Barbara Katarzyna Dudko

Barbara Katarzyna Dudko Dyrektor ds. Human
Resources, Elsa

Temat: Wygrana w Loterii

Witam dostałam ostatnio wiadomość że wygrałam. Surfując po internecie czasem zdarza mi sie nacisnąc win czy coś takiego w linku ale nigdy docelowo nie chciałam nic wygrać w loterii a na pewno nie przypominam sobie jakiejś Brytyjskiej. Najpierw potraktowałam to jako żart i z przymrużeniem oka, ale z 2 strony dają mi odpowiedź na każde pytanie. Czy może ktoś z państwa miał do czynienia z czymś takim.
Oto korespondencja:
You have won £ 850,000.000 From The UK National Lottery Foundation.To
claim your Cash Prize Contact Mrs.Elina Smith via return email.

UKNL Team.

2. odpowiedziałam: Jupiiii :) how can I get my money ? :) Send you my bank account number?

3. The U.K. National Lottery
12 Bridge Street,
Staines Middlesex TW18 4TP
United Kingdom.
CustomerService/Claims Department

Your Reference: (number)

Good day to You, I want You to Accept My Sincere Congratulation As Your Email Address Has Been Shortlisted as One Of the Beneficiary Of this Year Uk National Lottery(UKNL). You are Advised to Read and Understand the Explanation Of this Lottery as Analyzed Below.

Firstly,i want to officially introduce my self as Mrs. Elina Smith The 2011 Online Sweepstakes Programmed Fiduciary/Claims Agent. I have been mandated to DIRECT YOU in the remittance of your winning Fund.On behalf of the Claims Department and Members of Staff of the UK Gaming Board I will Like to Congratulate you on your Lottery Winning as you have won yourself Eight Hundred And Fifty Thousand Great British Pounds Sterling (£850,000.00) From the Category 'A' Of the UK Online sweepstakes International Programmed held recently in the UK Head Office.


The Online raffle draw which made you the winner of this lottery is the annual draw that is been conducted Once in a year in the UK National lottery Office, This is to Enhance E-commerce and Trading as the Chief Executive Officer of the Microsoft Company have once advised that Lottery Company should start Online draw by taking Internet into another exciting dimension of Life. It is in view of this that the UK National Lottery, ( a renowned Lottery Company In the United Kingdom decided to start what is known to be the Online Lottery draw making them a stakeholder in this development that is highly related and Useful to Mankind.

You have won this lottery as a result of random picking of emails,your email address were selected among others and five of these e-mails including yours was selected at random, which subsequently won you a total cash prize of Eight Hundred And Fifty Thousand Great British Pounds Sterling (£850,000.00) in the Category 'A' Of the UK Online sweepstakes International Program from the UK Gaming Board, The Official Sponsor of the UK NATIONAL LOTTERY.

To continue the Verification of your winnings, You are expected to complete the FUND RELEASE VERIFICATION FORM (by clicking on reply menu on your mail box to fill in the required information's) and submit via e-mail to your claims officer and so it can be filed for your claims.Once Again Congratulation!!! and We Hope to receive your Claims Verification Form within the next 24 hours.

Your Funds Will Be Released to You any Moment From Now, But Before Any Further proceedings, We Need to Have Your Information Registered On Our Database, Please provide us with the following information.

1. Full Name:
2. Residential Address:
3. Sex:
4. Age:
5. Occupation:
6. Telephone:
7.. Fax Number:
8. Country:
9. Next of Kin:
10. Lucky Number:

Please Note That Your Lucky Number is (number) As You Were The 3rd winner Selected. As soon as we receive The Information Above, You Will Be Duly Informed On What Next to Do. Please If You are Not Interested In this online lottery And You Like to Turn Down This wonderful Offer, Please Write a Letter Addressed to the:

Director Of Welfare,
The U.K. National Lottery
12 Bridge Street,
Staines Middlesex TW18 4TP
United Kingdom.

Get Back to Me With the Information Required Soonest So that Your Funds Can Be Officially Released Immediately. Once Again, Congratulations.

Yours Faithfully,
Mrs. Elina Smith.
UK Claims Office,
The UKNL Foundation

Copyright © 1994-2011 The UK National Lottery Inc.

