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Temat: Cryogenic Tool Conditioning Extends Useful Life

Cryogenic processing — treating parts at –300°F or colder — benefits not only tool-and-die sets. It has quadrupled the life of lumber mills’ log-chipper knives, let automakers’ resistance-welding electrodes run six times longer, and improved metal guitar-string harmonics. Audiophiles who have returned to vintage sound equipment powered by vacuum tubes swear cryogenically processed vacuum tubes produce discernible sound-quality improvements.

Other parts that have seen benefits from cryogenic processing include drill bits, milling cutters, shear blades, cold saws, metal-cutting band-saw blades, broaches, taps, thread chasers, gears, sprockets, roller-and-link chains, saw blades, granulator knives, carbide road-surface scarifier tips, injection molds, lumber-sorter slings, chain ways and guides, shafts, open-faced bearings, rock drills, and nail-gun driver bars.