Jacek Stańczak

Jacek Stańczak Manager Sales
Automotive Poland -
OEM , Schaeffler

Temat: Uznanie/Nagrody

Schaeffler Automotive Aftermarket z nagrodą ADI
Super Warsztat / Warto wiedzieć 21.05.2009

Grupa Autodistribution International (ADI) przyznała nagrodę „Dostawcy Roku 2008” Schaeffler Automotive Aftermarket.

ADI to grupa europejskich odbiorców części zamiennych, narzędzi oraz usług przemysłu motoryzacyjnego. Wraz z 19 partnerami, ADI reprezentuje około 500 przedsiębiorstw handlu hurtowego branży motoryzacyjnej, tworzących sieć 2 200 hurtowni w 26 krajach. Schaeffler Automotive Aftermarket zaopatruje firmy należące do ADI w kompletny zestaw produktów i usług dla takich marek jak: LuK, INA, FAG oraz Ruville.

W celu wyłonienia laureata partnerzy ADI oceniali produkty oraz ofertę marketingową wszystkich 42 dostawców kontraktowych ADI. Dostawcy musieli spełnić surowe standardy w 10 różnych kategoriach. Nagroda przypada temu dostawcy ADI, który w sumie otrzyma najwięcej punktów. Nagrodę przyznano po raz siedemnasty od czasu jej ustanowienia w roku 1992.Jacek Stańczak edytował(a) ten post dnia 03.06.09 o godzinie 00:35
Jacek Stańczak

Jacek Stańczak Manager Sales
Automotive Poland -
OEM , Schaeffler

Temat: Uznanie/Nagrody

Udana Współpraca
Nagroda Toyoty “Achievement Award Suppy” dla Schaeffler
Toyota przyznała nagrodę za osiągnięcia “Achievement Award” w kategorii “Dostawa” firmie Schaeffler. Tym wyróżnieniem japoński producent samochodów uhonorował Grupę Schaeffler za jakość produktów i usług. Schaeffler jest jednym z zaledwie czterech dostawców, którzy otrzymali nagrodę “Achievement Award” w uznaniu za wyniki na corocznym spotkaniu „Annual Business Meeting 2009” w Brukseli.

“To istotnie wielki sukces otrzymać takie uznanie od firmy, która jest znana jako szczególnie dobry klient”, mówi Dr. Peter Pleus, Dyrektor działu „Engine Systems”.

Część hydrauliczna (z ang. hydraulic suport element), zaprojektowana przez Schaeffler dla mechanizmu rozrządu zaworowego, została zaprezentowana podczas ceremonii wręczenia nagród. Ten komponent ma zastosowanie w nowym silniku ZR marki Toyota. Zapewnia on automatyczną regulację luzu zaworowego. Ten czterocylindrowy, benzynowy silnik ma pojemność skokową 1,6 oraz 1,8 litra i został zainstalowany w modelach takich jak Auris i Avensis.

Silniki ZR spalają do sześciu procent mniej paliwa w porównaniu z wcześniejszą generacją silników ZZ. Taki wynik osiągnięto za pomocą kontroli zmiennego rozrządu zaworowego oraz zoptymalizowanego tarcia w silniku.

Szczególną cechą techniczną części hydraulicznej firmy Schaeffler jest ceramiczna kulka w zaworze zwrotnym, co jest jeszcze większym wyzwaniem dla procesu produkcji. O przyznaniu nagrody nie zadecydowała jednak jedynie innowacyjna zdolność globalnego dostawcy. Jakość i dostawa również odegrały ważną rolę.

Tradycyjnie firmę Schaeffler postrzega się jako wiarygodnego partnera na rynku motoryzacyjnym, który związał się z wieloma rozwijającymi się projektami producentów samochodów. Podobnie wygląda sprawa Toyoty. Przykładem może być wspólny projekt nowej części hydraulicznej, która rozpoczęła się w na początku 2006 roku, a zaowocowała rozpoczęciem produkcji masowej jesienią 2008.

“Dialog, jaki prowadzimy z naszymi klientami daje nam możliwość pełnej koncentracji na innowacyjności względem szczególnych wymagań klienta”, wyjaśnia Dr. Peter Pleus. „Na przykład, udało nam się z powodzeniem zintegrować ceramiczną część w procesie produkcji, co zostało zasugerowane przez Toyotę.”

