konto usunięte

Temat: R100150 EPSRC Industrial CASE PhD Studentship (3 years)

RFID in healthcare: facilitating the widespread adoption of RFID in complex supply chains

Applications are invited for a PhD studentship, supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) to be undertaken within the Engineering Systems and Management Group at Aston University.

The position is available to start in October 2010
Financial Support

Will be provided to Home/EU students (subject to eligibility) at a rate of £15,000 per year. This figure includes a stipend from the collaborating organization.

Background of the Project

RFID (radio frequency identification) is beginning to replace barcoding as a technique for tracking and tracing products in healthcare supply chains. RFID and the management information it helps to generate can be used to increase supply efficiency and effectiveness, and to achieve strategic objectives such as improving patient safety. But the take up of RFID - and indeed barcoding - is slow. There are the direct costs of the equipment. Implementation of the technology is typically accompanied by redesign of the supply process, with all the associated project costs and change management challenges. In complex interorganizational supply chains, with multiple buyers, suppliers and intermediaries (e.g. wholesalers), organizations have widely differing objectives and incentives, and the costs and the benefits of using RFID are not evenly distributed.

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