Katarzyna B.

Katarzyna B. Starszy specjalista,


Fundacja Sendzimira zaprasza do wzięcia udziału w międzynarodowym
kursie on-line.
Do you want to
facilitate creative meetings and innovation processes with ease?
Join the free online course about hosting social innovation!
We would like to invite you to take part in our e-learning course,
that will take place from 24th of April through 4th of June 2017. It
will be an interactive e-learning intensive. Participants will be
collaborating with one another in pairs and small groups with ample
support from tutors.
Application form is available until 23rd of April 2017 -

For whom? innovators, visionaries, facilitators of change,
sustainability professionals, social entrepreneurs, trainers,
participants coming from diverse sectors: business, social
enterprises, NGOs, academia, other institutions;
all who share interest in the facilitation of social innovations.

Goal of this course: To better understand the importance of
social innovation;
To gain practical skills, to support others during all innovation
phases as well as getting to know tools and methods which will help
you and others to realize ideas and visions.
Why should you take part in this course?
Rich curriculum, covering all the innovation phases with examples of
the methods that can be used, practical cases from a variety of

The form and the program of the course is based on extensive
experience engaging in e-learning in the field of sustainability.
The distance learning makes the course available to everybody with
internet access -- you can learn from everywhere you want.
A diverse group of participants represent a great opportunity for
getting to know new perspectives and ways of thinking crucial to
Tutors with practical experience in both online education as well as
project implementation support you in deeper understanding of the
course material, providing you with feedback on realized tasks.
Meet engaging practitioners in our two webinars and hear their
stories of how they overcame innovation barriers.

What you need to take into account when you decide to participate in
this course?
Participation is free of charge.
You need consistent, high-speed internet access.
Your engagement in this training can vary depending on how much time
you have – there are some obligatory parts and some complimentary
optional activities. Of course, the more you give the more you get!
The whole course requires approximately 4 hours per week.

All of the participants that successfully finish the course will
earn a certificate.