Przyznając nagrodę “Achievement Award” firmie Schaeffler, Toyota potwierdziła swoje zadowolenie z procesu produkcyjnego. „Wspaniałe rezultaty, które uzyskano podczas audytów i oceny projektu wynikają ze ścisłej współpracy pomiędzy zarządzającymi projektem a Działem Sprzedaży, Rozwoju, Produkcji oraz Jakości”, podkreśla Dr. Peter Pleus.

Dla Toyoty i wielu innych firm, jakość rozpoczyna się już na etapie selekcji odpowiednich dostawców. Przecież samochód jest tak dobry, jak dobra jest suma jego indywidualnych części. Każda z nich w bardzo dużym stopniu przyczynia się do ogólnej jakości produktu, a tym samym do satysfakcji klienta.

2009-05-05 | 000-001-804 PL-PL
Jacek Stańczak

Jacek Stańczak Manager Sales
Automotive Poland -
OEM , Schaeffler

Temat: Uznanie/Nagrody

2009-04-21 | 000-001-806 PL-PL

Nagroda PACE
Międzynarodowa komisja nagradza suche sprzęgło podwójne
Niemiecki dostawca części na rynek motoryzacyjny: LuK GmbH & Co. oHG został uhonorowany prestiżową nagrodą PACE, za innowacyjne podwójne sprzęgło suche, przez branżowy magazyn „Automotive News” wraz ze współsponsorami, firmę konsultingową Ernst & Young oraz Centrum Badań Transportu. Sprzęgło podwójne – pierwsze funkcjonujące bez chodzenia olejem – uzyskało wysokie wyniki dzięki szybkiej i wygodnej zmianie biegów oraz niskiemu zużyciu paliwa, co w rezultacie doprowadziło do jego triumfu wśród konkurentów.

W tym roku, 20 kwietnia, nagroda PACE została przyznana po raz piętnasty. Dostawcy produktów, procesów, materiałów czy usług, dostarczający je bezpośrednio do producentów samochodów, mogli wziąć udział w konkursie. Początkowo ze wszystkich uczestników wybrano 25 finalistów, ale jedynie 13 zabrało upragnione trofeum do domu.

Jeff Hemphill, Wiceprezes ds. Rozwoju Produktu w oddziale LuK w Wooster (USA), odebrał nagrodę w kategorii „Produkt Europejski” w Centrum Muzyki im. Max’a M. Fisher’a w Detroit: „Komfort jazdy i niskie zużycie paliwa to pierwsze kryteria brane pod uwagę przy zakupie samochodu i tak samo są one najważniejsze dla producentów samochodów. Poprzez wprowadzenie podwójnego sprzęgła suchego, znaczenie przyczyniliśmy się do osiągnięcia wyżej wymienionych celów. Jesteśmy zatem bardzo szczęśliwi, że otrzymaliśmy to wyróżnienie i ogromnie dumni z kreatywności naszych pracowników.”

Podwójne sprzęgło zyskało ogromne uznanie już rok temu. Komisja konkursu, w trakcie jednodniowej wizyty, wnikliwie przyjrzała się produkcji w Bühl oraz procesom produkcyjnym. Z początkiem roku, rozpoczęto produkcję podwójnego sprzęgła LuK na szeroką skalę, dla nowych 7-biegowych, zautomatyzowanych przekładni firmy Volkswagen.Jacek Stańczak edytował(a) ten post dnia 25.02.11 o godzinie 12:56
Jacek Stańczak

Jacek Stańczak Manager Sales
Automotive Poland -
OEM , Schaeffler

Temat: Uznanie/Nagrody

2009-07-23 | 000-001-883 DE-EN

Steel Innovation Award for lightweight balancer shaft with rolling bearing supports from Schaeffler
Lightweight for Efficiency and Comfort
Schaeffler is to be awarded the Steel Innovation Award 2009 for its lightweight balancer shaft with rolling bearing supports for modern, four-cylinder car engines. "The lightweight balancer shaft with rolling bearing supports improves running characteristics and reduces fuel consumption", according to an explanatory statement from the jury of this prize which is awarded every three years.

The rolling bearing supports with reduced friction characteristics enable a significant improvement in energy efficiency compared to the plain bearings which were previously used. In this specific case, the power consumed internally in the engine is reduced in total by 1.5 kW (2.0 PS). The rolling bearing supports also enable a new optimized mass layout of the balancer shafts with a mass that is reduced by around one third. This means the two balancer shafts alone, which run at twice crankshaft speed due to the design, reduce engine weight by more than a kilogram. The filigree design minimizes the shaft’s rotational inertia and, thus, in turn reduces the driving forces required. The innovative design of the balancer shaft, which was developed by INA Schaeffler in cooperation with forging specialist Hirschvogel, also considerably reduces the requirement for oil cooling and makes the previously obligatory pressure lubrication no longer necessary.

