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Temat: Announcer™ Series Alarms

Voice-Capable Alarms Replace Ambiguous "Beep"

Sometimes a "beep" or "whoop" doesn't convey enough information to an operator of a machine. Floyd Bell Inc., manufacturer of popular Audiolarm® piezo electric buzzers, has solved this problem with a new line of high-quality digital audio alarms.

New Announcer™ Series alarms from Floyd Bell play a pre-recorded audio message up to ten seconds at 95 dB. The same size as a standard piezo alarm, they provide the ability to replace an ambiguous beep with voice instructions or warnings.

You have the ability to choose from standard warning messages ("Warning!"), send us your own file, or have Floyd Bell provide the production of the message at our in-house production studio! Announcer™ Series alarms come standard with quick connect terminals, a special grill designed for maximum acoustic output, and voltage range to fit your application.

Andrzej Góralczyk

Andrzej Góralczyk Poprawiam
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Temat: Announcer™ Series Alarms


Już kiedyś były propozycje alarmowych sygnałów i świateł przy nieplanowych wyłączeniach obrabiarek. Nie sprawdziło się, co prawda w dawnych warunkach, gdy dostępność sięgała max 75% (wówczas ze wszystkich stron hali ryczało i błyskało :)).

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