Maria Pieroszkiewicz

Maria Pieroszkiewicz Scrum Master |
Front-End Developer

Temat: Prośba o przełożenie pewnego fragmentu artykułu

Jestem w trakcie pisania pracy inżynierskiej z informatyki.
Muszę napisać o pewnej technologii, a materiałów w języku
polskim nie ma.

Czy mógłby mi ktoś pomóc i przełożyć na język polski tekst:

About ColdFusion
What is ColdFusion? It is two distinct technologies: CFML language
and a ColdFusion Application Server. It works on top of the Internet
while enabling you to create dynamic web pages that improve
connectivity for data collection/processing, generate reports, email
interaction, and user interfaces.
ColdFusion allows you to write web based applications without
scripting or development programming languages (CFML). It is also a
web application server that resides on the same computer as your web
server. Although it is not a traditional programming language, it
supports them. To run and process its applications, ColdFusion can
be used in a standalone mode with an integrated web server, or
utilize an existing web server.
What are Dynamic Web Pages?
Unlike standard HTML pages that simply have text and hyperlinks, a
dynamic web page pulls information from other applications (little
text), and then communicate with a database to extract information.
They allow you to query database applications for data, enhance
standard HTML form capabilities with data validation. It can also
customize display of dates, times, currency values in a formatted
display and create printable content.

What is ColdFusion Markup Language (CFML)?
CFML extends standard HTML files with a high level of formatting,
functions, conditional operators and database commands. It is easy
to test and run. Most common functions are built-in, but custom
functions can be created. CFML files can be written into any web
editor that accepts plain text (except MS Word) and does not need to
be compiled or linked (unlike traditional programming languages).
However, it is built on Java architecture and can work with
Intranet/Internet/Extranet and portal environments. ColdFusion files
have .cfm or .cfml file extensions.
CFML can read data to and from databases and tables. It can create
dynamic data driven pages, process form submissions, populate forms
with live data, work with HTTP/FTP functions, provide credit card
verification/authorization, generate and retrieve email messages, as
well as read/write client side cookies. It can also retrieve/update
data in applications including: corporate databases, spreadsheets,
XML data, ASCII-delimited files, .NET classes and assemblies, web
services, and contact management software.

About the ColdFusion Application Server
The ColdFusion application server is the program that reads and
compiles, processes any supplied CFML instructions. It is a complete
J2EE (Java 2 Enterprise Edition) server that runs on top of the Java
platform. CFML instructions are passed to ColdFusion using templates
that have special “CF” tags or “#” functions. When
ColdFusion processes its CFM/CFML pages, it creates Java source code
and compiles it into Java byte code automatically. Then the
processed instructions are then sent to the web server. The web
server then sends the results back to the client browser.

Final Thoughts
If this article is used as a guideline, you will have a basic
understanding of what is ColdFusion and how it can be applied to web
design and development. While standard and static HTML pages are
useful for text and simple displays, the dynamic capabilities that
ColdFusion provides open the door to live, interactive pages that
will capture your web audience