The lightweight balancer shafts with rolling bearing supports are currently used in the modern, four-cylinder diesel engines from Mercedes-Benz.

"Along with the significant advantage of energy efficiency, the lightweight balancer shafts with rolling bearing supports also benefit comfort," says Dr. Peter Solfrank, Head of Application Engineering responsible for rolling bearings in passenger car engines at Schaeffler. In addition to the known application in diesel engines, this technology is also suitable for use in petrol engines. The lightweight balancer shaft with rolling bearing supports, thus, plays a key role in successful downsizing in engine construction.

A new element is also the fact that the lightweight balancer shaft offered by Schaeffler is used at the same time as the inner raceway of the rolling bearing. As a result, the inner rings of the main bearings are no longer required because the rolling elements run directly on the hardened shaft. This is a forged shaft as opposed to conventional balancer shafts which are cast.

Schaeffler, thus, offers vehicle manufacturers a complete solution which has been proven in high-volume production. Drivers also gain – from increased comfort – and a reduction in fuel consumption and CO2 emissions of around one percent.
]Jacek Stańczak edytował(a) ten post dnia 04.08.09 o godzinie 14:17
Jacek Stańczak

Jacek Stańczak Manager Sales
Automotive Poland -
OEM , Schaeffler

Temat: Uznanie/Nagrody

2009-07-14 | 000-001-853 DE-EN

Partner for “Vorsprung durch Technik”
Schaeffler congratulates Audi on 100 years of “Vorsprung durch Technik”
When Audi celebrates 100 years of “Vorsprung durch Technik” in the next few weeks, the Schaeffler Group can look back on 100 joint years as far as “Vorsprung durch Technik” is concerned.

Ball bearings of Schaeffler’s brand FAG (formerly Kugelfischer) also put the automotive milestones from Audi and the brands belonging to Auto Union into motion. What began with classic rolling bearings, has developed today into an almost unlimited number of innovations that have been realized jointly. The cooperation has always been characterized – as is usually the case in successful partnerships – by innovativeness and a cooperative spirit. Close proximity created even closer contact. Audi’s 100th anniversary also coincides with the 50th anniversary of the Schaeffler location in Ingolstadt. And the Ingolstadt location plays an extremely innovative role in the history of Schaeffler: The first hydraulic valve lash adjustment elements were developed here. A Schaeffler innovation which has become the standard for modern engine design worldwide since the mid seventies.

The numerous technical solutions, which Audi and Schaeffler realize jointly, include various valve control and transmission developments. The range extends from manual transmissions and the continuously variable transmission designated Multitronic to the new transmission. INA needle roller cages and FAG tapered roller bearings perform reliable service in different transmissions, likewise customized gearshift and synchronization elements meet the requirements for precision and gearshift feel.

An important chapter in 100 years of “Vorsprung durch Technik” has been the development of the direct-injection diesel engine. It has celebrated as “TDI” an unprecedented run of success worldwide for two decades. With the invention of the overrunning alternator pulley, Schaeffler succeeded in achieving a decisive breakthrough in the development of high-speed, high-performance and high-torque direct-injection diesel engines. This component in the belt drive enables comfortable operation of modern diesel engines. This inconspicuous part patented by Schaeffler can be found today in all modern diesel engines.

Dual mass flywheels from LuK ensure suitable running comfort. They isolate the transmission and the vehicle from engine vibration and are an additional and necessary detail in the development of a comfortable diesel vehicle.

"With a special rolling bearing”, remembers Dr. Peter Gutzmer, Executive Vice President of Schaeffler Technical Product Development, “Schaeffler also supported Audi's move into the upper-class automobile market”. The specialists from Herzogenaurach developed a new polygon bearing for the Audi V8 which appeared in 1989. In-house it is known as the “anti-boom bearing” and eliminates noise in the quattro four-wheel drive train. This means that in this area the new Audi V8 is even better equipped to meet the increased comfort requirements in the upper-class automobile market. The polygon lager, thus, represents an unlimited number of rolling bearings which till this day ensure that the rotating components of each and every Audi move efficiently and wear-free. Their area of application extends to motor racing where they have contributed a part in Audi Sports’ remarkable record of success which is crowned by numerous victories at Le Mans.

