)

Alicante from 5 airports with Vueling (multiple options)
Asturias from 6 airports with Iberia or Vueling (multiple options)
Barcelona from 6 airports with Vueling or Ryanair (multiple options)
Bilbao from 5 airports with Vueling (multiple options)
Ciudad Real from Ibiza, Palma or Barcelona (BCN) with Vueling (multiple options)
Girona from Palma with Ryanair, from €6, book until Sunday
Granada from 4 airports with Vueling (multiple options)
Ibiza from Barcelona (BCN), Lisbon or Barcelona / Girona (GRO) with Vueling or Ryanair (multiple options)
Jerez from Barcelona (BCN) with Vueling, from 40 EUR, book until Nov 30
La Coruna from 5 airports with Vueling (multiple options)
Las Palmas from 5 airports with Vueling (multiple options)
Lleida from 4 airports with Vueling (multiple options)
Madrid from 4 airports with Vueling or Ryanair (multiple options)
Malaga from 6 airports with Iberia, Vueling or Ryanair (multiple options)
Menorca from Seville (SVQ), Barcelona (BCN) or Lisbon with Vueling (multiple options)
Palma from 5 airports with Iberia, Vueling or Ryanair (multiple options)
Reus from Palma with Ryanair, from €6, book until Sunday
Santander from Barcelona (BCN) with Ryanair, from €6, book until Sunday
Santiago de Compostela from 5 airports with Vueling (multiple options)
Seville from 4 airports with Vueling or Ryanair (multiple options)
Tarragona from Palma with Ryanair, from €6, book until Sunday
Tenerife from Madrid (MAD), Seville (SVQ) or Barcelona (BCN) with Iberia or Vueling (multiple options)
Valencia from Barcelona (BCN) or Porto with Ryanair (multiple options)
Vigo from 4 airports with Vueling (multiple options)

Gothenburg from 4 airports with Lufthansa (multiple options)
Nykoping from Krakow with Ryanair, from PLN 66, book until Sunday
Stockholm from 5 airports with Lufthansa or Ryanair (multiple options)

Geneva from Barcelona (BCN), Madrid (MAD) or Valencia with Lufthansa (multiple options)
Zurich from 4 airports with Lufthansa or Iberia (multiple options)

Istanbul from 4 airports with Lufthansa (multiple options)

United Kingdom
Birmingham from Krakow with Ryanair, from PLN 66, book until Sunday
Bradford from Krakow with Ryanair, from PLN 66, book until Sunday
Bristol from Poznan with Ryanair, from PLN 66, book until Sunday
Edinburgh from Poznan, Krakow or Lodz with Ryanair (multiple options)
Glasgow from Wroclaw with Ryanair, from PLN 66, book until Sunday
Leeds from Krakow with Ryanair, from PLN 66, book until Sunday
Liverpool from 4 airports with Ryanair (multiple options)
London from 6 airports with Iberia, Vueling or Ryanair (multiple options)
Nottingham from Wroclaw or Lodz with Ryanair (multiple options)

konto usunięte

Temat: Aktualne oferty taniego latania w Europie na DZIś

Propozycje tanich lotów na ferie zimowe:

Trasa Kraków – Marrakesz - Kraków via Bolonia
Termin(29 I – 10 II) 226 PLN netto
lot tam
Kraków – Bolonia (Ryanair), 29 I, 17:55-19:50 (61 zł)
Bolonia – Marrakesz (Ryanair), 30 I, 6:30-09:00 (18 euro)
lot powrót
Marrakesz – Bolonia (Ryanair), 10 II, 9:25-13:25 (18 euro)
Bolonia – Kraków (Ryanair), 10 15:35-17:30 (21 zł)
lub za 230 PLN netto w innym terminie 22 I – 3 II.

