Temat: Uczciwa praca - czy to możliwe w Polsce?
Maria B.:
Andrzej Pieniazek:
Bartosz K.:
Z czysto ekonomicznego punktu widzenia wielu pracodawcom sie nie dziwie - koszty pracy w Polsce bywaja absurdalnie wysokie.
Ja juz powyzej napisalem (udowodnilem), ze nie sa wcale wysokie....
Andrzej sa wysokie w porownaniu z dochodami firm. Mediana tego nie pokazuje :P
Wykres, który wkleił Pan Andrzej, wcale nie pokazuje median, lecz średnie. Oto jego pełny opis:
Labour costs
Average hourly labour costs (see Figure 6) and the structure of labour costs (see Figure 7) varied widely across the Member States in 2009. The relative importance of wages and salaries in total labour costs was 66 % in Sweden and was also less than 70 % in Belgium and France (2008), while it was 85 % or more in the United Kingdom, Slovenia, Luxembourg and Malta (2008).
Labour costs
Labour costs are defined as employer’s expenditure that is related to employing personnel. They encompass employee compensation (including wages, salaries in cash and in kind, employers' social security contributions); vocational training costs; and other expenditure (such as recruitment costs, expenditure on work clothes, and employment taxes regarded as labour costs minus any subsidies received). These labour cost components and their elements are defined in Regulation 1737/2005 of 21 October 2005.
Data relate to three core indicators:
- average monthly labour costs, defined as total labour costs per month divided by the corresponding number of employees, expressed as full-time equivalent units;
- average hourly labour costs, defined as total labour costs divided by the corresponding number of hours worked;
- the structure of labour costs (wages and salaries; employers’ social security contributions; other labour costs), expressed as a percentage of total labour costs.
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