The hydraulic tappets for the five-valve engines that are delivered preassembled to the engine assembly line by Schaeffler are worthy of mention due to their extremely compact size and are also among Schaeffler’s innovations for Audi. The variable cam timer used in the current Audi and Volkswagen EA888 engine series represents a further technical highlight. Schaeffler supplies what is recognized as the fastest-reacting system available on the market for this modern four-cylinder engine generation. It makes a significant and measurable contribution to reducing fuel consumption and CO2 emissions like the bearings, roller type finger followers, tappets, hydraulic chain tensioners and a number of further precision parts from Schaeffler.

“We are proud of being able to make a continuous contribution to “Vorsprung durch Technik” and look forward to further, innovative solutions which will make automobiles even more economical, safer and have lower emissions“, says Dr. Elmar Degenhart, President of Schaeffler Group Automotive, in view of this anniversary.
]Jacek Stańczak edytował(a) ten post dnia 25.02.11 o godzinie 13:02
Jacek Stańczak

Jacek Stańczak Manager Sales
Automotive Poland -
OEM , Schaeffler

Temat: Uznanie/Nagrody

2009-07-02 | 000-001-836 DE-EN

Schaeffler supports Formula Student university project
“The flying classroom”
200 guests witnessed the presentation of the Mainfranken Racing Team's third racing car at FAG’s premises in Schweinfurt for the international Formula Student competition. The mechanical engineering faculty of the Wurzburg-Schweinfurt University of Applied Sciences and a team made up of 34 members is behind the Mainfranken Racing Team that is working on the MFThree project (the name of the compact racing car). “The Mainfranken Racing Team is only one of several university teams that we are happy to support”, says Karin Goerl from Schaeffler’s HR marketing department. “The students gain experience in both practical technical and management aspects of the project in a competitive and highly emotional environment which therefore makes a lasting impression on them. Formula Student also offers us an exceptional means for maintaining contact with universities year after year”. The Schaeffler Group is sponsoring a total of ten university teams. A further 15 teams are being supplied with material from Schaeffler’s comprehensive range of products. “Along with networking with potential future colleagues”, says Karin Goerl, “these prospective engineers gain experience with handling our products”.

And this has been the case since the 2001 season. That’s when the Schaeffler brand LuK began supporting this successful project for new generations of engineers. The sponsoring activities of all brands were combined under the Schaeffler Group brand in 2006. 2006 is also the first year the German version of Formula Student took place. The Formula Student competition began in 1981 in the USA and came to Europe via the UK in 1999. The design competition has now enjoyed success all over the world. “In Germany, there were over 200 applications for 78 starting places”, explains Johannes Arneth, project manager of the Mainfranken Team. “This means that the places allocated online were all gone within six to eight hours!”.

The 200-page rule book is identical for all competitions worldwide. The most important key data for the vehicle are: single seat car, an engine with maximum 610 cm³ capacity with a 20 mm air restrictor and a minimum wheel base of 1,525 millimeters.

“The main focus of Formula Student is the project work”, explains Karin Goerl. "The teams must work together to generate ideas for the vehicle concept, development and implementation as well as for sponsoring, marketing, and the race itself. This means that Formula Student is more of an integral practical exercise for a team than a school for racing drivers.” Several parameters are included in the assessment of the teams’ performance. The static events include cost analysis, business plan and design. Acceleration, skidpan, autocross, fuel economy and endurance all play a role as far as the dynamic events are concerned.

The moment of truth will come for the German students at the beginning of August. The 78 teams of finalists will be competing against each other in Hockenheim from August 5 to 9. “This is a great opportunity for not only for us but also for other companies to talk to potential future employees”.
Jacek Stańczak

Jacek Stańczak Manager Sales
Automotive Poland -
OEM , Schaeffler

Temat: Uznanie/Nagrody

2009-09-11 | 000-001-995 DE-EN

Schaeffler recognized for excellence in quality, deliveries, costs and joy of innovation
Supplier of the Year: Volvo Awards the Schaeffler Group
The Schaeffler Group is one of the top ten suppliers of automobile and truck manufacturer Volvo. This is confirmed by the “Best Supplier 2008” award, received from Volvo for the first time.

For 15 years now, Schaeffler has been the sole manufacturer worldwide to supply its wheel bearing units for front and rear axles to the truck plants of Volvo and other affiliated brands. These components are manufactured mainly at Schaeffler’s Berndorf plant in Austria.

The main criteria for winning the award include excellent quality, delivery accuracy, customized product innovations, fair costs and continuous creative and positive collaboration.

