Flavio D Amato

Flavio D Amato SM Expert; Process
Quality Analyst;
Lektor włoskiego;

Temat: English/American TV in streaming

Can someone pass me some links to watch English and/or American TV channels in streaming?

At the moment I have only France 24 English, BBC, Sky news and Euronews.

So... what about something going beyond news? :)

Thanks in advance :)

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Temat: English/American TV in streaming


I don't know the technicalities of streaming, but there are some American English things at http://www.hulu.com

You could think "uh..yeah..." but that's my savvy. :)Joj Y. edytował(a) ten post dnia 04.10.11 o godzinie 02:34

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American English - your opi...

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