Trasa Poznań – Agadir - Poznań via London Stansted
Termin(19 – 27 I) 257 PLN netto
lot tam
Poznań – Londyn (Stansted) (Ryanair), 19 I, 10:40-11:40 (61 zł)
Londyn (Stansted) – Agadir (Ryanair), 19 I, 15:40-19:30 (18 funtów)
lot powrót
Agadir – Londyn (Stansted) (Ryanair), 26 I, 19:55-23:45 (18 funtów)
Londyn (Stansted) – Poznań (Ryanair), 27 I, 07:15-10:15 (24 zł)

Trasa Gdańsk – Agadir - Gdańsk via London Stansted
Termin (26 I – 3 II) 265 PLN netto
lot tam
Gdańsk – Londyn (Stansted) (Ryanair), 26 I, 9:50-11:10 (32 zł)
Londyn (Stansted) – Agadir (Ryanair), 26 I, 15:40-19:30 (18 funtów)
lot powrót
Agadir – Londyn (Stansted) (Ryanair), 2 II, 19:55-23:45 (18 funtów)
Londyn (Stansted) – Gdańsk (Ryanair), 3 II, 06:10-9:25 (61 zł)

Trasa Kraków – Agadir - Kraków via London Stansted
Trasa (19 – 27 I) 298 PLN netto
lot tam
Kraków – Londyn (Stansted) (Ryanair), 19 I, 10:00-11:30 (61 zł)
Londyn (Stansted) – Agadir (Ryanair), 19 I, 15:40-19:30 (18 funtów)
lot powrót
Agadir – Londyn (Stansted) (Ryanair), 26 I, 19:55-23:45 (18 funtów)
Londyn (Stansted) – Kraków (Ryanair), 27 I, 06:10-9:35 (61 zł)

Trasa Warszawa – Larnaka - Warszawa via Bruksela Charleroi
Termin(18/19 – 26 I, 25/26 I – 2 II, 21/22 I – 2 II, 8/9 – 16 II) 304 PLN netto
lot tam
Warszawa – Bruksela (Charleroi) (Wizz Air), 18:25-20:35 (80 zł)
Bruksela (Charleroi) – Larnaka (Ryanair), 07:30-12:55 (18 euro)
lot powrót
Larnaka – Bruksela (Charleroi) (Ryanair), 13:20-16:45 (18 euro)
Bruksela (Charleroi) – Warszawa (Wizz Air), 21:00-22:55 (80 zł)

Trasa Warszawa – Lanzarote - Warszawa
Termin (28/29 I – 3 II, 26/27 I – 3 II, 24/25 I – 3 II) 330 PLN netto
lot tam
Warszawa – Bruksela (Charleroi) (Wizz Air), 18:25-20:35 (80 zł)
Bruksela (Charleroi) – Lanzarote (Ryanair), 06:40-9:55 (18 euro)
lot powrót
Lanzarote – Bruksela (Charleroi) (Ryanair), 10:30-15:30 (24 euro)
Bruksela (Charleroi) – Warszawa (Wizz Air), 21:00-22:55 (80 zł)

Trasa Warszawa – Gran Canaria - Warszawa via Bruksela Charleroi
Termin(21/22 I – 3 II, 24/25 I – 3 II, 26/27 I – 3 II, 28/29 I – 3 II)330 PLN netto
lot tam
Warszawa – Bruksela (Charleroi) (Wizz Air), 18:25-20:35 (80 zł)
Bruksela (Charleroi) – Gran Canaria (Ryanair), 06:40-9:55 (18 euro)
lot powrot
Gran Canaria – Bruksela (Charleroi) (Ryanair), 10:30-15:30 (24 euro)
Bruksela (Charleroi) – Warszawa (Wizz Air), 21:00-22:55 (80 zł)

By http://www.fly4free.pl/tanie-loty-na-ferie-zimowe-maro...Adam C. edytował(a) ten post dnia 27.11.10 o godzinie 17:18

konto usunięte

Temat: Aktualne oferty taniego latania w Europie na DZIś

Oferty na dzień 30/11/2010

British Airways: ceny na wybrane loty od €54 - €78
Iceland Express: ceny od £54
Ryanair: tylko na wybrane loty €6!