“We are very proud to receive this recognition,” said Dr. Jürgen M. Geißinger, Schaeffler Group President & CEO. “It shows that we are not only among the best bearing manufacturers worldwide, but that we are also able to create added value as a system supplier with expertise in complex technical solutions for engines, transmissions and chassis. To be honored as Volvo’s supplier of the year is recognition and incentive at the same time. We will continue to do everything in our power to develop sophisticated and cost-effective technological system solutions together with our customers.”

About the Schaeffler Group
Volvo Trucks is one of Schaeffler’s principal customers from the commercial vehicle sector. There is hardly an automobile manufacturer worldwide that does not rely on products from the Schaeffler Group, which is present in about 180 locations around the globe.

The spectrum of automotive products ranges from classic rolling bearings through to complex systems solutions for engine, transmission and chassis applications.

The Schaeffler Group has a major share in the successes in modern automotive engineering, especially when it comes to improved energy efficiency and the minimization of fuel consumption and pollutant emissions.
Jacek Stańczak

Jacek Stańczak Manager Sales
Automotive Poland -
OEM , Schaeffler

Temat: Uznanie/Nagrody

Dr. Jürgen M. Geißinger, Schaeffler Group President and CEO, has been elected as new president of the World Bearing Association (WBA).
2009-10-12 | 000-002-029 DE-EN

WBA Elects New President
Geißinger Takes on Chairmanship of World Bearing Association
Dr. Jürgen M. Geißinger, Schaeffler Group President and CEO, was elected new president of the World Bearing Association (WBA) at the organization’s fourth annual meeting in Tokyo. WBA was established as an umbrella organization of the American Bearing Manufacturers’ Association (ABMA), the Japan Bearing Industrial Association (JBIA) and the European Bearing Manufacturers’ Association (FEBMA) in September 2006. It represents the leading global bearing companies with sales of approximately €20 billion, which is about 75 percent of the rolling bearing market worldwide.

World trade, environmental protection and product piracy in focus
The WBA represents the interests of the bearing industry where initiatives of individual companies have proved to be insufficient. WBA objectives include the elimination of competition distorting trade restraints as well as the introduction of uniform environmental protection standards. Special focus is on the fight against product piracy. “Counterfeiting earns large sums of money and causes immense economic damage,” explained Dr. Geißinger. The bearing industry too is not immune to this and reports losses of several hundreds of millions of euros. But beyond this economic damage, counterfeit bearings are a considerable safety risk for consumers. This situation has deteriorated during the past years, since the counterfeiters copy not only simple products, but also technologically demanding bearings that are, for instance, used in aircraft engines or high-speed trains. “WBA will therefore further reinforce its initiatives – this means intensified information and clarification of facts for customers on one hand and uncompromising prosecution of offenders on the other,” said Dr. Geißinger.

Rolling bearings are among the most important machinery components. They are used wherever things are in motion, whether in fans and drills or in wind turbines, rocket propulsion and cars. With over 225,000 bearing products, delivered to some 40,000 customers from more than 60 different industrial sectors, the Schaeffler Group is the industry’s No 2 worldwide. Its portfolio includes standardized catalog products as well as customized solutions, spare parts and services. Within that port-folio, sizes range from miniature bearings with diameters of just a few millimeters, used for example in dental drills, to the large bearings at the other end of the scale, having outside diameters of several meters, needed for example in wind turbines.
Jacek Stańczak

Jacek Stańczak Manager Sales
Automotive Poland -
OEM , Schaeffler

Temat: Uznanie/Nagrody

Expansion of production capacity and “Yellow Angel” Award for UniAir/MultiAir, the world’s first continuously variable hydraulic valve train
Growth through Award-Winning Innovations
The Schaeffler Group is preparing the expansion of its manufacturing capacity in North America for its multiple award-winning UniAir product, which is the world’s first continuously variable hydraulic valve train system. The UniAir valve train actuator, invented by Fiat Powertrain Technologies and developed and produced under licence by the Schaeffler Group, is a key component of the Fiat Powertrain Technologies MultiAir* system, which made its debut in the middle of 2009 with introduction of the Alfa MiTo 1.4 MultiAir. This continuously variable valve train allows several advantages in reduction of fuel consumption and CO2 emissions and engine performance increase. MultiAir turbocharged and downsized engines can achieve up to 25 percent fuel economy improvement over conventional naturally aspirated engines with the same level of performance. And the low-rpm torque is improved by up to 15 percent through early intake valve closing strategies.

