Urszula K.

Urszula K. Główny Księgowy/
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Temat: Who would you prefer to vote on Hillary or Obama ?

I'm just curious who you'd choose for the president - Obama or Hillary ?

As far as I know Hillary Clinton has a long-term experience in politics as the first lady and now a senator. The benefits of it are connections with people of substance dated till the Bill Clinton's presidency. Unfortunately she's a woman perceived as a tough player without a heart.

Obama is a fresh good-looking candidate with the promise of a change (maybe a new kind of Luter King), but even in the present times he could discourage some working-class white voters. On the other hand he would win some votes among blacks and whites who would like to show their open-mindedness.

Is it not a fight between sex and race ?Urszula Kwiatkowska edytował(a) ten post dnia 15.03.08 o godzinie 11:27

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Temat: Who would you prefer to vote on Hillary or Obama ?

Urszula Kwiatkowska:
I'm just curious who you'd choose for the president - Obama or Hillary ?

As far as I know Hillary Clinton has a long-term experience in politics as the first wife and now a senator. The benefits of it are connections with people of substance dated till the Bill Clinton's presidency. Unfortunately she's a woman perceived as a tough player without a heart.

Obama is a fresh good-looking candidate with the promise of a change (maybe a new kind of Luter King), but even in the present times he could discourage some working-class white voters. On the others hand he would win some votes among blacks and whites who would like to show their open-mindedness.

Is it not a fight between sex and race ?

I don't know their policies really, but if I was given the chance to vote I'd vote for Clinton. I just feel that her experience, and lack of heart (if it is true) would mean that the tough decisions get made.
Having said that from what I hear about John McCain, and the initiatives he has supported or raised in the past, I'd probably vote for him.

Regarding Obama, I can't help thinking that a lot of people will vote for him simply because he's black (not just black people, but whites out of a sense of guilt) and also because many people will be thinking about David Palmer in the series 24, and imagining that he is like him. He was a black senator who became president. He was a thoroughly decent man and always made the wise decisions. I know that this sounds crazy, but people frequently vote or don't vote for individuals because of particular silly traits, e.g. because they are bald, because they are Welsh, because they have red hair (Neil Kinnock in the UK never stood a chance).Steven H. edytował(a) ten post dnia 15.03.08 o godzinie 11:27

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Temat: Who would you prefer to vote on Hillary or Obama ?

I share this opinion.

To paraphrase what H. Clinton recently said: "in a crisis, I'll bring experience and judgement (etc.) and he would bring a speech."

Plus, we would get to see more of BILL Clinton.

If we didn't have THAT guy?

we'd have to make him up.

(I'm black, by the way). :)Joj Y. edytował(a) ten post dnia 15.03.08 o godzinie 14:58
Urszula K.

Urszula K. Główny Księgowy/
Kontroler ...... SP
Z O.O.

Temat: Who would you prefer to vote on Hillary or Obama ?

So nobody here likes Obama... why ?

Yeah Joj, you're black like a night ;P

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Temat: Who would you prefer to vote on Hillary or Obama ?

Hillary Clinton - because she knows what she's doing and where she's going. It takes a very strong woman to keep a straight face when your husband admits he's been having sexual relationships with the women in his office (even if he denies having sex with that woman, Monica Lewinsky... oral sex ain't sex after all) - and she's clearly bent on entering the world of big politics.

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Temat: Who would you prefer to vote on Hillary or Obama ?

We'll have had twenty years of either a Bush or a Clinton by the time of the inaugration of the 44th president. I, for one, am itching for a real change.

By the way, did anyone read the Polish Newsweek English article on John McCain? His age (71 - you have to retire at 65 if you are an airline pilot or police officer) will be an election issue.

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Temat: Who would you prefer to vote on Hillary or Obama ?

When Senator McCain announces his running mate for Vice President, and they embrace each other, watch the hands closely to see if McCain covertly palpates his running mate's kidneys :)))Joj Y. edytował(a) ten post dnia 15.03.08 o godzinie 18:07

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Temat: Who would you prefer to vote on Hillary or Obama ?