Szczegóły oferty:

Brussels from 5 airports with Ryanair (multiple options)

Larnaca from Barcelona / Girona (GRO) with Ryanair, from €20.99, book until Thursday

Billund from Barcelona / Girona (GRO) with Ryanair, from €20.99, book until Thursday

Bordeaux from Porto with Ryanair, from €6, book until Thursday
Lille from Porto or Barcelona / Girona (GRO) with Ryanair (multiple options)
Marseille from Porto with Ryanair, from €16.99, book until Thursday
Paris from 4 airports with Ryanair (multiple options)
Rodez from Porto with Ryanair, from €6, book until Thursday
Tours from Porto with Ryanair, from €6, book until Thursday

Baden-Baden from Barcelona / Girona (GRO) with Ryanair, from €20.99, book until Thursday
Dusseldorf from 4 airports with Ryanair (multiple options)
Frankfurt from Wroclaw with Ryanair, from PLN 24, book until Thursday
Karlsruhe from Barcelona / Girona (GRO) with Ryanair, from €20.99, book until Thursday
Memmingen from Barcelona / Girona (GRO) with Ryanair, from €20.99, book until Thursday
Weeze from 4 airports with Ryanair (multiple options)

Reykjavik from Warsaw with Iceland Express, from £ 54, book until today

Dublin from 5 airports with Ryanair (multiple options)

Alghero from Barcelona / Girona (GRO) with Ryanair, from €6, book until Thursday
Bologna from Krakow or Barcelona / Girona (GRO) with Ryanair (multiple options)
Brindisi from Barcelona / Girona (GRO) with Ryanair, from €6, book until Thursday
Cagliari from Barcelona (BCN) with Ryanair, from €18.99, book until Thursday
Milan from Krakow, Wroclaw or Barcelona / Girona (GRO) with Ryanair (multiple options)
Pescara from Barcelona / Girona (GRO) with Ryanair, from €6, book until Thursday
Pisa from Barcelona / Girona (GRO) with Ryanair, from €6, book until Thursday
Rome from Barcelona (BCN) or Barcelona / Girona (GRO) with Ryanair (multiple options)
Torino from Barcelona / Girona (GRO) with Ryanair, from €6, book until Thursday
Trapani from Barcelona / Girona (GRO) with Ryanair, from €6, book until Thursday
Venice from Barcelona (BCN) or Barcelona / Girona (GRO) with Ryanair (multiple options)

La Valletta from Barcelona / Girona (GRO) with Ryanair, from €6, book until Thursday
Malta from Barcelona / Girona (GRO) with Ryanair, from €6, book until Thursday

Aachen from Porto or Barcelona / Girona (GRO) with Ryanair (multiple options)
Eindhoven from Barcelona / Girona (GRO) with Ryanair, from €6, book until Thursday
Maastricht from Porto or Barcelona / Girona (GRO) with Ryanair (multiple options)

Oslo from Krakow, Wroclaw or Barcelona / Girona (GRO) with Ryanair (multiple options)
Rygge from Krakow or Wroclaw with Ryanair (multiple options)
Sandefjord from Barcelona / Girona (GRO) with Ryanair, from €6, book until Thursday

Gdansk from Barcelona / Girona (GRO) with Ryanair, from €6, book until Thursday
Poznan from Barcelona / Girona (GRO) with Ryanair, from €20.99, book until Thursday

Faro from Porto with Ryanair, from €6, book until Thursday
Porto from Barcelona (BCN) with Ryanair, from €6, book until Thursday