The number of MultiAir models available on the market continues to grow. Besides various Alfa Romeo models, continuously variable valve trains will be offered successively in other Fiat models. The upcoming introduction of MultiAir to the US market by Chrysler will necessitate an expansion of the Schaeffler Group’s production capacity in North America. “We have already started our know-how transfer process and production planning,” said Dr. Peter Pleus, President of Schaeffler Group Automotive. In North America, the manufacturing location for the continuously variable valve train system will be in Cheraw, South Carolina. The plant is one of the Schaeffler Group’s 15 development and production locations in North America and Mexico. Globally, the Schaeffler Group has 180 locations, providing customers with the local presence they require in the world’s economic centers.

On the occasion of its “Yellow Angel” awards ceremony, which was also attended by German Federal President Horst Köhler, Germany’s automobile club ADAC encouraged manufacturers to offer more vehicles featuring this innovative technology. The continuosly variable hydraulic valve train system received a “Yellow Angel” award in the “Innovations and Environment” category. A jury of experts, which included ADAC board representatives as well as the presidents of several German industry associations (VDA, VDIK and ZDK) had to choose from among 46 excellent initiatives, projects and innovations in safety, environmental protection and technology. MultiAir won one of three awards at the categorie “Innovation and Environment”. “Awards like the highly respected “Yellow Angel” demonstrate the great importance of environmentally friendly and groundbreaking innovations such as UniAir/MultiAir,“ Dr. Peter Pleus said. “UniAir is one of many innovative Schaeffler Group products that offer solutions for reducing fuel consumption and pollutant emissions. Energy efficiency has always been one of the Schaeffler Group’s core competencies.“

*MultiAir is a Fiat registered trademark

About the Schaeffler Group
Around 1,250 patent applications annually make the Schaeffler Group one of Germany’s leading innovators. With its INA, LuK and FAG brands, the Group is one of the world’s leading rolling bearing manufacturers and a renowned supplier to the automotive industry. To this industry, the Schaeffler Group is a recognized development partner with systems expertise for the complete power train. The Schaeffler Group’s precision products for engines, transmissions and chassis help reduce energy consumption and pollutants while increasing driving comfort and safety. The transmission systems division offers its classics, “manual transmissions” and “automatic transmissions,” as well as automated manual transmissions, twin-clutch transmissions and CVTs. Applications for alternative drive concepts, such as hybrid drives, round off the transmission range of the future. Schaeffler’s Automotive Aftermarket supplies dealerships and independent repair shops with replacement parts and services.
Jacek Stańczak

Jacek Stańczak Manager Sales
Automotive Poland -
OEM , Schaeffler

Temat: Uznanie/Nagrody

Schaeffler receives awards from Daimler, Great Wall Motors and Motortec
Quality, cost, delivery, technology and innovation

As part of the Daimler Key Supplier Meeting in Stuttgart, Daimler gave Schaeffler the "Daimler Supplier Award 2010" as the best supplier in the category "Powertrain". With this award, Daimler acknowledges performance far above the average that has been identified on the basis of a uniform assessment system worldwide. The cornerstones of this assessment are quality, cost, delivery, technology and innovation. In cooperation with the suppliers, there is also a role for the factors of fairness, reliability and credibility.

"Schaeffler's success is built on excellent innovation, top quality in all our processes and products and the ability to respond quickly to specific customer requirements and customer requests”, says Dr. Juergen M. Geissinger, Chief Executive of the Schaeffler Group, who accepted the award from Dr. Wolfgang Bernhard, responsible on the Mercedes Board for manufacturing and procurement. "The award is both a motivation for us and an important confirmation of the path we have taken so far."

Schaeffler has received a further award in China in the form of the "Great Wall Motors Best Development Awards". The Chinese carmaker also recognises its most important suppliers in terms of innovation, quality, delivery and cooperation. The award is a document of the manufacturing quality and innovation of Schaeffler in countries such as China. The Chinese development centre – like the Schaeffler development centres in other countries – is part of a global network that, at the same time, has its focus on the requirements of the local market.

At the trade show Motortec Automechanika Ibérica held in Madrid, Schaeffler also received the "Innovation Gallery Award". From the total of seven innovations recognised by an expert jury and the visitors to the show, the category for mechanical components was won by UniAir – the first worldwide fully variable electrohydraulically controlled valve control system – developed by Schaeffler.
Jacek Stańczak

Jacek Stańczak Manager Sales
Automotive Poland -
OEM , Schaeffler

Temat: Uznanie/Nagrody

Schaeffler emphasizes leadership in innovations
Company is again in the top five in Germany
Almost ten percent increase in patent applications
Schaeffler is once again proving its innovative force after making 1,641 patent applications in 2010. This is an increase of nearly 10 percent compared with the previous year.

