Basza A.

Basza A. Magia rytualna.
Magia miłosna.
spętanie miłosne,
uroki mi...

Temat: Love Charms

Love and feelings have always been one of the most important aspects life of every human being. Nobody was in fact created to live in alone, without family and other people close to him. It is not dependent whether it were true prehistoric times, whether it is contemporary twenty-first century. Questions and problems associated with this sphere can be confidently be called universal, because it applies to all people, not depending on time, space and age. No man is able to cope with their problems all alone, so already looking at the most ancient times, it can be seen that eagerly sought services of individuals endowed with special powers such as sorcerers, witches. People usually pay to them for help in the field of feelings, as love charms.

Women wanted to ensure success in men and vice versa. In this most often used for rituals associated with the four elements of nature. Served as a purifying water (a symbol of the new life), Fire in the form of candles, but also symbolized the purification of another kind. Attributes of the Earth were oils, plant extracts and cereal grains. The smell of herbs symbolized the element of Air. To cast charm person was effective in doing so must refer to proper and one of these four forces, whose influence is associated with a specific case. Therefore, throwing charms had never been easy task. Sometimes the ritual frequented ineffective and extinct replays. This happened in the case of the wrong choice element affected, which were the cause disruption during the ritual, resulting from negative emotions and energy, the person undergoing the ritual.

In this ezosphere field should be calm and patient – nothing comes in stock. I am a clairvoyant-seer, and for many years I deal with a people who need it, in many areas of life including also specialize in the beauty of love. Love and affection is not the real thing or subject. Real only its manifestations. So if there is nothing real, it is not we can help her worldly ways. It is necessary to refer to ezosphere and the world of our senses, where love comes from. Knowledge and skills that I have in this area comes from the knowledge of folk- the so-called direct message witches. These were my grandmothers and aunts. It's a gift passed generations in the family. Not many are aware that there is a male variant of this method of influence. It is called commonly Witcher. Throwing the charms of love is whispering appropriate rituals-phone on one sound. But this is not the only way.

Also using the ritual elements of nature-ranging Celtic culture. Commonly there is a court, saying that love comes suddenly and known not whence. Works like "shocks lightning "or" arrow Cupid ", and we have no influence on it. Nothing more wrong. Love is one of the world intangible, the ideal, therefore be seen is where its source. Using the power associated with this sphere, we can ensure a greater success. I will help you to solve problems and emotional love. Answer any questions regarding this field. I can make your ideal partner will reciprocate your affection and love you, and also find your other half, which is out there somewhere, waiting for you. I also have the possibility to provide you with your partner's fidelity and many others. Contact me, and certainly do not regret it. I managed to help many people in the sphere of love and affection. Some I will be happy to come back, after a further advice.