4. odpowiedziałam podając dane o które mnie poprosili

The U.K. National Lottery
12 Bridge Street,
Staines Middlesex TW18 4TP
United Kingdom.
CustomerService/Claims Department

Your Reference: UKNL/ 2011/19513-07.

Dear Barbara Katarzyna Dudko,

Once Again Congratulation!!!

This is to officially inform you that the information you submitted to my office have successfully passed through verification and your winning fund payment (In Bank Draft) have been duly issued and approved in your favor. This simply means that your winning Bank Draft of Eight Hundred and Fifty Thousand Great British Pounds Starlings (£ 850.000.00) and your UK National Lottery winning papers is now ready for disbursement.

You Bank Draft and all accompanying wining documents has been packaged and registered with the APX COURIER COMPANY for immediate delivery to you. Kindly contact APX COURIER COMPANY with the below information and have them deliver your parcel to your address. Your Parcel Registration No is APX133001/154/11 ensure to quote it on your contact with Mr. Alex Peters of the APX Courier Company.


:- Parcel Reg Number: (numer)
:- Number of Parcels: 1 PKT (Bonded)
:- Parcel Content: Certified Bank Draft of Eight Hundred and Fifty Thousand Great British Pounds Starlings (£ 850.000.00) and Original Copies of winning Documents.


APX International Courier Company
Norman House, 15 Stephenson
Way Crawley West Sussex
RH10 1TN England
Customer Services Department

Contact Person:
Mr. Alex Peters
Phone: +44 701 112 7993
Mobile:+44 704 570 2021

NOTE: Kindly be informed that you will be responsible for the shipment and handling fee of your winning parcel with APX Courier Company. This is simply because your parcel must be insured before delivery commences. In other words it is strongly advised that the courier company insure your parcel before placing it on delivery to your address for security reasons. Further more you are advised to immediately deposit your winning Bank Draft at your bank as soon as it is handed over to you by the APX Courier Company.

You may keep a concise update with me regarding your delivery arrangement with the APX courier company. Should you need any further assistance I remain obliged.

Yours Faithfully,

Mrs. Elina Smith.
Claims Officer In-charge,
Public Welfare Department,
UK National Lottery Commission
London, United Kingdom

6. odpowiedziałam:
Helo , I've got question, because I can't belive that I won so much money. And I used to think that it's one of internet fraud. How I'll get my money? If i won't pay more than I pay for courier? And what this courier will bring big bag of money? Don't you need me bank account number ? Sorry for my questions but I really can't belive that I'm poor student from Poland and I can't imagint that.
Dear Barbara Katarzyna Dudko,

Thank you for your question. Which i have answers for you. But before i proceed to answer your question i would like to correct you on something. Your winning fortune is not an internet fraud. Well i know your ignorance made you to think so in the first place,so i will pardon you for it. Secondly, in regards to your question on how you will receive your money owing to the fact that the money is too big for you and being a
poor student in Holland if i may quote you. Remember that your money is not in cash but a cheque/Bank Draft and this was why i advised you in my last email that you should take your cheque to your Bank and deposit it directly into your account. The courier company is not bringing Bag of money to you,they are only bringing your winning cheque and all the winning documents that will proof it to your bank that your winning cheque is legitimate and so they will credit the whole money to your Bank account and thereafter you can be withdrawing it bit by bit for your needs.

However, it is important i inform you to keep your winning information as a top secrete to avoid any problem of jealousy from your friends and relatives, you may wish to tell the whole world about your winnings once your winning cheque has been handed over to you by the courier company and deposited into your Bank account in Holland.

I hope you now understand my explanation. Do get back to me once you finish reading my email and also proceed with the courier company and have them deliver your parcel to your address in Holland.

Stay Blessed my dear and do not allow your ignorance to deny you of your wonderful luck this 2011.

Yours Faithfully,
Mrs. Elina Smith.

8. I've got one more queston what with tax on the prize ( it's tax free? or how much it will cost?) and if each bank will take this cheque if i'll go to my Polish bank (Multibank) and show it they will immediately transfer money to my bank account?


