Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Should Fat People Pay More?

Ryanair was seriously considering introducing a "fat tax" on obese passangers. They came up with 4 possible options and put them to the vote.

The results were:

The poll results showed:

46% - Charge per kg over 130kg/20 st (male) and 100kg/15 st (females);

37% - Charge for a second seat if passengers’ waist touches both armrests;

11% - Charge for every point in excess of 40 points on the Body Mass Index

6% - Charge for every waist inch over 45 inch (male) and 40 inch (female)

It then backed out, saying that the "fat tax" would be impossible to introduce in the sense that it would take too long to enforce and therefore make flight turnaround less efficient.

Full article:

We pay more if we carry a heavier bag. Should we pay more if we carry a heavier stomach?

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Temat: Should Fat People Pay More?

Tricks to a cheaper flying:

1. don't eat before boarding a plane
2. take a dump before boarding a plane

3. ... take it from here, chaps and chappettes

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Temat: Should Fat People Pay More?


Temat: Should Fat People Pay More?

Would be nice (it sucks, when you have to sit in the plane near the person who takes also half of you seat...), but I guess no one will agree to it... Especially fat people.

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Temat: Should Fat People Pay More?

Haha ha. Good question.
Of course they should pay more :) For a double seat ;)

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Temat: Should Fat People Pay More?

What about people taller than, say, 6'2''? Their (MINE!) knees occupy a good portion of other people's space as well...

Temat: Should Fat People Pay More?

Maybe there should be a 'tall-tax' too :)

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Temat: Should Fat People Pay More?

Not unless they introduce a 'ginger tax' first!

Temat: Should Fat People Pay More?

Now THAT'S discrimination!

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Temat: Should Fat People Pay More?

Haven't we had this before? Let me dig into old threads.
If not - I am all for it. Have flown across the US so many times with the fear of being squashed by the passenger in the seat next to mine...

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Temat: Should Fat People Pay More?

Jarek A.:
What about people taller than, say, 6'2''? Their (MINE!) knees occupy a good portion of other people's space as well...

You can't really control how tall you are.
I have mixed feelings. I was on a plane once (all night) next to a really obese man. It was not the nicest experience. I think the ones that are huge and obnoxious about it, should be charged extra $10 for every pound over 220 lbs.

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Temat: Should Fat People Pay More?

Andrzej, thanks. I see we share a lot of common travel experiences :)

Temat: Should Fat People Pay More?

Shall they let US vote for the tax then? ;)

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Temat: Should Fat People Pay More?

Joj can vote. Full stop.

Temat: Should Fat People Pay More?

What's your BMI by the way?

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Temat: Should Fat People Pay More?

a n d r z e j C.:
You can't really control how tall you are.
Honestly, you can't always control your weight. Sometimes it's the genes. But I see where you're coming from.

Also I'm sure you know I was being ironic (Dave!).

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Temat: Should Fat People Pay More?

Jarek A.:
a n d r z e j C.:
You can't really control how tall you are.
Honestly, you can't always control your weight. Sometimes it's the genes. But I see where you're coming from.

Also I'm sure you know I was being ironic (Dave!).

I just took a walk to SUBWAY and had a turkey breast sandwich (315 cl) with a bottle of water and walked back.

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Temat: Should Fat People Pay More?

a n d r z e j C.:
I just took a walk to SUBWAY and had a turkey breast sandwich (315 cl) with a bottle of water and walked back.
However I know people unable to keep their BMI at a 'decent' level despite eating within reason and generally leading a healthy lifestyle.

I also know people (my wife for instance) who can eat what they want and how much they want without gaining an ounce.

Hence my 'genes' remark.

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Temat: Should Fat People Pay More?

Jarek A.:
a n d r z e j C.:
I just took a walk to SUBWAY and had a turkey breast sandwich (315 cl) with a bottle of water and walked back.
However I know people unable to keep their BMI at a 'decent' level despite eating within reason and generally leading a healthy lifestyle.

I also know people (my wife for instance) who can eat what they want and how much they want without gaining an ounce.

Hence my 'genes' remark.

Agreed. But you'd be surprised how many people use the "gene thing" as an excuse. I am overweight myself - but I don't like it and want to do something about it. Once you give up because you are absolutely convinced it's all genetics, it's over.a n d r z e j C. edytował(a) ten post dnia 11.05.09 o godzinie 22:31

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Temat: Should Fat People Pay More?

Lidia K.:
What's your BMI by the way?

Yours? Or is it one of those question one (man) should never ask a woman (like the age thing)?

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