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Temat: dowcipy po angielsku

What do bees do with their honey?
They cell it.

Why did the ram run over the cliff?
He didn't see the ewe turn.

What did the light say when it was turned off?
I'm delighted.

Why was Cinderella thrown off the basketball team?
She ran away from the ball.

Why was the elephant late for the plane?
Because he forgot his trunk.

What did the grape do when it got stepped on?
It let out a little wine!

Why did the boy throw butter out the window?
He wanted to see a butterfly.

Why did the scientist install a knocker on his door?
He wanted to win the no-bell prize!

Did you hear about the wooden car with the wooden wheels and the wooden engine?
It wooden go!

What do they call pastors in Germany?
German Shepherds

Why did the baker stop making donuts?
He got sick of the hole business.

If you ever stared at a can of orange juice because it says ‘concentrate,’ you might be a redneck.

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Temat: dowcipy po angielsku


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Temat: dowcipy po angielsku


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Temat: dowcipy po angielsku


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Temat: dowcipy po angielsku


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Temat: dowcipy po angielsku

Irish government asked a question to its citizens:
Is the Polish immigration a serious problem?
35% respondents said: Yes, it is a serious problem!
65% respondents said: Absolutnie k*rwa żaden!
Marek B.

Marek B. Sales Manager,

Temat: dowcipy po angielsku

I think it is just terrible and disgusting how everyone has treated Lance Armstrong, especially after what he achieved, winning seven Tour de France races while on drugs. When I was on drugs, I couldn't even find my bike.

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Temat: dowcipy po angielsku

- Knock, Knock
- Who is there?
- Water
- Water who?
- Water you doing tonight?

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Temat: dowcipy po angielsku


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Temat: dowcipy po angielsku

Marek B.

Marek B. Sales Manager,

Temat: dowcipy po angielsku


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Temat: dowcipy po angielsku


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Temat: dowcipy po angielsku

Why did the ship built by the programmers sink?
they used int instead of float.

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Derek K.

Derek K. Everything can be,
but nothing has to.

Temat: dowcipy po angielsku

Joe owned an old dilapidated boat and kept pretty much to himself.
One day he rented out his boat to a group of out-of-towners who ended up sinking it.
He spent all day trying to salvage as much as he could form the sunken vessel and was out of touch all the day and most of the evening.
Unbeknown to him, his brother John's wife had died suddenly in his absence.

When he got back on shore he went into town to pick a few things at the grocery,
a kind old woman there mistook him for John and said, "I'm so sorry for your loss, u must feel terrible".
Joe , thinking she was talking about his boat said, "Hell no! Fact is I'm sorta glad to be rid of her. She was a rotten old thing from beginning. Her bottom was all shriveled and she smelled like old dead fish.
She was always holding water. She had a bad crack in the back and pretty big hole in the front, too. Every time I used her, her hole got bigger and she leaked like crazy.
I guess what finally finished her off was when I rented her to those four guys looking for a good time.

The old woman fainted!

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Temat: dowcipy po angielsku


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Temat: dowcipy po angielsku


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Temat: dowcipy po angielsku

<sadj> jak bylem w Mikolajkach
<sadj> to w jednej restauracji byly karty po Polsku i po angielsku
<sadj> no i w polskiej karcie bylo
<sadj> "dania z grilla"
<sadj> a w angielskiej
<sadj> "Denmark from grill"
Piotr T.

Piotr T. Wciąż poJEEPany...

Temat: dowcipy po angielsku

Krzysztof S.:
<sadj> jak bylem w Mikolajkach
<sadj> to w jednej restauracji byly karty po Polsku i po angielsku
<sadj> no i w polskiej karcie bylo
<sadj> "dania z grilla"
<sadj> a w angielskiej
<sadj> "Denmark from grill"
thanks from the mountain...

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Temat: dowcipy po angielsku


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