Katarzyna Kraus

Katarzyna Kraus Technical Writer,
Erlang Solutions

Temat: Webinarium "Learning Erlang - the advantages of keeping...

Zapraszamy do wysłuchania wykładu Roberta Virdinga (jeden z współtwórców Erlanga) i Torbena Hoffmanna (Product & Research Manager w firmie Erlang Solutions) na temat nauki języka Erlang.

"Learning Erlang - the advantages of keeping things simple” - 16 kwietnia 2013, godzina 16:00 (BST)

Erlang does not have complex models and is easy to learn. In fact, making the language easy to pick up was one of the original design goals of the Erlang development team. It found its usages in telecom exchanges, instant messaging servers (e.g. MongooseIM), web frameworks (e.g. Zotonic), database engines (e.g. Riak, CouchDB) and many other solutions in different business branches.

Want to find out if Erlang is a right fit for you? Join “Learning Erlang - the advantages of keeping things simple” webinar by Robert Virding and Torben Hoffmann.

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