Hahahaha Joj, excellent !
Is (and if not will it soon be?) obligatory organs donation one the points of McCain's campaign?

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Temat: Who would you prefer to vote on Hillary or Obama ?

I would be ONE nervous Vice President because here would come down the pike new legislation that says you don't have to be dead first.

I like Obama. He's obviously charasmatic. I can close my eyes when he "speeches," however, and almost hear Dr. Martin Luther King.

It seems too contrived to me, man.

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Temat: Who would you prefer to vote on Hillary or Obama ?

I wish him well, but I just don't see him having an easy life governing the US. The novelty of being the first black president will wear off very soon, and he'll be just another head of the state that will have to face the international "crisis" unleashed by the Bush cowboys.
On the other hand Mrs. Zippergate doesn't convince me with her statements. But maybe she is a "do rather than talk" kind of person.
Too bad Giuliani is out of the race.

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Temat: Who would you prefer to vote on Hillary or Obama ?

Andy Williams:
We'll have had twenty years of either a Bush or a Clinton by the time of the inaugration of the 44th president. I, for one, am itching for a real change.

By the way, did anyone read the Polish Newsweek English article on John McCain? His age (71 - you have to retire at 65 if you are an airline pilot or police officer) will be an election issue.

Reagan was only two years younger but he had the looks ;)

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Temat: Who would you prefer to vote on Hillary or Obama ?

What. You don't like the Hanoi Hilton induced sneer?

Temat: Who would you prefer to vote on Hillary or Obama ?

Well, it's not my obligation to decide but if I were American I'd definitely vote for H.Clinton. :)))

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Temat: Who would you prefer to vote on Hillary or Obama ?

I wouldn't feel comfortable giving my vote to a lady with a man's name ;)

Temat: Who would you prefer to vote on Hillary or Obama ?

Jarek Adamowski:
I wouldn't feel comfortable giving my vote to a lady with a man's name ;)
And why? would you be afraid of her husband?

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Temat: Who would you prefer to vote on Hillary or Obama ?

IMHO the presidential election in the USA is just another soap opera for the masses. If it were not these three buggers, then there would be some other dull 'dolls' equally greedy for money and power. To me, it all looks more like a beauty contest - who looks better, whose legs are longer, whose lips are fuller, who is better dressed, whose answers are cleverer, whose smile is wider or teeth whiter.
America would need a political genius to let it change itself, not to mention the world. It's all about money and power. In this overpopulated world ordinary citizens just don't count.Wendy Tweed edytował(a) ten post dnia 16.03.08 o godzinie 11:55

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Temat: Who would you prefer to vote on Hillary or Obama ?

When Former President Bill Clinton was President we used to refer to them as The President and Mr. Bill Clinton because the joke was that she called some of the shots on a few domestic things.

(he's a blast. He wants to talk to everyone, and he's always late because he can't tear himself away...easily the most knowledgable president in US history concerning legislative matters...so it was funny when he always acted so ignorant about law when he got into that hassle).

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Temat: Who would you prefer to vote on Hillary or Obama ?

Alicja Efejska:
Jarek Adamowski:
I wouldn't feel comfortable giving my vote to a lady with a man's name ;)
And why? would you be afraid of her husband?
Affraid of Bill? Only if he started talking cigars.

I agree with Wendy - way too much money is put (wasted) into presidential campaigns. And that money often (always?) comes from private sponsors. Of course those sponsors do not expect any special gratitude in case their candidate wins the elections :/

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Temat: Who would you prefer to vote on Hillary or Obama ?

Jarek Adamowski:
I wouldn't feel comfortable giving my vote to a lady with a man's name ;)

It's funny, because I always thought that it was the male Hilarys that had a woman's name ;)

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Temat: Who would you prefer to vote on Hillary or Obama ?

Steven H.:
Jarek Adamowski:
I wouldn't feel comfortable giving my vote to a lady with a man's name ;)

It's funny, because I always thought that it was the male Hilarys that had a woman's name ;)

Try telling that to Shirley Crabtree aka 'Big Daddy'.

warren whitmore edytował(a) ten post dnia 16.03.08 o godzinie 12:51

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