According to the DPMA (German Patent and Trademark Office), 1,249 patent applications were made by Schaeffler Technologies GmbH & Co. KG and 392 by Schaeffler’s product brand LuK. You will find more detailed information at http://dpma.de. This means the Schaeffler Group is ranked 4th in terms of the number of applications.

“Climate and environmental protection, reducing fuel consumption and CO2 emissions, electric mobility and lightweight designs are all challenges we have to face. This is why we will continue to work on innovations in the future and further develop our leading position. Innovative force today determines competitive advantage and it has always been an important feature that has distinguished Schaeffler in international competition”, says Prof. Dr. Peter Gutzmer, President of Technical Product Development at Schaeffler.

Over 5,500 Schaeffler employees work in research and development at 40 locations across the globe. These employees develop new products, technologies, processes and procedures for solutions tailored to the market.

Our main development locations on Germany are Herzogenaurach, Schweinfurt and Bühl, which are linked with numerous further development centers in Europe, Asia and both North and South America.

In addition, Schaeffler supports science and research with initiatives such as the FAG Innovation Award, the Schaeffler Symposium, Industrial Innovation Days and an Endowed Chair at Tongji University and is thereby securing the future.
Jacek Stańczak

Jacek Stańczak Manager Sales
Automotive Poland -
OEM , Schaeffler

Temat: Uznanie/Nagrody

Schaeffler receives PACE Award for lightweight balancer shaft with rolling bearing supports
Prize-Winning Innovation for Lower CO2 Emissions

Schaeffler’s lightweight balancer shaft with rolling bearing supports has won the PACE Award in the “Product” category. Presented annually since 1994 by Automotive News magazine in cooperation with audit and consulting firm Ernst & Young and the Transportation Research Center (TRC), the Pace Award honors outstanding product innovations of automotive suppliers.

The international jury’s focus this year was on Schaeffler’s lightweight balancer shaft with rolling bearing supports used in modern internal combustion engines, which comes under the company’s INA brand. “This award for the lightweight balancer shaft with rolling bearing supports demonstrates the significance of innovative detailed work. Modern technologies, innovative products and lightweight designs are among the key factors that make a significant contribution to optimizing drive trains with internal combustion engines. This latest recognition with the PACE Award for us is a valuable confirmation of our innovative strength which is so highly appreciated by our customers”, says Dr. Peter Pleus, President of Schaeffler Group Automotive.

Lightweight balancer shafts with rolling bearing supports contribute to cutting fuel consumption and CO2 emissions, whilst increasing the driving comfort at the same time. They are in line with the trends for the downsizing and downspeeding of engines and are therefore enjoying increasing popularity.

The rolling bearing supports with reduced friction characteristics lead to a significant improvement in energy efficiency compared to the plain bearings that were previously used. For example, the power consumed internally in a four-cylinder diesel engine already in volume production is reduced by up to 1.5 kW (2.0 horsepower). Furthermore, the use of rolling bearing supports considerably reduces the requirement for oil cooling and eliminates the need for the previously obligatory pressure lubrication. These characteristics in conjunction with the design’s superior emergency running properties make lightweight balancer shafts with rolling bearing supports particularly suitable for engines with start-stop systems. The rolling bearing supports also enable a new, weight-optimized layout of the balancer shafts with a mass that is reduced by around one third. This means that the two balancer shafts mounted in an engine, which run at twice crankshaft speed due to the design, alone reduce engine weight by more than a kilogram. The filigree design minimizes the shaft’s rotational inertia and thus, in turn reduces the driving forces required.

Dr. Peter Solfrank, Schaeffler Product Application Manager Rolling Bearings and Balancer Shafts, accepted the award presented in Detroit in the scope of the SAE Congress (Society of Automotive Engineers). “As the optimization of internal combustion engines is becoming more and more important, the topic of rolling bearing supports in the engine is also increasingly moving into focus. It still holds potential for improved energy efficiency in the classic drive train”, says Dr. Solfrank.

The lightweight balancer shaft with rolling bearing supports celebrated its premiere in Daimler’s OM 651 four-cylinder diesel engine, which was awarded Engine of the Year in 2009. The balancer shafts of other modern engines such as Fiat's two-cylinder TwinAir engine, which has received this year's Engine of the Year award, are now also equipped with rolling bearing supports. Last year, the lightweight balancer shaft with rolling bearing supports won the Steel Innovation Prize.

