Temat: Wreszcie pociąg LV-EE!

This is the first international railway travel event from Tallinn/Tartu to Riga!

There has been no passenger train connection between Tallinn/Tartu and Riga for more then 11 years, until this December the Estonian passenger railway company Edelaraudtee and its Latvian counterpart Pasažieru Vilciens managed to fix together the timetables of Valga-Riga train and the new fast train from Tartu to Valga. The first train starts the 1st of January morning at 6.40 from Tallinn and at 10.00 from Tartu. We'll arrive at Valga at 11.33 and take the 11.42 train, which should arrive at Riga at 15.03. A detailed timetable is at http://www.edel.ee/images/uploads/file/Valga_Riia_2010...
Bartłomiej B.

Bartłomiej B. Flash
Animator 2D/3D, Web

Temat: Wreszcie pociąg LV-EE!

Super! Więc można wreszcie tanimi liniami samolotem do Rygi, a potem pociągiem :). Koniec z autokarem! :)))

Temat: Wreszcie pociąg LV-EE!

ale idzie dość długo!!! Lepiej jechać autobusem z Rygi niż pociągem: dłużej !

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Wreszcie pociąg LV-EE!

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