Maciej M.

Maciej M. Student, Uniwersytet

Temat: Prośba

Mam prośbę odnośnie przetłumaczenie tematu mojej pracy licencjackiej na język angielski

Temat jest następując: "Lokaty na rynku kapitałowym w oparciu o
fundusze parasolowe"

z góry dziękuje
Grzegorz K.

Grzegorz K. Engineering Senior
Manager, Electronics
and Electrical Sy...

Temat: Prośba

Myślę że można tak:
"Placements on financial market basing on umbrella funds."


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Temat: Prośba


I would like you to help me with some things but I didn't want to begin the next thread so I put it here. These are:

1. how to say in English 'klamra kompozycyjna'? I mean something that an essay starts & ends with.

2. how to say 'nasze ostatnie wspólne zdjęcie'? - shall I use the word 'common'?

3. which one in correct: 'begin treating' or 'begin to treat'? I mean such sentence: 'Powinniśmy zacząć traktować to normalnie'.

I'll be very grateful if you help me.



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Temat: Prośba

Justyna Niezabitowska:

I would like you to help me with some things, these are:

1. how to say in English 'klamra kompozycyjna'? I mean something that an essay starts & ends with.

The first paragraph is called the ”introduction paragraph”

The last one is called the ”summary paragraph” it is often called a ”conclusion”

2. how to say 'nasze ostatnie wspólne zdjęcie'? - shall I use the word 'common'?

“our last picture together”
“The last picture we took together”
“The last picture featuring both of us”

Depending on the rest of the sentence, you can be as flexible as you’d like.

The word “common” is mostly used while describing things that we “have in common”

For example, you could say

– Both of us simply love taking pictures; it’s what we have in common.
- Another thing that we have in common is our knowledge in the field of photography.

3. which one in correct: 'begin treating' or 'begin to treat'? I mean such sentence: 'Powinniśmy zacząć traktować to normalnie'.

Again, it really depends on the context. There are various forms that you could use, both
“begin treating” as well as “begin to treat” would be correct given appropriate context.

Please begin treating this patient as soon as possible.

It’s about time that we begin to treat this patient with utmost respect.

In your case, I’d use one of these:

“We should treat this as nothing out of the ordinary”
“We should start treating this as something normal”
“We should treat this as the norm”

If you could provide additional information regarding the actual subject of this conversation, we could probably give you more options to pick from.

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