konto usunięte

Temat: Konferencja miedzynarodowa dla czlonkow...

After a crazy summer I finally got some spare time to update the group's content.
I hope your summer was as buzy and productive as mine!

I am organising a very interactive and entertaining project especially for the group members.
You will have an opportunity to interview one of the great American advertising experts,
President and Chief Connectivity Officer - Tom Wilson


Technically here is how it will work:
You will post your question suggestions below,
I select the best and ask them to our expert.

The session will be then recorded as a mp3 file which I will distribute to the interested members.

So off you go! Our American expert is waiting for questions
Remember : They have to consider business, marketing, advertising, pr etc.

Waiting for your great creativity,

Krzysztof Dargiewicz
Business English Coach,
Marketing Communication AdvisorKrzysztof Dargiewcz edytował(a) ten post dnia 23.09.09 o godzinie 11:18
Joanna Emmerich (Psiuk)

Joanna Emmerich (Psiuk) lektor jez

Temat: Konferencja miedzynarodowa dla czlonkow...

Thanx for your invitation,

Best regards,

Joanna Psiuk

konto usunięte

Temat: Konferencja miedzynarodowa dla czlonkow...

Moje pytanie brzmi :

Jaki metodę reklamy produktu wybrałby Pan gdyby miałby Pan do wyboru :

- reklamę wizualną (sam obraz )

- reklamę tekstową ( sam tekst )

PS : Obrazek przypomina mi postać Niles`a Crane`a z serialu Frasier :)
Elżbieta K.

Elżbieta K. Student, Wyższa
Szkoła Biznesu -
National Louis

Temat: Konferencja miedzynarodowa dla czlonkow...

My question:

How would our expert advertise Poland? (explanation: which type of advertisement would he use, what's Poland's competetive advantage that should be highlighted etc)

Thank you.
Radosław Czernych

Radosław Czernych doktorant GUMed

Temat: Konferencja miedzynarodowa dla czlonkow...

Before I suggest my question I would like to thank you Chris for all your efforts that you've made for this group to make it as interesting and useful as it can be!

and here goes my question:

In opinion of Mr. Wilson, how much (preferably in percent) of companies budged should be spent for an effective advertisement policy, for small and medium-sized company.

Zbigniew J Piskorz

Zbigniew J Piskorz www.PISKORZ.pl
kreowanie wizerunku

Temat: Konferencja miedzynarodowa dla czlonkow...

Very Thx for your invitation
What You think about MonaVie ...?

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