Dear Barbara Katarzyna Dudko,

Good morning and how are you doing today? I understand how you feel, I am sure there will be no tax leveled on your winning fund and this means your winning fund is tax free from my own understanding. However, like i said before the courier company will commence the immediate delivery of your winning parcel once you have completed the delivery arrangement with them and as soon as your parcel is handed over to you all you have to do is to immediately locate your Bank and deposit the winning check into your bank account and it will be credited into your account. All other security documents are included in your parcel. Kindly get back to Mr.Alex and conclude delivery arrangement with them and have him place your winning parcel on delivery to your address.

Stay Blessed and hope alive.

Mrs. Elina Smith.

Napisałam również do tej firmy któa miałaby mi wysłać ten czek i tak mi odpowiedzieli:
Norman House, 15 Stephenson
Way Crawley West Sussex
RH10 1TN England,
United Kingdom.
Phone: +44 701 112 7993
Mobile:+44 704 570 2021

Dear Valued Customer,

Welcome to APX Courier Company. APX Courier Company is the United Kingdom's premier express logistics provider. We are proud to maintain a fast growing courier fleet in the country allowing us to serve our expanding range of clients including leading financial institutions, blue chip companies, public sector organizations, political parties, and personal users. Your parcel containing your bonded check, original copies of your winning certification and security documents have been picked up from the UK National Lottery Foundation head office and is now ready for delivery. Kindly provide us with the information requested On the below DELIVERY INFORMATION REQUEST FORM accurately to help us deliver your parcel to your home of residence, the information provided will be used to contact you and the address provided is where your winning parcel will be shipped to. Please be informed that we do not deliver to a postal address, but (Home or Office) Address were our delivery team will meet you in person and hand over your parcel to you. This is in line with the high priority content of your winning parcel.

Full Name:

Full Residential Contact Address:


Alternative Address:

Date of Birth:

Marital Status:

Occupation/Professional Status:

Do You Have a Passport or License:

Telephone(Home & Mobile):


Delivery Option:
(Choose From The Table Below)

Number of Parcels: 1 PKT (Bonded)
Parcel Description: Certified Bank Check of £ 850.000.00, Original Copies of Winning Documents, 2 UK Lottery Branded T-shirt, 2 past winners magazines, A UK Lottery Branded Baseball cap and Security Documents.

You are required to select a service option from the table below;

Option 1.Express Delivery
Option 2.Premium
Option 3.Classic Delivery.


£ 150. 00
£ 100. 00

£ 80. 00
£ 280. 00
£ 280. 00

£ 280. 00
Vat (0.5%)
£ 100. 00
£ 100. 00

£ 100. 00

£ 530. 00

£ 480. 00
£ 460. 00

Be informed that we do not operate a cash on delivery service for parcels of this nature because of the required insurance. Therefore you would be required to make payment before we can insure your parcel and then commence The delivery to you. Do act accordingly and provide the requested information as soon as possible so that we can avoid any further delays in the delivery of your parcel. Also Note that your parcel is bonded and protected by a hardcover insurance policy, which makes it impossible to make any deduction before it is remitted to you. This means that our courier charges cannot be deducted from the prize. Upon receipt of your completed DELIVERY INFORMATION REQUEST FORM and your PREFERRED COURIER OPTION, we shall furnish you with information on how to make the required payments for the immediate dispatch of your parcel to your address.

Thanks for your anticipated co-operation.

Mr.Alex Peters.
APX Courier Client Service Manager.
Customer/Delivery Services Department
Mobile:+44 704 570 2021

Mają odpowiedź na każde pytanie i aż chce mi sie w to uwierzyć ale coś mi mówi że to niestety niemożliwe. Wiem że dużo czasu zajmie przeczytanie tego wszystkiego ale byłabym wdzięczna gdyby mi państwo pomogli ocenić czy to przestępstwo czy po prostu mam olbrzymie szczęście w życiu.

konto usunięte

Temat: Wygrana w Loterii

z jakiego adresu e-mail dostalas wiadomosci ?

niestety wychodzi na to ze scam - czyli oszustwo.Przemysław Adamski edytował(a) ten post dnia 24.01.11 o godzinie 12:34

konto usunięte

Temat: Wygrana w Loterii

z oficjalnej strony PRAWDZIWEJ

Common lottery scams

Lottery scam (fraudulent) emails are increasing at an alarming rate.