Barcelona from Porto or Palma with Ryanair (multiple options)
Girona from Palma with Ryanair, from €6, book until Thursday
Ibiza from Barcelona (BCN) with Ryanair, from €6, book until Thursday
Lanzarote from Barcelona / Girona (GRO) with Ryanair, from €20.99, book until Thursday
Madrid from Porto, Palma or Barcelona / Girona (GRO) with Ryanair (multiple options)
Malaga from Wroclaw or Barcelona (BCN) with Ryanair (multiple options)
Palma from Barcelona (BCN) or Barcelona / Girona (GRO) with Ryanair (multiple options)
Reus from Palma with Ryanair, from €6, book until Thursday
Santander from Barcelona (BCN) with Ryanair, from €6, book until Thursday
Santiago de Compostela from Barcelona (BCN) with Ryanair, from €6, book until Thursday
Seville from Palma or Barcelona / Girona (GRO) with Ryanair (multiple options)
Tarragona from Palma with Ryanair, from €6, book until Thursday
Tenerife from Barcelona / Girona (GRO) with Ryanair, from €20.99, book until Thursday
Valencia from Porto, Palma or Barcelona (BCN) with Ryanair (multiple options)

Gothenburg from Barcelona / Girona (GRO) with Ryanair, from €20.99, book until Thursday
Nykoping from Krakow or Barcelona / Girona (GRO) with Ryanair (multiple options)
Stockholm from Krakow or Barcelona / Girona (GRO) with Ryanair (multiple options)

United Kingdom
Birmingham from Krakow or Barcelona / Girona (GRO) with Ryanair (multiple options)
Bournemouth from Barcelona / Girona (GRO) with Ryanair, from €20.99, book until Thursday
Bradford from Krakow with Ryanair, from PLN 70, book until Thursday
Bristol from Poznan or Barcelona / Girona (GRO) with Ryanair (multiple options)
Edinburgh from Krakow or Poznan with Ryanair (multiple options)
Glasgow from Wroclaw or Barcelona / Girona (GRO) with Ryanair (multiple options)
Leeds from Krakow with Ryanair, from PLN 70, book until Thursday
Liverpool from 4 airports with Ryanair (multiple options)
London from 8 airports with British Airways or Ryanair (multiple options)
Nottingham from Wroclaw or Barcelona / Girona (GRO) with Ryanair (multiple options)

konto usunięte

Temat: Aktualne oferty taniego latania w Europie na DZIś

Kolejna oferta w AirAsia dla tych, którzy są już w Azji:


Penang, Phnom Penh, Jakarta, Vientiane, Hat Yai, Ho Chi Minh City i wiele innych miejsc w cenie od 59 PLN...Adam C. edytował(a) ten post dnia 01.12.10 o godzinie 09:21

konto usunięte

Temat: Aktualne oferty taniego latania w Europie na DZIś

Dziś Szalona Środa w LOT o 18.00.

Amsterdam, Ateny, Barcelona, Budapeszt, Chicago, Damaszek, Mediolan, Monachium, Nowy Jork, Odessa, Petersburg, Tallin, Tel Aviv - te miasta tafią dziś do promocji LOT "Szalone środy". Wyloty z Warszawy i Gdańska.

Portal http://www.loter.pl zamieścił standardowe ceny w tym terminie:

Warszawa – Amsterdam (560 zł) 430
Warszawa – Ateny (591 zł) 530
Warszawa – Barcelona (561 zł) 379
Warszawa – Budapeszt (400 zł) 329
Warszawa – Chicago (2479 zł)
Warszawa – Damaszek (1188 zł) 832
Warszawa – Mediolan (389 zł) 279
Warszawa – Monachium (318 zł) 280
Warszawa – Nowy Jork (2087 zł) 1528
Warszawa – Saint Petersburg (623 zł) 431
Warszawa – Odessa (597 zł) 430
Warszawa – Tallin (475 zł) 429
Warszawa – Tel Awiw Yafo (1306 zł) 834


LOT odwołał Szaloną Środę z powodów technicznych !!!!!!
Oficjalny komunikat:
"W związku z niezależnymi od LOT usterkami technicznymi na naszej tronie internetowej, jesteśmy zmuszeni odwołać dzisiejszą edycję oferty Szalone Środy. Serdecznie Państwa przepraszamy za niedogodności!
Zapraszamy do odwiedzenia http://lot.com w Szaloną Środę 8 grudnia 2010 r. Za tydzień specjalna oferta."Adam C. edytował(a) ten post dnia 01.12.10 o godzinie 18:17

Następna dyskusja:

Warsztaty Taniego Latania

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