To date, Schaeffler has been nominated five times for the PACE Award and won the distinction once again this year. Among the nominated and awarded Schaeffler innovations are the dry double clutch and the hybrid damper from LuK as well as the wheel bearing with face spline and the angular contact TwinTandem bearing for rear axle drives of the FAG brand.
Jacek Stańczak

Jacek Stańczak Manager Sales
Automotive Poland -
OEM , Schaeffler

Temat: Uznanie/Nagrody

Schaeffler receives Supplier Award from Porsche for successful cooperation
Outstanding achievements for success

Schaeffler has been awarded the 2011 Supplier Award by Porsche. Schaeffler and Porsche have been working together with a great deal of success for decades. The most important components for Porsche’s variable valve control system Porsche VarioCam Plus were among the products praised during the award ceremony.

Prof. Peter Pleus, President of Schaeffler Group Automotive, passed the award on to the team in the Engine Systems Business Division in Herzogenaurach. “We are very proud of this award”, said Prof. Peter Pleus, “since it is proof of our innovative force and manufacturing quality that are based on the achievements of our creative and quality-conscious employees".

Various rolling bearing solutions that were used in the Porsche 356 laid the foundation for the long partnership between both companies. Porsche was also one of Schaeffler’s first customers as Schaeffler began producing innovative diaphragm spring clutches with the LuK brand in the mid-1960s. It was also during this decade that Schaeffler laid the basis for its expertise in the combustion engine by developing high-precision valve train components. Among other vehicles, these components were tested in the Porsche 917 Le Mans racing car.

Schaeffler was again selected as one of Porsche’s high-tech development partners as the company put the technologically avant-garde Porsche 959 on the road in the mid-1980s. One of these developments was Schaeffler’s hydraulic chain tensioner. This new component proved how effective it was in the most innovative sports car of the time.

Porsche also sets the benchmark with Schaeffler’s support in variable valve trains. Switchable bucket tappets and camshaft phasing units are the key components of the valve control system known as Porsche VarioCam Plus, which is synonymous with efficient and powerful engine technology.

The list of references for the successful cooperation between Porsche and Schaeffler in the engine, transmission and chassis is also very long. Schaeffler’s components for the classic drive train with an internal combustion engine now also include hybrid modules. In addition, the company has been expanding its innovative range of products for electric mobility for quite some time.

“The collaboration with Porsche has been very fruitful for both companies, both in terms of development and manufacturing”, says Prof. Peter Pleus. “Both Schaeffler and Porsche are borne by a spirit of innovation and the highest standards of quality. Accordingly, we are very proud of the Porsche Supplier Award, which is an incentive for our team to develop pioneering innovations in the future”.
Jacek Stańczak

Jacek Stańczak Manager Sales
Automotive Poland -
OEM , Schaeffler

Temat: Uznanie/Nagrody

International Award for Outstanding Performance
Schaeffler receives the "Global Quality Award" from Nissan

Schaeffler has received the “Global Quality Award” from Nissan for its outstanding performance as a supplier and service partner. Nissan uses the annual “Global Supplier Award” ceremony to honor above-average results achieved by its strategic suppliers in key areas such as on-schedule delivery, quality, innovation, sustainability, cost structures, social responsibility, and customer satisfaction.

Schaeffler was honored first and foremost for good cooperation and communication, as well as for the production quality of its engine components and dual mass flywheels. Nissan COO Toshiyuki Shiga presented the prestigious award to Matthias Zink, President of Schaeffler Automotive Asia-Pacific, during a ceremony attended by more than 240 suppliers and over 800 guests. „As a global supplier of complex components, it is a great honor for us to receive this award. It is both a demonstration of the close cooperation between our two companies and recognition of the outstanding commitment shown by our teams worldwide. The award is a further incentive for us to continue on this path as a strong partner to Nissan, and to continue to fulfill the Japanese quality standards with above-average performance", explained Matthias Zink at Yokohama's Royal Park Hotel.

Last year, Schaeffler also received the “Global Innovation Award” from Nissan for the engine-side separating clutch developed by LuK for Nissan’s fully-hybrid Fuga vehicle. With the Global Quality Award, Schaeffler has proved once again that operative excellence, quality, and innovative force are indispensible when it comes to fulfilling the extremely high demands of its customers.

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