Jacob D.

Jacob D. film

Temat: Poszukowanie pracownie / Looking for shared working space

"Creative, shared working space"
Are you also looking for, or already have a place, where people from the creative branches can share a working space in an apartment, villa, pawilion, loft, etc.? - then please get in touch with me. I am a (still) young Danish documentary film director and producer who for some time have been looking for such a place in Warszawa where I am developing a production network called Graniza with bases in Copenhagen, Berlin and Warszawa.
Contact: Jacob Dammas, tel. 506642021, email jacob.dammas@graniza.net
Piotr Waldemar Z.

Piotr Waldemar Z. filmowiec

Temat: Poszukowanie pracownie / Looking for shared working space

hi, again on virtual way :), gonna contact you my friend julia, speaking well danish, tv journalist, probably she'll take such a place in march. best. p.

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