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Temat: Persual


Ostatnio często wymieniam korespondencję z Hindusami i faktycznie daje się zauważyc ich zamiłowanie do używania "trudnych" słówek.
Ostatni największą zagwozdką słówkową jest właśnie 'persual' (nie perusal).
Pojawia się najczęściej w takich zdaniach:
"Please find my resume for your kind persual."
"So I herewith attached my resume for your kind persual and consideration"


Temat: Persual

heh, prawdopodobnie chodzi o zmodyfikowane po hinduskiemu "persuade", co wydaje się dość logiczne biorąc pod uwagę kontekst zdania :)

w każdym razie to moja teza i będę się jej trzymać .... unless you persuade me to change my point of view ;)

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Temat: Persual

Perusal – it’s a transitive verb and it simply means “to examine” or to “consider with special attention”. Not a very popular word but I do come across it now and again; mostly in a business setting.

Temat: Persual

... I need new dictionary than :|

thanks Rafał !

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Temat: Persual

Thanks Rafał!

And Paula - jak znajdziesz tego słownika to daj znać ;O)

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Temat: Persual

No prob!

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Temat: Persual

Paulina H.:
... I need new dictionary than :|

thanks Rafał !


this one is quite ok (daje rade z hinduskim angielskim :) i nie tylko...

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Temat: Persual

Indeed looks nice and translate quite well. However I couldn't find proper explanation of word Attrition which Indians tend to use when talking about turn-over rate or rotation

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Temat: Persual

Michal K. Ejchman:
Indeed looks nice and translate quite well. However I couldn't find proper explanation of word Attrition which Indians tend to use when talking about turn-over rate or rotation

Attrition is a pretty interesting word. It could mean “wearing down” as in putting mileage on gear; it also holds a religious meaning and it is used in a business environment hehe. Either way it’s a keeper ;)

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Temat: Persual

Michal K. Ejchman:
Indeed looks nice and translate quite well. However I couldn't find proper explanation of word Attrition which Indians tend to use when talking about turn-over rate or rotation

Loss of a material or resource due to obsolescence or spoilage.
Unpredictable and uncontrollable, but normal, reduction of work force due to resignations, retirement, sickness, or death.
(moi tak to tlumacza:)

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Temat: Persual

Małgorzata Kurylonek:
Michal K. Ejchman:
Indeed looks nice and translate quite well. However I couldn't find proper explanation of word Attrition which Indians tend to use when talking about turn-over rate or rotation

Loss of a material or resource due to obsolescence or spoilage.
Unpredictable and uncontrollable, but normal, reduction of work force due to resignations, retirement, sickness, or death.
(moi tak to tlumacza:)

Yep, these are all correct.

There are other meanings as well - the original which derived from Latin conveys the sorrow for one's sins which is not directly related to the love of God.

It also stands for friction; the act of grinding and wearing down, rubbing together.

Another example is easily defined by today's news - Israel is waging a war of attrition - which would be a war of constant harassment, abuse or attack - its purpose would be to weaken or exhaust the opponent.

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