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Temat: (2010) new Carbon and emissions reduction fuel technology

The combination of adjustment in fuel/air mixtures into a combustion engine wherein a pulsating exhaust flow is directed into a catalytic converter, the harmful emissions into the atmosphere are virtually eliminated.

For a gasoline IC engine, the addition of one ounce of diesel fuel per ten gallons of gasoline as fuel for an IC engine combined with a catalytic converter, and the usual pulsation in the exhaust flow from the gasoline IC engine into the catalytic converter results in virtual eliminating the CO and NO emissions. For most vehicles there is a noticeable improvement in fuel efficiency.

For a diesel IC engine, adjusting the fuel/air ratio to produce a smoky exhaust from the engine, combined with the usual pulsation in the exhaust flow from the diesel powered IC engine, through a catalytic converter, results in a significant reduction in CA, NO, and overall hydrocarbon tail pipe emissions.

Ktoś słyszał, testował?
Maciej W.

Maciej W. Manpower

Temat: (2010) new Carbon and emissions reduction fuel technology

1 uncja = (28.3495)g/10 l benzyny
mozliwe, ale silniki w amerykanskich samochodach sa zupelnie inne, wielka pojemnosc przystosowana do spalania smoczej(bo nawet 4 krotnej) ilosci benzyn niskooktanowych (85-87)

techniki redukcji CH i NO ze spalin w samochodach sa ostatnimi laty zywcem kopiowane z energetyki, ciekawe kiedy dojda do reburningu propanem lub wodorem ;)

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