Keith Byrne

Keith Byrne Director, Select
Training Solutions

Temat: Difficult time in work

I'm still not used to this sunny, spring weather, and I'm finding it very difficult to focus in work. Goldenline isn't helping, either. Has anybody any advice on how I can improve my concentration?

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Temat: Difficult time in work



on second thought.. get off the internets mate! And I'm not being cheeky here.

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Temat: Difficult time in work

true! log off, go for a run, get back & down to work :)
Keith Byrne

Keith Byrne Director, Select
Training Solutions

Temat: Difficult time in work


This is the first time I've had a chance to look at GL again since I wrote that! The up-side is that I was very productive! Yay!
Rafał Wołk

Rafał Wołk I'm not arrogant,
you're just offended
by my confidence.

Temat: Difficult time in work

You can always work on your FB profile :)

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Temat: Difficult time in work

Exactly, go for a walk, turn off computers, mobile phones. Come back for 20-30 minutes. Make coffee or tea. You are ready to start your work.
Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: Difficult time in work

Get yourself some crystal meth and beef jerky or something similarly tough to chew on and don't mind not paying your electric bills etc. until they cut you off. It will work out magically by itself, trust me ;)
Rafał Wołk

Rafał Wołk I'm not arrogant,
you're just offended
by my confidence.

Temat: Difficult time in work

Are you speaking from your personal experience Bernd? ;)

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