Scam emails try to persuade the recipient to submit personal information or to part with money as an upfront payment in order to release a 'winning' lottery prize.

As a general rule, if you have not purchased a ticket for The National Lottery, you will not have won a prize, and you should treat the email with absolute caution.

The following points are some things to look for in order to identify a fraudulent email:

If the email says 'Winning Notification' or 'Lottery Sweep Stake' in the text, the email you've received is not from The National Lottery;
We don't tell players how much they've won in an email;
We don't ask for any personal information like name, address or bank details in an email.
There is no need to contact us if you have received a lottery-related scam (fraudulent) email.

As we are constantly looking to improve our communication with our players, we have now changed all our email addresses to the following:
We will now use only these addresses to send you all important communication such as purchase confirmations and rollover alerts.

To ensure your National Lottery emails reach you, please add us to your Address Book or Safe Senders' List. Find out how to add us to your Address Book.

Common lottery scams - further assistance:

The National Lottery website is safe and secure. Nevertheless, you need to be on your guard against internet fraudsters. Below are details of some of the more common fraudulent activities:

Email scams that claim you have won a lottery prize:

These scams work in two ways:

Method 1: Persuade the victim to part with personal information to allow the scammers to carry out identity theft.

Method 2: Persuade the victim to part with money as an upfront payment in order to release a winning lottery prize which does not exist.

Signs of a fraudulent email:

There may be embedded links (links within the body of the email) that look legitimate because they contain all or part of a real company's name. These links may take you to spoof sites which ask you to update personal information, or may download key-logging software onto your computer;
Spoof websites can be difficult to spot. To make sure you're on our site, type into your browser and see if you arrive at the same place.
Spoof websites (known as 'phishing')

Fraudsters create false or 'spoof' websites that look very real, with the aim of persuading users to enter personal information such as passwords and memorable information. They will then re-use this information to access your Account. Customers get emails claiming to be from official websites asking them to click on a link within the email to the 'spoof' site. The National Lottery would never ask you to email us with confidential information.

In order to protect yourself from such scams, we advise the following:

Don't click on links in unsolicited emails;
Never send any upfront fees required in order to 'claim your prize';
Never disclose personal information or financial information via email or a 'claims' or 'verification' form;
If you wish to visit a particular website, always key in the address directly rather than using an embedded link;
Always remember, if you wish to discuss your Account with us, we will always verify your identity by asking specific security questions with answers disclosed to us when you set up your Account. Our National Lottery Customer Care Team do not have access to your full password.
Remember, if it looks too good to be true, it probably is!

For details of other websites that carry useful information on internet security and current scams, see our useful websites page.
Tomasz S.

Tomasz S. Dyrektor Finansowy

Temat: Wygrana w Loterii

Barbara Katarzyna Dudko:
£ 530. 00

£ 480. 00
£ 460. 00

This means that our courier charges cannot be deducted from the prize.
Mają odpowiedź na każde pytanie i aż chce mi sie w to uwierzyć ale coś mi mówi że to niestety niemożliwe. Wiem że dużo czasu zajmie przeczytanie tego wszystkiego ale byłabym wdzięczna gdyby mi państwo pomogli ocenić czy to przestępstwo czy po prostu mam olbrzymie szczęście w życiu.

Koledzy wyżej podali linki pokazujące że to spam, ale nawet bez tego powiedziałbym, że to spam, bo przesłanie czeku kurierem z Anglii, nawet nie wiem jak mocno ubezpieczonym, nie kosztuje 530 funtów.

Poza tym dlaczego kurier wie, jaka jest wartość wygranej? Przecież ma tylko przewieźć paczkę... no i mała pomyłka "Holland"...

Po prostu zapłaciłabyś ponad 500 funtów za nic nie wartą paczkę z papierami...
Andrzej O.

Andrzej O. Software Test

Temat: Wygrana w Loterii

glupie pytanie:
czy na prawde jest ktos az tak naiwny zeby nabrac sie na takie emails?
za malo sie o tym mowi w mediach?

Następna dyskusja:

organizacjia loterii przez ...

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