Executive Manager,
GE Polska - Zawsze
zaczyna sie od ludzi
Temat: Zapraszamy na spotkania z EDC - AGH, Politechnika...
Let us invite you for our next EDC University Visits, during which all interested students will have the chance to hear about development opportunities offered by EDC.22nd May, 13:00 – AGH University of Science and Technology: premises of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Faculty (Mickiewicza Str. 30, Kraków), building B-2, room 110
22nd May, 12:00 – Warsaw University of Technology (Politechnika Warszawska) in Płock: main hall of WUT in Płock (Łukasiewicza Str. 17, Płock)
24th May, 10:15 – Silesian University of Technology (Politechnika Śląska): Shaping professional competencies of mechanical engineers for energy sector (seminar for students); premises of Faculty of Power and Environmental Engineering (Konarskiego Str. 20, Gliwice), building B, room 100