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Temat: How would you like to retire?

So many people have so many different ideas on how they would like to spend the last years of their lives... how about you? What is YOUR idea of perfect retirement?

Let me start...

Picture a small hole in a wall lounge/bar/record shop... simple design, raw brick with dim lights and few tables set in an unorganized manner... At the bar... nothing but beer and coffee... Towards the back of the room a set of turntables with some self powered monitors, loud enough to supply nice sound for the entire place...
On walls - vinyl for sale... at each table, a turntable for listening pleasure... behind the bar... good ol me, with a beer and a smile...
"have you heard this one yet? ... ah, it's a classic! have a beer and give it a try mate! let me know what you think..."

ah... the good life... hehe...

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Temat: How would you like to retire?

I'd like to make sure my son is happy and doing well, then simply move my then fat ass to Spain and live in a tiny house in Andalusia.
Preferably with a cat and a man who would love me, respect me, and share my passions. Any volunteers? (you'd have to wait 20 years though)
Lidia W.

Lidia W. projektant

Temat: How would you like to retire?

Tatiana, 20 years???
show me a guy who would be able to wait a one year at least.
they are so impatient creatures :)

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Temat: How would you like to retire?

Lidia W.:
Tatiana, 20 years???
show me a guy who would be able to wait a one year at least.
they are so impatient creatures :)
yes, it's in our jeans... ooops I meant genes of course

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Temat: How would you like to retire?

Lidia W.:
Tatiana, 20 years???
show me a guy who would be able to wait a one year at least.
they are so impatient creatures :)
yes, it's in our jeans... ooops I meant genes of course

I think it is out of the jeans, too quickly. That is the problem.

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Temat: How would you like to retire?

As well as a pair of jeans looks great ;) on the floor let it be there ;) at least for a whiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillleeeeeeee ;)
Hello at night :)

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Temat: How would you like to retire?

Steven H.:
Lidia W.:
Tatiana, 20 years???
show me a guy who would be able to wait a one year at least.
they are so impatient creatures :)
yes, it's in our jeans... ooops I meant genes of course

I think it is out of the jeans, too quickly. That is the problem.
the problem will be over once you reach the retirement age

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Temat: How would you like to retire?

Maria B.:
Steven H.:
I think it is out of the jeans, too quickly. That is the problem.
the problem will be over once you reach the retirement age
a problem any pharmacist will be able to solve ;)

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Temat: How would you like to retire?

Only if you have the prescription. And this blue vision - this must be fun :)

Stan K.

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Lidia W.

Lidia W. projektant

Temat: How would you like to retire?

It looks like the conclusion of this discussion is:
you spend the last years of your live eating blue pills.
what a sad perespective...

Stan K.

Wypowiedzi autora zostały ukryte. Pokaż autora

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Temat: How would you like to retire?

100 acres of forest in British Columbia with a decent house on a lakeside. No people in 50 miles radius, proper winters, bears and the possibility to drive for hundreds and hundreds of miles alone. Plus a high calibre rifle against these bloody bears and a Malamute dog ;) My missus is against middle of nowhere in Canada at the mo but we will get there, no doubt about that :)

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Temat: How would you like to retire?


There are many things that I would be proud of
If I'd only invented them such as the wheel
The washing machine and the tumble dryer
On these inventions surely I could retire

I want to retire
No longer required
I want to get by without the man on my back
A tear in my eye
With a heart full of pride
I must go out on a high
And tell nobody why

There are many things that I know I could do
If I'd only have wanted to, such as create
The perfect soulmate everyone would admire
On this creation surely I could retire

I want to retire
Inform the suppliers
I'll leave the party in style
And not to be carried out
Without a cloud in the sky
I Got my fingers in pies
A Golden watch on my side
Will measure my free time

Now my place in History is surely assured
I will be remembered here forever more
Brand new product in place and a potential buyer
Up on this next transaction surely I could retire

I want to retire
No longer required
I want to get by without the man on my back
A tear in my eye
With a heart full of pride
I must go out on a high
And tell nobody why


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Temat: How would you like to retire?

Lidia W.:
It looks like the conclusion of this discussion is:
you spend the last years of your live eating blue pills.
what a sad perespective...

I'm not sure how Viagra got into this. My comment about jeans was that men were very quick to get it out of their jeans, i.e. enthusiastic.

I think I'd go for a hybrid retirement scheme.

I'm not sure if I would want 100% free time when I'm 65. I'd have to have developed lots of demanding hobbies to keep myself stimulated.
A bit of work means a bit of extra cash (if I don't retire rich), and a means to socialise and keep mentally active.
With this extra cash I could spend 3-4 days per week in my second cottage somewhere quiet, where I'll have a garden with fruit, veg, wild flowers, etc.

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Temat: How would you like to retire?

Maria B.:
Only if you have the prescription. And this blue vision - this must be fun :)

Well, I've never seen things through rose tinted glasses, so I guess I wouldn't really notice it anyway.

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Temat: How would you like to retire?

Stan Kulski:
Tatiana S.:
I'd like to make sure my son is happy and doing well, then simply move my then fat ass to Spain and live in a tiny house in Andalusia.
Preferably with a cat and a man who would love me, respect me, and share my passions. Any volunteers? (you'd have to wait 20 years though)

Good forward thinking, Tatiana -)
Nevertheless a vision of living together with bored woman somewhere in Andalusia's new environment, with unknown community around, is not very appealing vision :-(
... to you ;D
You Stan are so negative that I just can't bear reading your posts. I said "passions" and if a guy doesn't have a passion for traveling and adventure, he might as well spend the rest of his life in front of the tv.
And, by the way, in 20 years my son will be 23 and I don't think even then I won't try to make sure he's got what he needs to follow HIS passions - without being his main cash source of course ;)
I do believe education is important and I know if I can support him and let him do what he wants like my great grandmother let me (and my parents at an earlier stage) I'll do it. I might have other children though - and then will make sure they know where they're going. It's not about shielding them from the shitty rain of failure and life's unexpected ups and down - it's just making sure the ones you love are happy in a way they want to be.

Anyway, I'm 32 and I DO care for my parents. Age has got nothing to do it - just the way you were raised and RESPECTED.
Sorry for OT.

BTW, I don't like jeans on a guy ;)

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Temat: How would you like to retire?

Lidia W.:
Tatiana, 20 years???
show me a guy who would be able to wait a one year at least.
they are so impatient creatures :)

I'm an avid reader of Danielle Steel and Harlequin romance books.

(just kidding)

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Temat: How would you like to retire?

My retirement idea is somewhat similar to Marcin's. When I was younger I hoped one day I'd get to settle on an exotic island, somewhere in French Polinesia or in the Caribbean. But after having watched Lost 3 years in a row, with season 4 starting just now, I don't think it's an option anymore ;))

I'd kill for a possibility of getting a place in the middle of nowhere, but haven't made up my mind yet as to where nowhere is.

Unlike Steven I'm not worried about getting bored, so I'd go for the 100% free time solution. I already have enough hobbies to keep me busy for a long time.

Stan K.

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