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Temat: Czy język arabski jest trudny do nauczenia???

Interesuje mnie od dłuzszego czasu kultura arabska no i język. Nie jest on zbyt popularny w Polsce ale bardzo intersujacy. :) Ciekawa jestem czy trudny do nauczenia. A drugie pytanie czy duzo polaków mieszka w Emiratach Arabskich i czy jest szansa na podjęcie normalnej (nie fizycznej :) pracy???

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Temat: Czy język arabski jest trudny do nauczenia???

odnosnie samego jezyka to:
1. wystepuja dzieki nieznane i niespotykane wczesniej dla Europejczyka, mowa np. o "charczacym h" lub literce "ain"
2. kazdy kraj ma inny dialekt i tak naprawde jezyk arabski uczony u nas to jezyk wyksztalconych Arabow, ktorym mowi sie w telewizji ale nie posluuje normalnie na ulicach. jesli wiec probujesz dogadac sie na bazarze to raczej marne szanse
3. no i pisownia - inny alfabet i czytanie i pisanie z prawej do lewej - na pocieszenie dodam ze to tylko okolo 28 znakow, nie pamietam w tej chwili dokladnie ale tego akurat mozna sie w miare szybko nauczyc
4. niestety nawet jesli opanujesz pisownie to sa duze trudnosci z czytaniem, jesli nie znasz dokladnie slowa - piszac opuszcza sie "kreseczki" nad i pod litera, ktore wskazuja definitywnie jak odczytac wyraz - to tak jak u nas w smsach nie piszemy czasem polskich liter ą, ę tylko a, e a i tak ludzie wiedza co to za wyraz
5. dialekty nie maja zapisu tradycyjnym alfabetem arabskim

teraz sama ocen czy nauka bedzie Ci sprawiac klopoty
Agata Qanadilo

Agata Qanadilo Rekruter / Executive
Search Consultant

Temat: Czy język arabski jest trudny do nauczenia???

zapraszam do grupy poswieconej meandrom j.arabskiego:

mozna sie nawet czegos nauczyc ;)
Ehab Elmasry

Ehab Elmasry translator

Temat: Czy język arabski jest trudny do nauczenia???

Interesuje mnie od dłuzszego czasu kultura arabska no i język. Nie jest on zbyt popularny w Polsce ale bardzo intersujacy. :) Ciekawa jestem czy trudny do nauczenia. A drugie pytanie czy duzo polaków mieszka w Emiratach Arabskich i czy jest szansa na podjęcie normalnej (nie fizycznej :) pracy???

sorry to give my comment by English but really my polish is too weak niestety
all the languages are difficult for the foreigners to learn,but if you love this language it would be easy for you to learn it
to learn Arabic you have to know that is one of the most few difficult languages in the world
so i advice you if you have really argent need to learn it,dont use any source at internet because this way actually is not usiful to learn any language,what you have to do,is too looking for privet teacher or school to learn Arabic,learning Arabic without teacher its mean wasting time and maybe it would be end that you will hate this language
Ehab Elmasry

Ehab Elmasry translator

Temat: Czy język arabski jest trudny do nauczenia???

zofia ćwiertniewicz:
odnosnie samego jezyka to:
1. wystepuja dzieki nieznane i niespotykane wczesniej dla Europejczyka, mowa np. o "charczacym h" lub literce "ain"
2. kazdy kraj ma inny dialekt i tak naprawde jezyk arabski uczony u nas to jezyk wyksztalconych Arabow, ktorym mowi sie w telewizji ale nie posluuje normalnie na ulicach. jesli wiec probujesz dogadac sie na bazarze to raczej marne szanse
3. no i pisownia - inny alfabet i czytanie i pisanie z prawej do lewej - na pocieszenie dodam ze to tylko okolo 28 znakow, nie pamietam w tej chwili dokladnie ale tego akurat mozna sie w miare szybko nauczyc
4. niestety nawet jesli opanujesz pisownie to sa duze trudnosci z czytaniem, jesli nie znasz dokladnie slowa - piszac opuszcza sie "kreseczki" nad i pod litera, ktore wskazuja definitywnie jak odczytac wyraz - to tak jak u nas w smsach nie piszemy czasem polskich liter ą, ę tylko a, e a i tak ludzie wiedza co to za wyraz
5. dialekty nie maja zapisu tradycyjnym alfabetem arabskim

teraz sama ocen czy nauka bedzie Ci sprawiac klopoty

you gave a very good analysis about the difficulty of Arabic,and what you wrote is true,completely i am with you at your opinion
now i will try to give the solution of this problems about which you wrote
each Arabic country has its Owen dialect and this is problem,cause if you will learn Arabic so you have to choose 1 dialect with which you can contact only with the country which speak with this dialect specially you are not native speaker to be able to understand all the dialects,well..... how you can resolve this problem,simply go ahead and learn the Egyptian dialect,why exactly Egyptian dialect?because all Arabic countries understand the Egyptian dialect and all Arabic country can speak Egyptian dialect,so if you learn this dialect and start to speak with anybody in Arabic world he or she will understand you completly and more then this,he or she will answer you in Egyptian dialect so you will be able to understand him,why Egyptian dialect because Egyptian cinema was and is till now the greatest and the first cinema between all Arabic cinema,that why all Arabic countries understand Egyptian dialect because of Egyptians films
the second problem is there are a lot of words with the same letter but have different meaning and different way to read even both are wrote by the same letters,well...to resolve this problem you have to learn 1 of Arabic grammar called EL TASZKIL,learn it good you will be able to read the words in correct way then you can looking at the dictionary what mean this word,but i have to say that this kind of grammar is most difficult grammar in Arabic grammar
wish you good luck

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Temat: Czy język arabski jest trudny do nauczenia???

you gave a very good analysis about the difficulty of Arabic,and what you wrote is true,completely i am with you at your opinion
now i will try to give the solution of this problems about which you wrote
each Arabic country has its Owen dialect and this is problem,cause if you will learn Arabic so you have to choose 1 dialect with which you can contact only with the country which speak with this dialect specially you are not native speaker to be able to understand all the dialects,well..... how you can resolve this problem,simply go ahead and learn the Egyptian dialect,why exactly Egyptian dialect?because all Arabic countries understand the Egyptian dialect and all Arabic country can speak Egyptian dialect,so if you learn this dialect and start to speak with anybody in Arabic world he or she will understand you completly and more then this,he or she will answer you in Egyptian dialect so you will be able to understand him,why Egyptian dialect because Egyptian cinema was and is till now the greatest and the first cinema between all Arabic cinema,that why all Arabic countries understand Egyptian dialect because of Egyptians films
the second problem is there are a lot of words with the same letter but have different meaning and different way to read even both are wrote by the same letters,well...to resolve this problem you have to learn 1 of Arabic grammar called EL TASZKIL,learn it good you will be able to read the words in correct way then you can looking at the dictionary what mean this word,but i have to say that this kind of grammar is most difficult grammar in Arabic grammar
wish you good luck

Thank you very much for your really completly answer.
I was learning Arabic for about few months, 1 year ago, but I want to start it again. Thank you for your advices.

P.S. I am 15 years old, and I would like to work using arabic language :D
All the best!!

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