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Temat: Nowe filmy tybetanskie - ENG

Witajcie, Kiedys w Dharamsali poznalem Tenzina Tsundue. Poete i dzialacza wolnosciowego szefa ogolnoindyjskiej organiacji Friends of Tibet.


Obiecal ze bedzie nosil na czole ta slynna czerwona opaske do czasu az Tybet bedzie wolny.

Jego poezje mozecie znalezc tu:


Oprocz roznych marszow pokojowych, angazowania intelektualistow indyjskich w sprawe Tybetu Tenzin znany jest rowniez jako bezkompromisowy demonstrant, o ktorym nawet (bez podawania nazwiska) dwokrotnie wspominaly polskie media.

W 2002 podczas wizyty w Bombaju chinskiego premiera - Tenzin ominal cala ochrone. Wdrapal sie na hotel i wywiesila taka oto flage:


W 2005 kiedy chinski premier odwiedzal Bangalore i mial spotkanie z indyjskimi inzynierami Tenzin znow wdrapal sie na budynek, wolajac o pokoj dla Tybetu. Rozrzucal ulotki i rozwiesil tybetanska flage.

Innym razem przedarl sie nielegalnie do Chin gdzie go aresztowali i przetrzymywali w wiezieniu w Lhasie.

W sumie o nim mozna by dlugo opowiadac :) Ale wracajac do rzeczy - dostalem do niego taki oto list:

Dear Friend,
there are few interesting videos compiled by different young Tibetan
film makers available at cost price. The whole idea of doing this is
to share the information on Tibet to people who are interested in
these subjects. There is the video coverage of the "Conference for an
Independent Tibet" organized by Friends of Tibet this year in June
where both Tibetan and Indian intellectuals, writers, activists and
academics discussed the issue.

Video 1) Conference for an Independent Tibet
24-25 June 2007, Gandhi Peace Foundation, New Delhi
Oganized by Friends of Tibet, India
Lectures by Jamyang Norbu, Lhasang Tsering, Vijay Kranti, Rajiv Vora,
Sethu Das, Lawrence Liang, Radha Bhatt, Niru Vora, Phuntsok Wangchuk,
Claude Arpi, Vijay Crishna, Vijay Kranti, Sethu Das, Iqbal Hadi Rizvi,
Raghav Mittal and Tenzin Tsundue
Videography by Studio Bod Gyalo
Sound recording of all the lectures by Phayul.com
CD production by Vajra Media Solutions run by Miss Nyima Dolma, Majnuka

ITEM 1: a) DVD part-I and II Rs 200/-($5)
ITEM 2: b) MP3 CD Rs 50/-($3)

Video 2) India's China Policy: a Need for an Overhaul
Seminar at India International Centre, 13 August 2007
Speakers: Dr Srikanth Kondapalli (Associate Professor, Chinese
Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi);
Dr LL Mehrotra (Former Secretary, Ministry of External Affairs,
Government of India); Dr Mohan Guruswamy (Chairman, Centre for Policy
Alternatives, New Delhi) and Prof Bharat Karnad (Centre for Policy
Research, New Delhi)
Organized by friends of Tibet, India
Video by Dasel ( phayul.com) and editing by Nyimon Computers,

DVD production by Vajra Media Solutions run by Miss Nyima Dolma,
Majnuka Tilla, New Delhi
ITEM 5: a) Single DVD 150min Rs 100/-($5)
ITEM 6: b) Single CD MP3 Rs 50/-($3)

To order items from the above list please email or call Friends of
Tibet volunteer LOBSANG at: loby_lobz@hotmail . com / Tel:

-tenzin tsundue
. . . . . . . . . .
Friends of Tibet, PO Box: 16674, Bombay 400050, India.
. . . . . . . . . .
Friends of Tibet is a people's movement to keep alive the issue of
Tibet through direct action. Our activities are aimed at ending
China's occupation of Tibet and the suffering of the Tibetan people.
Friends of Tibet supports the continued struggle of the Tibetan people
for independence. To know more, visit: http://friendsoftibet.org

Temat: Nowe filmy tybetanskie - ENG

niezły z niego koleś.Ja dostałem za to pocztówki i nalepki od http://racefortibet.org ,ale kogo w Polsce to obchodzi, ludzie chcą igrzysk.

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